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About Serubnox

  • Birthday 04/14/1989

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  1. Hello guys...I have a huge problem !!!! First of all Thx for the new change with the Wod models but i can't get in the game and my friends also!!..We recive the folowing error : Data/enGB/wow-update-enGB-17325.MPQ: Cannot stream required archive data. Please check your network connection. For more information see: http://Https://battle.net/support/article/6250 !!!...Can someone guide us with this isue and if it is a pro pc player here to guide me in ubuntu :D !!!! Thx in advance!!!! Pandawow is the best :)
  2. Hi guys..long time no see...i was in vacation and just log on wow ....i made a few arenas and someone said wtf when i was left alone in arena 1v2 and i won...is there any problem ,bug with the rogue stealth i should know???...i could't make the screen shot in the arena but i think you should aid me with some info.....And by the way...i haven't seen any warglaive on the server but i've got some fists transmog on my rogue..is there a problem??....hope you will not ban me...this is the reason i've made this thread...see ya
  3. The only romanian guild on the server is now recruting...only romania players..You can search the group also with the same name!!! Info: Level 25 guild,active players,strong pvp and pve events every day.Join now PS: sry if i can't advertise the guild on the forum and if I'm the bad section..I realy searched a place on the forum where i can make such thread but didn't fiind
  4. Happy birthday
  5. If you are a starter, you can try this site to be your guide : http://www.noxxic.com/wow.....It has guides for all classes/best pvp specs,pve specs and more..Try it... PS: Hope will aid you all
  6. Rogue sub and assassination and if it undead or human, it's better :X:X:X....It rulles allmost every class. The only class i still have problems is mage, frost spec
  7. Serubnox

    Reporting abuse

    In arena there is a purple diamond,if someone click on it, all the stealth players reveal....
  8. On 10x realm ,dancing steel is 40k gold, someone says it works but I'm not so sure...maybe in the next changelog they will fix this problem :P...Cheers
  9. Serubnox

    English Realm

    Hmmm cool..English realm....But i think it will be a few problems: how manny people will abandon their chars and start new ones on the english realm ( can be fixed with vote points) and the next problem will be : This is a russian server, manny players are russians (but with a little advertise, more will come from other servers)...Hmmmm, english AH, english world and global, people can understand each other in arena, bg, raids ant other stuff...Good luck :))
  10. 1. Rcbro 2.10x 3.bad words 1.Hachiko 2.10x 3.bad words [ATTACH=CONFIG]33228[/ATTACH] I hope you ban them like you ban Grasutzu for 30 days http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=61863&highlight=Grasutzu
  11. 1.Crushing the Cores: Acquire 8 Smoldering Cores by killing Searing Guardians, then smash them against a Twilight Anvil.Smoldering Core Destroyed (8) Quick Facts Level: 81 Requires level 80 Loremaster: Mount Hyjal Side: Both Start: Jordan Olafson End: Jordan Olafson Sharable Difficulty: 80 84 95..............Can't crush them 2.Lycanthoth the Corruptor Use Lycanthoth's Incense within the Maw of Lycanthoth in Hyjal to summon and kill Lycanthoth. Lycanthoth slain Lycanthoth's Incense (Provided) Quick Facts Level: 81 Requires level 80 3.Forged of Shadow and Flame Destroy 10 Twilight Arms crates. Twilight Arms Crate Destroyed (10) Loremaster: Mount Hyjal Side: Horde Start: Takrik Ragehowl End: Spirit of Lo'Gosh Not sharable Difficulty: 80 84 95
  12. Making Stumps Krokk wants you to use the Splintertree Axe to cut down the Ashenvale Oaks in Warsong Lumber Camp. If you lose your Secret Signal Powder, speak to Kadrak at Splintertree. Ashenvale Oaks Chopped Down (6) Quick Facts Level: 22 Requires level 19 Loremaster: Ashenvale Side: Horde Start: Krokk End: Krokk Not sharable Difficulty: 19 20 25 29 Added in patch 4.0.3 When I try to atack (chopp down) the Ashenvale Oaks they turn grey
  13. How I can transfer a character: You need to write a personal message (PM) to: Перенос персонажей. I want to ask him how can i transfer a character from another server of pandaria (won't tell the name,just in private), if i have the same account here,same character,same race,same class,same email, but the char here is banned. Here i have grevious, there i have malovenient (both lvl 90 already).....Since i had the problem I've made another account and leveled another char to 90 but it's not the same as a rogue and i want to transfer the rogue from there here,on the new account Here is the link for transfer : http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=47699
  14. jah jah bless you
  15. Sry for another reply,instead of just edit the last reply ( this is a chance to test my signature)...One of the Staff just told me we can make reputation also with Hozen Peace Pipe (Use: Increases reputation with the denizens of Pandaria by 1000. (7 Days Cooldown)), A item can be taken by vote points.....86592 Hozen Peace Pipe 50 bonuses....you can find it here http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/shop/category/5.html?item_id=&class=&from=&to=&level_from=&level_to=90&srch=Find&ShopItem_page=2 Thx again for your help Staff
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