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Everything posted by shmu

  1. Confirmed. Tested 1 min ago, still bugged.
  2. Awesome thanks, will test. :) Edit: Tested. It really works. Dropped at Scavenge-bot 004-A8 on x10
  3. Mount is suppose to be mountable in battleground. If we read comments in wowhead, it even walks on water in wintergrasp, just not in the normal bgs in retail(if we count wintergrasp as World Battle with the new interface, also means it may be walking on water in tol barad etc too, although can't be sure about that).
  4. 1. Schematic: Jeeves http://db.pandawow.me?item=49050 2. To obtain that people with engineering need to loot 2 times some mobs, most often Library Guardians(http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=29724/library-guardian). First time taking all items, then looting second time(Salvaging), for engineering parts, very similar to skinning. Second looting doesn't work here, we can loot only once even with engineering, making portable bank unobtainable. 3.Should be able to loot 2 times. Once normally, second time if we have engineering, and its mob that allows salvaging. Since that may need fixes on the looting system, and that may be messy, it can work if recipe is added at normal mob drop on that mob as well. 4. 23.April.2014(5 min ago). 5. x10 6. Depends how many people want engineering portable bank I guess. Still, not game breaking so maybe 2-3?Though for people with engineering may be a lot higher.
  5. Confirmed. Stuck at 530, the recipies that should increase cooking overall, just increase the cooking subspecializations.
  6. Confirmed. Kinda important thing, since tailoring for panda is very connected to that.
  7. Black Temple works really nice I do it every week. If a door is closed, look around, some boss somewhere is alive probably.
  8. Confirmed. Though obviously achievement is obtainable, did it on my dk a few weeks ago. Takes a while with 90% dmg reduction, but still doable. :) It seems all cata 5 ppl instances, are working really nice. And some, like End Time, are awesome to see scripted. Only Deadmines it seems, is buggy. Last boss doesn't show.
  9. Well... yea, it is bugged, but its also doable. When malygos hits 50% health he starts to get above ground and slowly to move away. So raid group have something like 30-40 sec to kill it before discs show up. If they are too slow, will get bugged later, so wil need more rdps. We did it with 5 ppl, mostly rdps obviously. No loot though, still we got achievements. :)
  10. Harpoons drop in normal difficult. Mounts still drops on normal too, so its obtainable(i have on my dk). Also easier to farm on normal, since no cooldown. :)
  11. I really like that old raids are working. :) Though we do need more panda content, but I guess with time that will happen too. For now 136 ppl voted... hopefully will hit 300 before closing day, international realm would be fun imo.
  12. x25 Actually in charts, biggest panda free server right now is only pve realms and with x5 exp only. :) So saying there are no panda pve servers with low exp is as wrong as it can be, at this point. About pve being dead... well same thing,if biggest panda free server right now is only pve realms, makes you wonder, if pve is actually dead... I voted x25, though, I guess would preffer x10 or x15 for exp.
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