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Everything posted by Ryukn

  1. If so how do you gain reputation with them? some of the quest don't seem to work
  2. Touch of karma is beyond broken People just burst into it and nothing happens, needs to be fixed
  3. Just because they class is way too much CC means that it shouldn't be fixed? smh It just be fixed just as every other classes
  4. Learn your class, idiot
  5. Ryukn

    Most OP classes.

    Yes CC them when they have 2 reflects, 2 interrupts, 2 stuns (3 if you count charge stun) and a fear that all interrupts cast Good luck cc'ing a warrior that pushes buttons without instant cc
  6. No point These have been bugged forever, doubt it will get fixed
  7. Firstly, I'm talking about http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=112965 and not Ice lance against frozen target. Secondly I never said I wanted to hit 100k ice lance back to back. I just reread what I said to hunter1999 and I made a mistake he was right, only arcanes mages hit for 100k ice lance. If you knew how to play fire you would know that you can do 3-4 pyros with deepfreeze
  8. Ryukn

    270k Mortal strike

  9. Fire mage hitting 70k-90k back to back pyroblast but ice lance barely hitting for 50k And what class you play my good sir? a bugg is a bugg it needs to be fix.
  10. Its the same crap happened when you abused frost dks and thinking you were actually a skilled player
  11. 10/10 Please fix, Ice lance can barely hit 50k+ with all proces
  12. Chimera shot hitting 80-100k Spriest Mind blast/Mind spike hitting 70k+ Warrior 100k slams Malevolent Warrior hitting 50k+ bladestorm swings while Ice lance can barely hit over 50k while being fully geared with all procs up? Like seriously?Cant recall s14 mage damage being no where like this Example of how the damage should be for this patch ( These are not the best players but the purpose of these video is to show the damage difference) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YN-IUmnRmBo
  13. If you didn't know, warriors shouldn't be able to Rallying Cry while silenced. On here warriors are able to Rallying Cry while silenced, please fix 6/10
  14. Chimera shot hitting 80-100k Spriest Mind blast/Mind spike hitting 70k+ Warrior 100k slams Malevolent Warrior hitting 50k+ bladestorm swings while Ice lance can barely hit over 50k while being fully geared with all procs up? Like seriously?Cant recall s14 mage damage being no where like this
  15. Set Bonus does not reduce the cooldown of alter time
  16. This has been bugged forever, please fix it 8/10!
  17. Можете ли вы исправить повреждения Ветер ходок монаха. Они делают практически нет повреждений.
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