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Everything posted by Deielrion

  1. /bump 800+%,
  2. WTS 550 PvP/560 PvE WW monk, with 530 PvP/PvE MW. Many transmogs, bonescythe, challenge mode, warglaives, hc items, tyrannical elite and more. Many titles Arena Master etc, prideful gladiator mount, pandaren kite... Offers below Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/u31tz Многие transmogs, костяной, вызов режиме, warglaives Нс предметы, тираническим элитные и многое другое. Много названий Arena Master и т.д., крепление к гордым гладиатор, Пандарены змей ... Предложения ниже
  3. I don't think it should be possible to overwrite cc which has a longer duration either if anyone can elaborate, would be nice
  4. nudes pls
  5. Well I didn't download the additional files but I still managed to see the models. It was a bit random though, some days I was able to see them, some days I wasn't. Could only see the oldest mop models like dreadful gear though, not the tot items that Tudi added.
  6. bump.
  7. you can have high mmr and low cr but only after a rating reset or something. it doesn't work here on pandawow anyway, but it is weird that these people have an mmr which is 600 rate above their cr, esp cause they've prob never reached it on that char...
  8. 550/569 warrior with full bis gear for fury pve dps. 2465 exp, 2190 cr with meh stats (playing crap comp with gf) Has like 6 donor sets (Redemption, Cata elite for warr/dk, ruth elite for warr, malev elite for warr, RF t14 gear) 6 donor weps (reaver, corrupted/normal ashbringer, malev elite weps, RF Sha wep, Relentless elite axe) 2 tabards (tyran/wrathful) 7 donor mounts - feldrake, winged guardian, kor'kron wolf, skyreaver, magic rooster, all class mounts like charger etc. http://imgur.com/a/ZjQ1W Open to offers
  9. delete ur config and ur wow and try again
  10. Deielrion

    Chi brew

    yep.. you can get up to 5 stacks of mana tea just from using 1 enveloping mist if you're lucky...
  11. Deielrion

    Chi brew

    /bump this shit is broken along with monk mastery. Monks have 0 problems with mana because they get so many stacks and I don't think you could get more than 3 orbs on the floor at 1 point on retail...
  12. they don't move till the last 1-2s and it's really annoying cause it just completely puts you off if you want to position yourself properly for los...
  13. Doesn't just stop damage, it also prevents stopping debuffs caused by abilities like mortal strike etc. If you want to play bigdick dk, play orc. Also, charge doesn't do anything if you intervene banner + charge really fast, but yeah - dk has no mobility and it's the only gapcloser Dk has.
  14. mhm didn't get any results but i guess it's still worth a shot for others
  15. i didnt know you're a grandma, Pujo
  16. If we were to tell pwow staff that we wintrade, they'll insist we have "no proof"
  17. good news! warriors now fall under the map if you charge someone around a pillar on Tol'viron :) also i see people now running over walls when they're feared - "pathfinding fixed"
  18. I would presume this is only possible if you're lagging (as druid). I don't know if this is the same but I managed to make 2 Spirits of Harmony in 1 global because my mouse sometimes double clicks.
  19. You guys don't know what rune-abusing is? rofl Well, it's the excuse akuyama uses when he loses. ( even rhymes cause it was just meant to be )
  20. worst part is they're super proud of their rating
  21. nah it's cause he was a panda
  22. if you cant beat em, join em
  23. I don't think you can cast it after being disarmed, but it still triggers if you get disarmed mid-cast (I think).
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