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Everything posted by Deielrion

  1. ...until you realise how easy it is to make a second account?
  2. Whoooo has the edit date? huhuhuh
  3. i think you're just jealous :o
  4. Уровень предмета не имеет значения ... просто есть ли у вас основные части ... например, оружие, плащ и брелока. После этого, вы будете делать 250K + по крайней мере, даже 535 ilvl
  5. Seein as he said "pocket heal", i can bet he's talking about bgs
  6. I bg as a warr without healers, but the funny part is you can't as lock xd
  7. 1. Name of not working spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=117013/primal-elementalist and 2. Description of the problem: Missing abilities, and does really low damage 3. How it must work: Should have additional abilities and should do A LOT of damage 4. Date when you tested it: 11/01/2017 5. Realm (x100/x5/Fun): x100 6. Priority of the problem: 4/10 Fire Elemental - Fire Blast: 40 mana 20 yard range 6 sec cd Instant cast - Inflict Fire damage to an enemy - Fire Nova: 30 mana 10 sec cd 1.78 cast - Inflicts fire damage to nearby enemies - Immolate: 95 mana 30 yard range 1.78 sec cast 10 sec cd - Burns an enemy, then inflicts additional fire damage every 2.67 sec for 21.37 sec - Empower: 40 yard range Channeled 10 sec cd - Empower the elementals creator with fiery energy, increasing all damage dealt by 5% and healing by 10% while channeling continues. - Attack, Follow, Move To, Assist, Defensive, Passive commands ( just like hunter pets) Earth Elemental - Angered Earth: Instant 5 sec cd - Taunts and causes additional high threat to all enemies within 15 yards - Pulverize: Melee Instant 40 sec CD - Smash an enemy with a rocky fist, dealing 150% damage of normal attack, and stunning target for 4 sec - Harden Skin: Instant 1 min CD - The caster's skin hardens into pure granite, reducing all damage taken by 40% for 10 sec. - Reinforce: 40 yard range Channeled 10 sec CD - Surround the elemental's creator with an earthen shield, reducing all damage taken by 20% and increasing healing done by 10% while channeling continues. - Attack, Follow, Move To, Assist, Defensive, Passive commands 1. Название не работает заклинание: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=117013/primal-elementalist 2. Описание проблемы: Отсутствующие способности, и делает очень низкий урон 3. Как это должно работать: должны иметь дополнительные возможности и должны сделать много вреда 4. Дата, когда вы испытали его: 11/01/2017 5. Realm (x100 / x5 / Fun): x100 6. Приоритет задачи: 4/10 Fire Elemental - Огненный взрыв: 40 маны 20 ярдов от 6 сек кд Мгновенное - Наносит урон от огня противника - Огонь Нова: 30 маны 10 сек кд 1,78 бросок - Наносит ущерб от пожара ближайшим противникам - Жертвенный: 95 маны 30 ярдов от 1,78 сек 10 сек CD - обжигает противника, а затем наносит дополнительный урон от огня каждые 2,67 сек в течение 21,37 сек - Empower: Радиус действия: 40 ярд Channeled 10 сек CD - Empower элементалами создатель с огненной энергией, увеличивая весь наносимый урон на 5% и исцеления на 10% в то время как ченнелинг продолжается. - Атака, Следовать, Move To, Assist, Оборонительная, пассивные команды (так же, как охотник домашних животных) элементаля земли - Возмущенный Earth: Мгновенная 5 сек кд - Насмешки и вызывает дополнительную высокую угрозу для всех врагов в радиусе 15 ярдов - Распылите: MELEE Мгновенная 40 сек CD - Разбить врага скалистом кулаком, нанося 150% урона от нормальной атаки, и ошеломляющий цель на 4 сек - Харден кожи: Мгновенно 1 мин CD - кожа заклинателя застывает в чистый гранит, уменьшающий весь получаемый урон на 40% в течение 10 сек. - Усилить: 40 ярдов от Channeled 10 сек CD - Surround создателя элементного с земляным щитом, который уменьшает весь получаемый урон на 20% и увеличение хил на 10% в то время как направления продолжается. - Атака, Следовать, Move To, Assist, Оборонительные, Пассивные команды
