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Everything posted by Deielrion

  1. BBC ;)
  2. enough is enough Zionists aren't people
  3. Pretty much. Although I don't think colossus procs as much as it did on retail, other things are broken... That being said, mortal strike is meant to have a formula which is fixed on weapon damage. I don't think it's meant to be affected by seasoned soldier the same way slam is. Edit: you can find the formula by opening webarchive mortal strike during5.4.8, paste the link on forums, hover over the link and it should give you the formula. If imagine it's the same with other spells too
  4. or you can look at it as the struggle to spectate being so great, it will encourage more players to queue instead kappa I agree though but try and think of anything else to add to this instead of making a separate thread every time For example, if you have a pet then you can't spectate or you have to close the window if you click a game whilst having a summoned pet and then still can't spec after you dismiss it
  5. 1. The scale is up to 10. 2. If it doesn't work in bg, prob won't work in arena even though it's never used in arena Thank you, I have shared my useless input
  6. Could you clarify? Do you mean control panel? Trying clearing your cookies Fucking kids will find them even if you hide them
  7. Or by the lack of... You need Jesus in your life. Jesus loves you
  8. How can one be sure it's not a g(uy)irl
  9. These songs just get me pumped but I usually just listen to gym music or anything on my playlist
  10. there is a buy title section on the site which hasn't been implemented. I'm sure if you look at Firestorm's title list, you can probably guess what they'll add... that being said, maybe they can give each player 1 free title of their choice from that list ie Prophet, the Malefic, Archmage etc... PvE RP titles but they're still pretty dope
  11. Counter fotm with fotm Play dk
  12. Can't bug pvp titles cause you don't get achiev when they give out titles.. or at least I didn't
  13. Well actually, you shouldn't be able to change talent if the spell is on cool down firstly
  14. Same thing will probably happen next season tbh
  15. I just fapped but I guess I can go for another round nohomo Jk
  16. maybe on fun, not so much on x100
  17. maybe you are just taking 5x too much damage r u sure ur wearing your gear with inner fire and a shield??
  18. It can happen in bgs but ye, not in arenas.
  19. Deielrion


    I never played as any class where I would be in that sort of situation on retail (played dk only) and I didn't ever really pay any attention to that hence why I said "THINK". Even Firego admitted that he might be wrong so chill that being said, i think there's a difference between YOUR pet casting into someone else's cc aaaand, i'm not saying that pets can't dps players who are in cc, i just said perhaps they stop when the cc is casted. If you have a /petattack macro then sure, it'll continue doing whatever it was doing
  20. Deielrion


    I THINK they don't cast into fears/sheeps because it runs the risk of breaking the cc... I don't know if hunter pets work the same but I had to make a petfollow macro to stop breaking cc so maybe you are right
  21. WoD/Legion or something like that
  22. i think you're stupid "give me the different ip that is not yours and i will take care of the rest" - implying he will ddos that person. and the point of this thread is that he ddoses
  23. Deielrion

    Death Grip

    First time I see this lol that being said, it can also work against the dk.. grip going off cd even despite the immunity and grip not working at all sometimes (even without using chillbains + root)
  24. Doesn't change the fact that you're not qualified to have that position. You need to be at a certain level of gameplay to be able to know how things work. You have little pwow exp let alone retail exp lol...
  25. Machmollo is QA? But why? I swear that more than half of his reports were just pulled out of his ass. He's been irrelevant on basically every thread I've read #exposed
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