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Everything posted by Deielrion

  1. You just need to go the stable master and play around and you'll find all your pets
  2. 1. Xuen (just speak to Wrathion) 2. Yu'lon (just speak to Wrathion and sit the full cutscene) 3. Chi-Ji (relog at the temple of the red crane and speak to Wrathion) 4. Niuzao (speak to Wrathion, wait for the dialogue, hit the gong and kill the boss)
  3. Check your WTF -> Config file and make sure it has SET locale "enUS" SET installLocale "enUS" SET realmlist "logon.pandawow.ru"
  4. People saying "titles took time to earn.." Yes, however a lot of titles are non-existent now because people quit (which is natural and ofc happened on retail). Uhm, maybe you should consider removing titles from people who've bought chars... only because i don't like seeing r1-wannabes walking around with r1 title and bragging about how good they are...
  5. Not too sure catch-up cap existed during MoP because they had Prideful Combatant instead: being able to purchase pride gear with honor points after getting 27k cp on 1 char or something... Regardless, that's discussion for a separate topic. p.s the catch-up cap was dependent on how long the season was running for... example being at the end of WoD, http://prntscr.com/f7uetv
  6. I advertise Pandawow in any men's bathroom/changing room that I can. Can I have free bonuses Deielrion ty
  7. and get the title ", Legend of Pandaria" P.S nice ass
  8. and some people wonder why so many people say "2.7-3.3" exp kek
  9. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=202483&p=1217283#post1217283 Was made a little over 6 months ago
  10. Deielrion

    TOP 3v3

    38/45 female Secret to r1 confirmed People need to incentivised to do 3s, sorta like Ashran... maybe if you win 10 3v3 arena games, you autocomplete the other part of your cap idk After more people play, you'll see more interesting games
  11. okay? 5000 bonuses for everyone and 100% store discount
  12. Pujo, is it seriously that hard to stop? I don't know why people are filled with so much pride that they can't just stop lol, you literally don't gain anything out of making these accounts - all you lose is time and well, your character.. Elbrujopujo - "Character not found." How would you feel lol
  13. http://prntscr.com/f1h5q4 http://prntscr.com/f1ha8z
  14. :( As a matter of fact, it is possible but it's whether he's bothered. I've played on a pserver where they had MoP models in a cataclysm expansion - a scenario where the armour models AREN'T ingame. This, however, is already in game - he would just have to create his own items from these models (custom).
  15. Is it possible to get these added into the game? I think a lot of people would pay a fair price for these and CM set abundance atm is seriously saturated... Would be nice to see some variation... NOTE: These could be the 'donor' sets for x100 seeing as challenge mode dungeons are almost fully implemented.
  16. Good find, however it's important to note that the source dates back to 2012 which is the first patch of MoP. A lot of this could have changed.
  17. Pujo, you're literally like cancer in the sense that you just keep coming back more annoying... Don't you need new emails to make new accounts lol
  18. Try deleting your cache or something I know that on x100, some quests require you to obtain an item(s) but when it comes to handing it in, you have to abandon it (you'll keep the quest item) and pick up the quest again and then you hand it in
  19. I found an abandoned house once In that house, there were death threats written on the wall in red with spray paint In the middle of one particular room, there was a noose tied to a wooden beam. I wondered "what could this be for..?" Alas, I tied the noose to the bellend of my dick and started swinging around the room. I'm now a man.
  20. 1. Name of not working spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=77606/dark-simulacrum and http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=49039/lichborne 2. Description of the problem: Can't used copied dark simulacrum spells whilst lichborne is active - you get a message saying "can't use spells whilst charmed" or something 3.How it must work: Lichborne shouldn't restrict the use of any death knight spells (only grant immunity to fear/charm/sleep etc and allow the use of death coil onto yourself and get shackled/turn evil (which shouldnt do anything anyway)) 4.Date when you tested it: 26/04/2017 5.Realm (x100/x5/Fun): x5 kappa, all realms 6.Priority of the problem: (1-10): 4/10
  21. Tbh, the reason that I'd want this fixed is so that I can chain a stun after pet interrupt.
  22. Machmollo/Panaccea's picture are probably old and during the time which mmr was backwards.
  23. It'd be pretty cool if they could add post-mop pve titles in general - not just r1 titles (eg Gnomebane). At the moment, there isn't much variety in titles because all titles that were exclusive to pre-mop aren't obtainable. There are a bunch of titles in the database which are available already such as ( the Lion Hearted) etc and it would be cool if they handed these out for tournament events or something
  24. Sorta forget people post here lol Sold my 550/584 warr 2.8 exp for min with cm and fkton of donor shit :( gl tho
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