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Everything posted by dius

  1. Do you know something like "Principle Of The Mirror" ?? i bet you dont ... U should go outside and see "normal" world ...
  2. BUMP ffs !
  3. bump !
  4. true ! ice lance does 30k critted on frozen target and mastery doesnt work for frozen target its realy bad fo mages !
  5. OFC this is not normal ! icicles should atack FROZEN TARGETS but they dont ! this is very important BUG !
  6. This LIE ! try use 5 icicles on http://db.pandawow.me?spell=44572 ! they deals no DMG only ice lance does ! This is MAJOR bug not minor !
  7. http://pandawow.ru/en/news/76-Changelog+%239+on+5.4.2+from+24.04.14.html you said :"- Changes in works spell Mastery: Icicles, now all ok" but is not ok MASTERY STILL DOESN'T WORK ON FROZEN TARGET PLS FIX IT
  8. Fixed
  9. They fixed it a bit . Doesnt work only for FROZEN TARGETS like i said here : http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=59282
  10. Nice copy and paste but can you understand that they (icicles) disappear dealing no DMG when i try use on FROZEN TARGETS ?
  11. 1 - Frost mage Mastery http://db.pandawow.me?spell=76613 2 - You said that you fixed , but this is not true . Mastery Doesnt work on FROZEN TARGETS , when i try use Icicles on Frozen target they disappear dealing no DMG 3 - should work like on this video 4 - 2014-11-04 and today 5 - 100x realm 6 - 10 - because MASTERY is most important for all classes Edit: 15-04-2014 Icicles sometimes firing without using Ice Lance
  12. preety bad ;/ But some for some players gladius is working fine. Thanks anyway
  13. Hi every1 :) I have problem with my Gladius Addon, i see my arena partner instead of enemy in the frame. any1 has similar problem ? or can some1 give me working Gladius Thanks
  14. http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=42404/glyph-of-mass-dispel This glyph doesn't work , dont removing mage's Ice block and pala's Divine Shield Pls fix it, this is very important in PVP thank you have a nice day :)
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