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Everything posted by retsnom9

  1. It works.
  2. Feral is not so broken, his damage works correctly. The only problem is the set bonus, when you've the free devastate proc and you use encarnation, you cant use devastate. Our bleeds do the damage that they should, warrior bleeds do not.
  3. I usually do 30k-40k damage with rip with my 50% malev druid. You should put rip with 5 combo points (its just a tip) ¬¬
  4. retsnom9

    Stealth bug

    I know it, but you atleast can fix it before the arena/bg beginning.
  5. It doesn't transfer the damage, you still getting a 100% of the damage but the pet gets a 20% of it too.
  6. 10/10? I dont think so, hunters are the less bugged class at the moment I think, its more important to fix other classes like boomkins, combat rogues or enh shamans.
  7. Ive seen frost mages hitting 140k with ice lance so...
  8. The damage part works perfectly
  9. Exacto, además ese spell es prácticamente inútil en pvp, no es esencial en absoluto. Por cierto, yo creo que sería mejor escribir tus quejas en inglés.
  10. That's so weird, I usually do 30k-35k damage with Rip and 10k-25k with Rake
  11. I think its hack, I've seen locks doing that with rain of fire too.
  12. It works perfectly, there is nothing to fix.
  13. It's called hack man, it's called hack...
  14. retsnom9

    Stealth bug

    This bug can happen in arenas, bgs, world, etc. luckily, it fixes when you relog.
  15. 1. Name of not working spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=110715/dispersion 2. Description of the problem: When a feral druid uses symbiosis on a disc or shadow priest, he gets http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=110715/dispersion. When you use it, you can't cancel it because it appears like a debuff. Also, sometimes, when you use symbiosis on a disc or holy priest, it doesnt give nothing to no one. 3.How it must work: It should appear like a benefit, and you should be able to cancel it by right-clicking it or using a /cancelaura macro. 4.Date when I tested it: 21/07/14. 5.Realm: PandaWoW FUN. 6.Priority of the problem: 6/10 and 8/10
  16. 1- Aimed shot is not bugged. 2- Aimed shot is not the main damage of MM hunter anyway. 3- Aimed shot shouldn't do more damage than chimera shot. Chimera shot is the main damage of MM hunters, aimed shot is just a supplement. I hit like 70k-80k with aimed shot in fun, so it works perfectly. The hunter bugged skills are spirit bond and blink strikes.
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