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Everything posted by StarCaller

  1. Well then play another spec? or do u have to play destro? then I don't see why u complain... Destro Walocks were to OP so they nerfed them. End of Story. Deal with it. - - - Updated - - - man I know I just said it was only that spell that got nerfed. And learn to spell ur class name lol.. don't speak if u can't speak English.
  2. Well I wish they fixed it soon but I think they should have disable the Bg when it wasn't working.
  3. Well I guess it's bugged? Let me make this report as it should be done Name: http://www.db.pandawow.me?achievement=7862 Date tested: 31.3.2014 How it works: You don't receive http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=91802 when you collected 150 mounts How it should work: You should get http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=91802 Priority: 8/10 Realm: x10, x100 & FUN
  4. Man no offence but ur videos makes no sense to me I don't see the English sub's and so on. it's easy do like this man: 1. wowwhead your item (ex. copper bar) 2. and then u get the item link like this: http:// wowhead.com /item=2840 (I had to put spaces in cuz of the forums) 3. then add "fr." before wowhead like this: http:// fr. wowhead.com /item=2840 (or just change the langue in top right corner) and there u have the french name and u put that in action house search bar. And ye it's sad but we hope they will fix the AH as soon as possible I feel with you bud.
  5. I don't see the problem here I guess your just sad cuz they nerfed your OP class and now you need skill to play it that's all. And if I recall correctly it was just the http://db.pandawow.me?spell=116858 .
  6. Common bug use http://db.pandawow.me?spell=1856 and you should be fine.
  8. More like 10/10
  9. Confirmed this is not a bug tried it yesterday.
  10. Did he just repeat himself in the same topic? o.O
  11. Man like I told you u were to late to request this. The realm moving were CLOSED before u made this request.
  12. Giving this a bump I need to make gems...
  13. Well if you wanna report this you go to these links x10: http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=112 x100: http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=112 Fun: http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=124 Depends on what realm ur on. Follow this Model: Hope it helped.
  14. Thank you :)
  15. Started playing Shadow priest and it's awesome all them fears! u like fear, fear, fear, fear & fear and dead and then as ghost u know ur enemy still runs in fear xD
  16. To bad I would have gladly taken that gold :P
  17. First of all RC is safe to use if ur afarid of DDosing (if u even know what it means & I highly doubt that any1 here knows what it means) 2nd thing I don't see how this happened it can be a glitch or the hunter is useing a WPE cheat that modifies his damage but we can't be sure and at this time it can be some kind of bug who knows. Hope some admin will take over they might know better then me.
  18. Just try again, if still not working restart your internet and client and if necessary restart the computer.
  19. OMFG like this is the most important thing in the world, your character can sit down to rest, THE WORLD ENDS! THE APOCALYPSE IS UPON US! No but really now? You really think it's a bug worth reporting?
  20. I got both http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=100865 & http://en.db.pandawow.me?item=100910 and used them both and they don't work so your not the only one that hopes it will get fixed and we will get the things back. :)
  21. Is Archaeology working here? I was just wondering cause I wanna know if it's possible to get http://en.db.pandawow.me?item=69775# without buying it from the website?
  22. Hello every one, I'm Star. I'm the Guild Leader of BSM & Call to Arms. We are gonna start raiding this weeks Friday and we are looking for more members to join the Raiding Team and the guild. Interested? We have atm not a stable team but we will soon, we are now looking for healers and tanks and some DPS's. What do you need? well we would like you to have an item level of 460-470 or more, you should be fully gemmed and have some enchants, I would make the gems but atm my JC is bugged but I'm not the only one in the guild that can make these things. We would also like it if you have a mic but it's not the most important thing but you have to join Raid Call cuz we will not type so if u don't have a mic it's fine but you have to be on Raid Call so you can listen to us. Also if you would be kind to look up some tactics before the raid would be nice cuz I'm not the best to explain that. What raid are we doing? Atm the only working MoP raid I know of is MSV and we will be doing that. PS. this take place in BSM on the x100 realm (alliance) A bit about the guild, we are level 25:appl: we have a big guild bank and friendly players, we can give gold, contender sets, help with leveling & so on. We have guild repairs for all our members. And we only speak English. And if you have anything to ask You can contact me any time on skype.
  23. Is this only one the x10 realm?
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