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Everything posted by shmu

  1. Apperantly there is problem with ah when the thing we sell is above curtain amount. It seems to be ok around 380k though, so lately I just don't sell anything above that. Not sure what amount exactly bugged it, but around 500k is buggy for sure, last time got 35k after selling for 500k.
  2. Works now. :)
  3. shmu

    Guild Achievements

    Guild achievement work now. :) Guild groups still don't count in instances though, probably in bgs too, but other then that seems to be working perfectly.
  4. Nice topic. XD For me would be really nice to see: http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=23882/schematic-critter-enlarger It never made it to live realms on retail, though it works in some private servers, critters look funny when enlarged and seeing cow in Elwyn Forest look bigger then the houses is really fun.
  5. shmu


    Works for horde, at least it did for me. Vendor also works after we get it. Doesn't work for alliance though, or maybe it will with 5 chars from each race or something, but not for 1 char.
  6. Confirmed, it's not a big problem though. We can work around that by not using gems for skill up. We still gain skill from necklaces, rings and research, we don't get from cutting gems only. Soo I used necklaces till research option showed up, then just research. It does take a few more days, but in the meantime we get new recipies too, so its nice.
  7. hmm... did you learn both engineering specilizations(goblin and gnomish)? It says something like that: "Found 3 skills for Engineering the max is 2: (Engineering) (Gnomish Engineer) (Goblin Engineer)" That does make sense to bug stuff, we aren't suppose to know both at the same time.
  8. Its: "Insult to a forum member in commentary." Basicly you insulted a forum member in something you posted. I don't know the language that well, but in bulgarian is almost the same, "оскърбление на ползвател на форума в коментар".
  9. However good to note shattrath cooking quest works now(super hot stew), so cooking Chef title is obtainable right now. :)
  10. From the shop on the site mostly. There is shado pan assault insignias in there, also pipes that give rep with all panda factions(though not sure that includes spa, ppl say it does), etc
  11. Wowhead: While adding it would be nice, it won't sell anything for anyone considering the way quest line is now I think.
  12. shmu


    As far as I know he is suppose to walk around. :) Achievements aren't working very well though, achievement on Shannox doesn't trigger from any of the places, on beth doesn't work as well, and there are some other problems, but overall it works nicely. Mobs and bosses don't give rep yea.
  13. shmu


    As far as i remember from change log cata 5 ppl and panda 5 ppl are closed on fun. Rest should work.
  14. shmu

    Your Binds/UI

    A little offtopic but nice to note. :) There is very easy way to move your key bindings from account to account. All of them are in file called bindings-cache.wtf in /WTF/Account/NameofAccount/ you can copy that to any wow client, works with wotlk>cata>panda version too if i remember right. Same counts if you want to transfer macroses, or even info from addons like mapnotes, just different name of files in same directories. Can also manually edit the file and change bindings yourself, though idk why would you need that.
  15. Maybe easier fix will be just to spawn chest with mount after you kill him, in whatever phase it is. :) Scripting the vechicles and phase 3 seems not neccesery if only thing ppl want from there is mount or 1 step closer to Champion of the Frozen Wastes Title(achievements work very well, except the one with killing add on disk btw), espesially considering some stuff like Yogg aren't even spawned, and oculus with a similar type of vechicle, don't work either. It would be nice for the whole thing to work perfectly, but 3-4/10 priority for such a messy scripts, considering it's completable and only thing needed is loot, is too high imo. Edit:Loot works right now. :)
  16. Confirmed. This and 3th boss in old kingdom is part of the reason ppl can't obtain Champion of the Frozen wastes title, so it's a little higher priority imo. Won't write confirm on each posts lately, but as far as we tested too, all are buggy yea and worse place is DTK(and Oculus) with not a single achievement working I think.
  17. If your char is on bugged possition you can use repair char from website. Good idea to delete /cache directory just in case too.
  18. Confrimed. We tried with chars on Exalted with scale of the sands, after finished full hyjal, in raid group etc He is just missing. Its ok if it's on purpose,though, after all server does need to have some stuff that ppl buy from shop like sky golems etc, , good for the server overall, so it's understandable for some stuff like that.
  19. Yeaa confirmed. If you get to the other site(like with warlock portals or something) drakes won't fly either. One of the few 5 ppl wotlk bugged instances, stoping ppl form getting title Champion of the Frozen Wastes.
  20. After Old Hillsbrad fixes, all 5 ppl hc outland dungeons work. :) Can link achievmeent if someone have doubts, anyway i do agree that fixing normal mode on old dungeons we have heroic for isn't a big prority.
  21. Confirmed. On different difficults Abomination acts differently, but quest is bugged on all of them one way or another. However with new patch I guess no fixes on the 5.4.2 still nice to note, for the new patch since may be buggy there too.
  22. Quest line works exactly as in retail, and that's a big problem yea, but it's blizz decision. After you complete the chain Prince does show up(did it, got the weapon and feat of stregnth all works perfectly here) the only problem is he doesn't show next to you, you can check in wowhead where he does show. So if you don't get to him right away, you lose the chain. Since you don't have quest at this point if you don't know where he shows up, or if someone is there and kills it no legendary. One of the reason most ppl that do that chain at this point are very nervious returtning the quest, it's really easy to lose the legendary if you aren't careful here. It's really messed up way imo, but that's how it works in retail too. Sadly if you didn't kill it after you returned the quest, there is very good chance you won't get thunderfury, coz there is no quest you have now probably, and next quest item you get after you kill the prince. If you decide to do it on alt, just check before where prince shows, make sure there aren't high levels around and then return quest. After that fly to prince kill it, take quest item, take quest - return to npc and get the weapon. All works here, just need to be careful. P.S. As far as I know Prince Thunderaan won't respawn till someone else finish the quest.
  23. You can pull a mob, kill it bellow boss and loot it - you will get all loot from boss, as someone posted long time ago in forums. All this is in forums guys, use search. :)
  24. It works very well but there are some details that are good to know. :) 25 heroic is actually 10 normal. So if you set it on 10 normal you get bosses with health and skills for 25 hc, also mount droping. There are some problems like the Blood Prince Council, if you look in forums we have posted how to do this, so it doesn't bug. Achievements(the ones on boss kill, individual boss achievements are often bugged, some work), titles, mount work, quest for legendary is bugged at proffesor.
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