100 is quite a lot for glad... that means there will be at least 100 for duelist, rival and challenger too... which is at least 400 titles for 3v3 alone?
I'm pulling numbers out of my ass but isn't that like, the entire pvp playerbase
80% sure bladestorm gives all CC immunity
maybe it makes a difference if you get frostjaw'd whilst using bladestorm as oppose to using bladestorm to break frostjaw
edit: can someone see what happens if u bop a warr using bladestorm?
You're better off looking for someone with recipes.
Getting 600 LW is easy but you need to then farm the recipe for the RESEARCH thingy which will then take you another idk how many days till you research all the shaman pieces
Noneed made 2 reports which basically explain this...
1. He has blood fury + eng gloves
2. Hard casted lava burst + lava burst proc + unleash element
3. Clear casting
If he uses echoes of the elements + his mastery, he can get A LOT of lava bursts from luck... then on top of that, because they're all being thrown in the same global, maybe they're all getting buffed from clear casting (assuming mastery/eoe procs use up clearcastin)
This dmg is very possible
I don't think you're in a position to say this...
Literally, the only reason I know you is because every time I play vs you, you or your partner QQ in /w saying "omg u so bad, abuse, wintrade, pqr, do you know who I am? I'm Machmollox!"
It was a suggestion for a compromise, and remember that people who play mop have been playing this for the past 3 years... these retail players are prob quite rusty.
Either way, I don't care that much. I don't like keeping r1 titles only because there are plebs who didn't earn it and just bought it but that was the same case on retail
I think I remember someone suggesting to remove Challenger - Glad titles from players who obtained those titles from a previous season BUT hand out more titles each season...
I did 2s with both Clydey and Pharrelle
they were asking "do the arenas get harder?" I feel like I have a responsibility to try and advertise the server to them but I feel like anything said can be a double-edged blade lol
if i say "when new season comes, a lot of players will start playing again" then they might just be like fck this til then and forget or something lol
Judging by recent polls such as http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=218109 , they're finalising everything
so you can expect a new season soon... maybe...