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Everything posted by memesiscc

  1. now all dks, hunters, warlock, magues, rogues are spaming their "slow cast" ability, it should reduce cast time to 10%, not 50%
  2. memesiscc

    Touch of Karma

    10/10? There are many spells that are really gamebreaking. you cant name it "gamebreaking" unless a spell which you Rely entirely. (like DK runes, paladin's holly charges, lock's burning embers, old monk weapon damage, etc)
  3. I think that it has this priority, because discipline is shields, which is obtained from critical hits, and mastery increases these shields. But low critical strikes = low shields, with low shields discipline is not discipline. But I can play holly while this is being repaired. The error has already been repaired in the past but reappeared in 5.4.8
  4. Spell name: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=47515/divine-aegis How it should work: Critical heals create a protective shield on the target, absorbing 100%(+mastery%) of the amount healed, instead of healing for twice as much. Normal heal=20k(it was affected by battle fatigue), A healing crit should give a 20k(+mastery)Shield How it currently works: It's being crippled by Battle Fatigue twice. A critical from 20k healing in pvp is creating a 9k shield because it's being crippled by Battle Fatigue again. It should be affected by Battle Fatigue just once, like a normal healing. Date tested: 10.12.2014 Server tested: Pandawow x10 Priority: 8/10. Makes your shields from critical strikes so weak.
  5. the same happens with http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=47515/divine-aegis
  6. it has a -25% debuff against players . i saw this in a changelog "pandawow.ru" it's because Long ago, this ability to much damage and can hit between 120 and 180k of damage from a player who only had BG's armor, when players we only had 400k of life. Currently this skill hits a 60-120k damage against players who have 520k life. I think that warlocks are doing low damage with this skill. personally i never go to the Arena with warlocks because they does low damage and die too fast , lost their competitiveness without "chaos bolt'.
  7. yesterday a monk instantly killed me seconds after he placed on me the touch of karma. panel damage shows : ""touch of karma 138421 nature damage touch of karma 138421 nature damage touch of karma 138421 nature damage touch of karma 138421 nature damage".... 138k each tick!! I know the touch of karma reflects damage done as nature damage, so when he uses it, I try to put myself transform into bear form, i stop autoattack and i put me bark skin, so it is absolutely impossible that would make me a total of 1380k damage. this happened to me 3 times if this happen again, I will not hesitate to upload screenshots of people who know that bugr, and takes advantage of this to win Arenas
  8. heling espheres are doing overhealing, you just have to resign as we all.
  9. the description is for the patch 6.0.2 we are playing 5.4.7 "single-target against you in moonkin form have a 15% chance to give you 15% haste"
  10. menu>>interface>>...... >>stop autoatack when you change target>>accept .-.
  11. UP! waiting since january :c
  12. works perfectly in 5.4.8, but enhancement elemental blast hits 180-280k o.0. Chaos bolt hits 40-80k... logic not found
  13. retail :5.4.8 pandawow: 5.4.2 we have grievous armor. .-.
  14. D: ! ! ! ! omg, hackers :c this is really important.
  15. can you fix it please? when you see a mistweaver monk in 2c2.... killing monks is really difficult, ( i can say imposible) they only spam healling orbs T-T
  16. Spell Details "School Physical" the OLD Chaos bolt (wotlk, cata) is the only spell that ignores shields. touch of chaos and chaos wave are physical damage.
  17. congratulations, but... you dont need a guide, monks only needs healing spheres spam.
  18. bump. the best talent
  19. i have the best guide :) 1. use healing spheres 2. spam healing spheres until spheres get fixed, mistweaver monks doesn't need any other spell
  20. fix it pls, healers are gods in this server :(
  21. Psyfiend OP. it works as permanent stun (8 seconds), if you use trinket, psyfiend reapply fear. if you use "Will of the Forsaken" psyfiend reapply fear. if you hide behind a wall, psyfiend reapply fear anyway. ..... how it should be: psyfiend can aplly "fear" only once per target
  22. spell cast speed decreased by 50% ("10% on Players Targets"), how can it be 50% ? fix it please
  23. yes :3 "Spells" -Howling blast -Icy touch -Dot's
  24. Just to add some clarity to this skill as it seems there is alot of confusion and, what strikes me as worse, speculation about this skill causing alot of people to read and believe false information about it. So here are the facts: 1) This skill will allow you to split yourself into 2 or 3 copies (Yourself included) resulting in, if 2 of you, dealing 30% less damage each or, in the case of 3 of you, 45% less damage each. 2) If you use a clone on a target that you are attacking, it will NOT copy your attacks and will instead only auto attack, resulting in a massive loss of DPS for single target situations and even non single target situations where you may be attacking the same target as you summoned the clone on. 3) You cannot have 2 clones on the same target. 4) As you want to make sure you are NOT attacking the same target as your clone, due to #2 above, it would be worth only using this skill in the following situations: -----a) You have a good mouse over marco for the skill. An example would be: /cast [target=mouseover] Storm, Earth and Fire. It would also be worth putting in a shift or alt mod here to use /cancelaura Storm, Earth and Fire as you never know when you may want the copies to go away so you get your full damage output. They can also sometimes lag behind (or in the case it was summoned on a target you were attacking) you'll want to get rid of it straight away With this marco one does not need to deselect their current target to cast it and as such make it very hard to use on a target you are attacking, this would be worth putting on a mouse button to be most effective like middle mouse or any thumb buttons. ----b) Don't be afraid to use it for heavy AoE packs, the skill here proves invaluable imo, simply use the mouse over macro above on 2 different targets to your own target, apply RSK or any other AoE increasing attack and AoE to your hearts content. I hope this lil guide clears up some of the misconceptions of the skill and allows other monks out there to use it to the maximum potential! :) "wowhead"
  25. pvp power doesnt ignore resilence example: damage done = 100k, pvp power =40%, resilence = 75% pvp damage -->> 100k+ 100k(40%) = 140k first, pvp power pvp damage done ---> (140k)(100%-75%) = 35k now resilence .... pvp damage done =[ damage+PVPpower%(damage) ](100%-PVPresilence%) n_n. Post data: im arms warrior, frost mague, and feral druid.
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