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Everything posted by Liquidcityx

  1. Yes now I do it because you teached me the ways , thanks Senpai
  2. Dude wtf haha I was telling that you were right with what u said . And actually I played mop and cata 2500 on retail but who cares mimimimi Warrior OP
  3. Mimimimimi warrior so much damage mimimimi get rekt or play better , life is tough so stfu, that's right what he said And btw mimimimi losing as RMD which only needs two trinkets to win the game every 1 min when burst is up hahaha mimimimimi warrior pqr :((((
  4. In difference to you I ended up being 2800+ on all heal classes except resto shaman last season . 3k+ priest rank 1 monk server in 2s again for the third or fourth time , also 3k+ as monk and what are your achieves ? You are happy you won me as windwalker which is not my main spec and also I played with a shaman that died to resto druid destro lock in 2 minutes , wow gz be happy it will be ur only screen because I'm not playing ww anymore with this retard heals and as mw I farm ur ass easy .. just queue
  5. Remember the retail LSD coming and playing this comp and insta get 2500 in 3s and they farmed everyone , with wrvwyone i mean everyone , WMX everything , And then all people came again and started crying about lsd .. a comp that wasn't played before there came , especially on high rate , and yes lsd is good against WMX because lock can dispell Sheeps and fears from healer , and you just dampen them out if needed , but jk not on pandawow where a 3s game goes 55 seconds LUL
  6. If you don't like WMX then just counter it with another comp , every comp can be countered . Other then that you can't change anything .
  7. Because there is nothing to change
  8. Only thing i see here is not a poll to give out titles or not , it's a poll just to nerf Warriors again , I can tell by playing 1000 arenas with a warrior in 2s where u can really see the damage that a warrior does Solo in arena is fine , when they nerfed Warriors the dmg was WAY to less and there is no point in talking about that , just check retail s15 videos and u will see what I mean . What's funny to me is that Repitchx and his RMD team is crying only about warriors but not mages , mage does even a bit more damage solo compared to warrior , now both classes are fixed and do the same dmg almost and warrior mage heal was always a good comp in 3s in retail s15 , even 2 teams competed Blizzcon as WMX because it's good . Only thing you gotta do when u face WMX in arenas , you have to survive the first onslaught and then you can win but sad that almost all 3s games on Pandawow go only for 1 min , because in this 1 minute everyone pops faceroll and just goes ham and they're even winning like this . On retail in 3s you have more then a 1 minute game , that's sad as fuck . And @repitchx . RMD in the current state can win WMX too . I think too that WMX is strong but that's how retail was like . And to be honest 2s is much more competitive on pandawow then 3s that's sad but that's how it is . There are queues until 2 at night constantly and they're are good teams too .. but hey here all all 3s heroes that farm triple dps or just win within a minute by face rolling cds . Like that for me 2s is even more fun . It's either always the same shit comp u face in 3s and a 1 minute game cuz bad. Yes I wrote a whole book again , if you don't wanna read it , leave it .. I guess more then 2 sentences is to much for the most here .
  9. Haha that made me actually laugh , I have a raichu just caught fresh and then I made this pic Kappa
  10. Only because of this faggot onlysheepx... here u gaylord ??? https://imgur.com/gallery/IjAS7 I challenge : Djmightyfreezer ( he won't do it anyway because his skin prolly does not see daylight Kappa ) Claimitkto Tallaque
  11. Hey guys I really love the new npc mog but I think that 4K honor per piece is to much since it's 1 full bg cap but I have like 100k conquest on all my chars and it would be cool if I can convert my conquest into honor so I can buy the pve mog gear , would be cool if zeox and his crew can manage to do that
  12. Are you mentally ill ? I wrote the report how it has to be done smartass
  13. I did it only 1 time in the whole season , only in 1 arena but this guy killed it every time I summoned lightwell
  14. 1- Puchqea http://cp.pandawow.ru/armory/char-3-5884491.html Description : he was playing mw warr in 2v2 versus my mage priest and killed lightwell with oneshot (touch of death) . Means Ban and no titles for this season for this account 2- Puchqea http://cp.pandawow.ru/armory/char-3-5884491.html 3-Realm: Xfun- Cross server 4. As you can see on this Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88IQN3p_cdY he is going to my lightwell and oneshotting it with touch of death, i got a ban for the same shit too but it was in the off season and he is doing it now in on season and that means for his whole account he is disqualified for title now because of unfair play and bugabuse in arena. Its just annoying 5. Proof youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88IQN3p_cdY 6. Comments: if you need more comments tell me i think i explained everything already 1 comment, cya puchqia wintrader no titles for you anymore this season feelsbad
  15. Djfreezer scared for 2k players to get title ????
  16. Elemental shaman got a nerf that's not a bug they are checking retail s15 sites and apply fixes to classes , if you are insecure about ur class being bugged , write a report , give proofs and it will be fixed , but doing nothing and crying is not the way
  17. I have the same opinion as you , I can say for the season where I got my titles all wintrader got disqualified and only 2 hunters got title due to bugged BM spec last season , diabolique on his hunter aphaeleon and llhuntll got both rival title for sitting they're bugged gained rating after BM hunter got fixed and apart from that no one else
  18. Это нечестно. Тут пишут люди которые даже две 500 в два С не брали и даже не видели. По моему мнению Должны спрашивать Те люди которые уже достигли звание гладиатора только это честно.Ато Тут люди дискутируют прозвание гладиатора и награды сезона которой них в жизни не возьмут и даже близко этот рейтинг не видели. Это просто тупо
  19. ye thats a good idea, but it would be cool if there would be gladiator title for 2s not rank 1 , as he saidd for the people wasting time on 2s too is even a lot more time to get 3k in 2s then 2,2k in 3s , so it would be cool but it would be cooler if the gladiator title stayed and not resset after 1 season , in my opinion :)
  20. And to be honest I don't know what bugs in Special you mean but that doesn't mean title were freeloot even the past seasons , you probably can't even know because maybe you didn't play high rate in 2s or 3s
  21. mw had op bugs? ok senpai teach me pls , warrior dmg op?, ok you didnt play retail thats funny . All the people who cry now to reset the titles are people that think they are good and next season will sit same 2k with 500 wins , yea rip
  22. Would be cool if you can tell us your opinion on both questions, reset titles and glad titles only for 3s, im really curious
  23. What, reset titles of the people who got it and tried to go for it , with tryharding what ever 2s or 3s, thats not fair, let the titles stay from the players that got it already, it wouldnt be fair. It was your decision to give out titles in 2s previous seasonss, why you try to delete them all now? If you dont want titles then remove the option to get gladiator or rank 1 next season in 2s but let the titles stay, i mean i dont mind so much , prolly cant get it in 3s too but i think its unfair , people like for example noneed and dionysus or me have like 3 or 4 rank 1 titles and gladiators , annd other people too that actually tried to gget it . Delete them all know is stupid (for me atleast)
  24. Leave 2s titles same like last season
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