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Everything posted by Deielrion

  1. It's nice to see that there are at least plans for PWoW. Quite reassuring - just hoping that they're done soon because I've noticed a decrease in players online, whether it's because it's the summer holidays, or if it's because of the legion release. One can only hope their favourite pserver lasts as long as it can... (even coming from some1 who still has retail gametime) :P
  2. If you got locked on a spell of the same class as divine shield (ie, a heal), then no, you can't use it during that period.
  3. someone report him for off-topic and being jealous on-topic, no. They will eventually get gear and end up carrying you
  4. Don't use the buff until you enter combat or don't target the boss when you use it? Just a suggestion, idk if the 2nd one works but I know that's the case with army of the undead and mirror image.
  5. no1 cares about ur opinion
  6. Then perhaps I remember you, what's your ig name? :P
  7. also can't sap hunters in camoflauge with the glyph, idk if it should be like that +1
  8. Deielrion/Semirna/Kayji (low geared and was doing fire/arms)/Luthemis DK: Draskoteam
  9. Deielrion

    LF Hunter for 3s

    As title says, if anyone is interested in 3s (pref MM) Just wanna try treehdk or kfc or anything tbh... Got a full warr/dk/ww on x100 ally, and a full warr/hunt on x100 horde. Got a full warr/dk on xfun ally If anyone has a warr/dk on x100 horde and is also interested in 3s, hit me up lol 2.9 warr, 2.7 dk, 0 exp hunt but it's easy anyway ALSO: Looking for anyone who's just decent and wants to gear alts to sell. I literally don't care what comp, just say and I'll try and learn the class.
  10. Honestly, if they fix pathfinding (ie can be los'd), and if they fix the fact that gargoyle is staying in melee range 24/7 even though it shouldn't, then it will be fine.
  11. just trying to find anything right now but check about 1:35
  12. what are you on about fury is and always will be worse than arms in pvp (unless you're god-gifted and insanely lucky) and in pve, fury does insane amount of dps
  13. probably easier to fix dodging queues
  14. It's not necessarily for a duel scenario... Assuming he's right, removing a 20% increased crit dmg buff with 2 attacks is totally worth. This is especially true for 3s - just imagine how much of a difference it would make to a fully bursting lock chaos bolt for example.
  15. I love how he even bothers to mount up at the end as if it makes a difference... Good luck tho
  16. I've noticed that there are some melee abilities which (i think) should stop auto attacks, but don't. For example, warriors still autoattack during bladestorm and WW monks still autoattack during fists of fury - just an example.
  17. If you're determined to stay alliance, you should reroll gnome dk lol
  18. Deielrion

    TOP 3v3

    dk/ww/healer here, it is listed ebola as that but ebola is dk/feral/healer
  19. He's been kidnapped!
  20. You don't even have to charge, you can reflect it with heroic throw
  21. click the smiley face then "more" nvm...
  22. At 1 minute, this dk who's basically full gear hits 31k non-crit with full procs (except 15% from wep and 4k ap from cloak). Assuming he's using the str + crit% meta, it would hit 3% more when it crits. Not sure how much of a difference those 2 procs would make but he would be hitting about 65k crit (without the other 2 procs just for clarification). In regards to the gargoyle, I don't know whether it should be able to move while casting but it should DEFINITELY not stay in melee range 24/7 while casting. It should be los'able but is completely impossible here because it just follows the target 24/7 and casts.
  23. I /crie'd :*) Do you have a swifty macro for resto shaman?
  24. Yeah blood tap never works when refreshing death runes even though it should.
  25. maybe it's the gcd of spheres? idk but they are healing way too much... I just outdmg'd a warr by 6m (14m total) and the enemy mw was 511k hp and still managed to heal through it all, while swapping mortal strikes often... Also, what's up with priests? i saw a 260k shield at 60%+ damp
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