  8. maybe it's beacon of light well if their heals are bugged, i guess it's gonna heal a lot on the beacon target anyway
  9. 1. Name of not working spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=117013/primal-elementalist and 2. Description of the problem: Missing abilities, and does really low damage 3. How it must work: Should have additional abilities and should do A LOT of damage 4. Date when you tested it: 11/01/2017 5. Realm (x100/x5/Fun): x100 6. Priority of the problem: 4/10 Fire Elemental - Fire Blast: 40 mana 20 yard range 6 sec cd Instant cast - Inflict Fire damage to an enemy - Fire Nova: 30 mana 10 sec cd 1.78 cast - Inflicts fire damage to nearby enemies - Immolate: 95 mana 30 yard range 1.78 sec cast 10 sec cd - Burns an enemy, then inflicts additional fire damage every 2.67 sec for 21.37 sec - Empower: 40 yard range Channeled 10 sec cd - Empower the elementals creator with fiery energy, increasing all damage dealt by 5% and healing by 10% while channeling continues. - Attack, Follow, Move To, Assist, Defensive, Passive commands ( just like hunter pets) Earth Elemental - Angered Earth: Instant 5 sec cd - Taunts and causes additional high threat to all enemies within 15 yards - Pulverize: Melee Instant 40 sec CD - Smash an enemy with a rocky fist, dealing 150% damage of normal attack, and stunning target for 4 sec - Harden Skin: Instant 1 min CD - The caster's skin hardens into pure granite, reducing all damage taken by 40% for 10 sec. - Reinforce: 40 yard range Channeled 10 sec CD - Surround the elemental's creator with an earthen shield, reducing all damage taken by 20% and increasing healing done by 10% while channeling continues. - Attack, Follow, Move To, Assist, Defensive, Passive commands
  10. alock/dk overall lmao, spread pressure is so OP man im top dps (cool)
  11. Outlaw rogue? ok
  12. Perhaps you should let it be blizzlike and just stop muting people for insulting altogether and instead, just add an announcement telling people to /ignore rather than QQ. If a player is found flooding/spamming/insulting a mass, by multiple players on more than 1 occasion, then I guess that's something different.
  13. Here, question is more Why aren't people playing MM rather than why are people playing surv. Pretty sure aimed shot doesn't hit as much as it should which could be a big thing
  14. I think those were new year rewards rather than christmas
  15. Nah, he's trolling when he does that... Whether he's actually using scripts idk, but a legit script wouldn't actually type that lol
  16. lame joke changed my mind
  17. Name: Imøs Realm: x100 Date: 10/12/2016 Reason: Abusing multispec as rogue - has subtley spec AND assassination spec. Proof [ATTACH=CONFIG]120809[/ATTACH] http://imgur.com/a/o8jOp (ty cog) As you can see in the screenshot, he has SUB AND ASSASSINATION abilities
  18. Deielrion

    5th Season

  19. For those who don't understand what's going on, shaman using grounding totem in cc. I can tell you something even more ridiculous that happened tho, in arena I killed a warr then I killed the MW but even after gladius registered them both as DEAD and we didn't exit arena (it was a human btw), 2-3 seconds later he somehow came back to life cause of healing elixirs which is utter bullshit cause this aint the first time some1 ressed somehow mid arena with me... p.s in britain and I get 13-15 ms but there's still a shitty delay in arena, people sliding and shit :(
  20. it's christmas where's the discount
  21. trinket proc + shadow blades + killing spree = lel
  22. we had x10, x1 is another server (wowcircle)
  23. pretty sure that's how much Abu's mage on x100 was sold for too to a guy called Seba (who i think plays on fun sometimes) so maybe if you ever find him, perhaps he's interested lol
  24. "motherfucker" isn't an insult to your mother.
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