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Everything posted by Deielrion

  1. Did you try deleting your interface folder? Your wow won't get bugged; it'll just redownload it. Make sure you save your addons before doing so (although they may be the cause of it becoming corrupt?)
  2. Not really a bug, just something that would (for me) feel a bit more blizzlike :> Spell/Buff: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=161780/gaze-of-the-black-prince - Gaze of the Black Prince What it does: It's meant to allow you to loot Sigils/Secrets of the Empire/Titan Runestones and increases your reputation with the Black Prince. We're already able to loot these items which is why it isn't necessary. Priority: 0.5/10
  3. Perhaps you're calling for a pet which is exclusive to another spec? ie you're calling a beast master specific pet as a survival/marksman hunter? It's hard to provide a solution to such an ambiguous problem.
  4. I'm honestly wondering why this thread was made in the first place. Only thing I'm learning from these responses is who is worth being taken seriously. "always souls and shits like that"; do you know what religion means? You do realise that it doesn't always encompass following a God? The simplest way I would put it is how I inferred it earlier - it's simply a lifestyle. @Felxprod's picture, I do believe that's the case for the majority of people but have you not heard of people who are born into an athiest family and would later convert ? And it's so ignorant to think "All muslims are terrorists" as well as vice versa. You people only hear something and are automatically convinced in accordance to the media's agenda. Have you never done your own research? I would advise that you look into America's crime/terrorism rates. Not too long ago, I found that Jewish terrorism was almost level with muslim terrorism. This doesn't mean anything until you consider the ratio of their population.
  5. Actually, many scholars don't follow a particular religion because the belief of God, or an afterlife. Rather, they follow a religion because of it's teachings and the lifestyle that they try to encourage. Also, what's retarded about introducing a medium in which both parties can compromise? If you're nice to me, I'm nice to you. Is that concept retarded as well?
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpxmk3bP7Bw I think their damage is normal here. Only thing which seems off is combat (off the top of my head). You can see they bursted through a def stance warr + healing tide + demoralizing banner.
  7. You haven't spent anything on it apparently.
  8. You're probably better off swapping warr with MM hunter or something.
  9. I'm pretty sure it's just a visual, but Hexalite is now called Funnyhistory ( i think ).
  10. Cog, try advertising here : http://forum.pandawow.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=130 Your dk will probably get a lot more attention that way.
  11. I don't believe they hand out IP bans. They're able to track all accounts associated with a particular IP and ban them individually if that's what you mean? But in the case of at least, Yauni, I don't think that's true.
  12. I suggest you follow the format they give you when making threads in this section - reason being because most of the time, they instantly decline it. When you're referring to items, use wowhead.com to link them so they can quickly find the ID of the item that you would like. Good luck. :>
  13. takaa said the same thing to me... in fact, he thought i was you cause I started raging as well lol
  14. I can carry you if you can carry me. 5.4.8k warr i lied i'm 5.4.7k
  15. I believe that primary pieces (head/shoulders/knees/toes/legs/feet etc... any part which isn't an accessory) have been either bugged or temporarily disabled. I'm assuming they'll fix it soon; maybe they're trying to fix the stats that they give.
  16. You're posting in the wrong section, buddy. The answer to your question is because it's bugged or it's been temporarily disabled.
  17. Actually, it depends what realm you obtained them on. If you obtained these mounts on fun realm, then these mounts are only exclusive the the character on which you obtained them. If, on the other hand, you obtained these mounts on x100, then they are account-wide (with the exception of gladiator mounts) and are shared across all characters on x100, AND on FUN.
  18. I don't know why but your responses always trigger me. Maybe you don't need to reply to every person individually? I don't know - I just feel like it's a waste of words (characters?).
  19. I think FUN always had the more competitive ladder. Saying that, it's easier to snipe/dodge/trashtalk if you're on the same realm lol. Just a guess... Personally, only reason I started playing fun was because it was really easy to gear/sell a char quickly (until they added the 7d gametime).
  20. I think you have to personally message a moderator so that they change it manually. I'm assuming you need to know the current email address your account is registered to. Judging from previous, similar threads, you may need to make a gmail account or so. Also, I believe Anwer may not be able to forward your problem to the administration.
  21. It's too late to get rid of cross-realm now. Everyone who used to PvP on x100 has moved to FUN now; if we remove cross-realm, there will literally be no arena queues.
  22. 27k conquest for that particular season and 2k rating but considering how easy it is to get here, I think it should be 2.4-2.5+ considering they give tabard out for free... Obviously, it should be added while nearing the end of a season (impossible to get 27k conquest in the first 2 weeks of a season as they suggested here).
  23. umad? it's worth way more lmao
  24. What I love about bugs like this is that people will now use this as an excuse when they lose any game. Some guy started saying that I used this trinket on warr and still insisted so even when I showed both pvp trinket procs... smh.
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