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Everything posted by Liquidcityx
Its true, and its a very annoying bug, i ended up loosing to rogue mage in 2s because i spammed orbs on my partner that was in stunlock in smokebomb and nothing happened, until i realized that its bugged and i had to roll in ... PLS FIX / AND ALSO PLS FIX SERPENT JADE STATUE because its bugged and therefore xuen burst heal for mw monk is not working !!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Please Admins fix this bug , its important /BUMP
Enveloping Mist and Healing spheres are 100% affected by Battle Fatigue, and btw dont cry about the bug with mana tea, a good mw monk will always have 20 stacks of mana tea with the same rotation ... means a good mw monk will never go oom
This is one of the best songs i listened to in my whole life , it just chills and the video is awesome too !
why still no admins replied to this thread. Its a very important bug that needs to get fixxed as fast as possible. Its not that xuen is bugged, the statue of wise serpent is bugged / PLS FIX IT !!!!!!!!!!!
LOL there you see one of this guys that didnt play monk on retail ... xuen is a very important spell and if the monk wasnt braindead he used this spell in arena because it heals a lot. And its the ONLY heal that monks have when they are in cc. on this server monks cant heal when they are in cc. and xuen is the only way to do it
Please Administration read this thread. Its a very important Bug that needs to get fixxed as FAST AS POSSIBLE. you can look how it heals here too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrGv5aTBj8w at 3:18 min PLEASE FIX THIS BUG !!!!!! VERY IMPORTANT:mad: If you dont trust me that MW monks use Xuen in pvp then here is a video of one of the best mw monks on retail ( live) server Dannycarey he uses xuen too because its very important spell
Thats because no one of this high rated monks on this server or any monk played on retail / i achieved gladiator on retail with mw monk and xuen is must have talent in mop for pvp for mw monks because xuen heals a immense amount
Hello Administration / im playing this server since 2013 and i achieved mutiple 3k + rating with mw monk and since the start of the sever the Spell http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=123904/invoke-xuen-the-white-tiger doesnt work . name of bugged spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=123904/invoke-xuen-the-white-tiger ( For Mistweaver specialization) description of the problem: Normally if you use this spell xuen gives you a burst heal ( it heals a lot through mastery ) Its very important spell normally for mistweaver monk healing...:facepalm: priority: 9/10 date of the test:24.02.2016 realm: x100/ fun ( look at 1:58 min in this video and you will see how xuen will heal the raid and drop a lot of healing spheres through mastery ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6SKsGUFlWg
Hey Administration of Pandawow and guys that are reading it, im liquidcityx, playing this server since 5.0.5, i have been all season rank 1 monk / Season 14 (last season ) 3039 rating 2s / This Season 3192 Rating 2s (max). Also played a warrior to 3092 rating. But my main is the Mistweaver monk. That´s just to tell who I am a bit :p My Question is, I heard from some people that they will give away titles this season ( when its ends ) for top 0,5% in 2s? Like Gladiator . I want to know if its true or not?, because unfortunetaly i sold my Monk and my warrior because i thought , season end soon and I can get a lot of bonuses of it, if I would have known that they give titles i would have kept 1 char atleast. So first question : You will give titles for top 0,5% in 2s // what would be really really fair and good because im as a top player on this server invest a LOT of time in playing arenas ( who says im a troll and dont trust that i got 3 times 3000+ rating , I have screens of everything so :)) yea and second question : When excactly will this Season end ? Ok thats all I wanted to know , hoping for a quick answer, have a good one to everybody. Liquidcityx
hey administration of pandawow, i got to admit a huge problem which massive disturbs my gameplay on Pandawow - Fun server. I am not the only one with this Problem so please read carefully and react. Since yesterday if you go into Elwynn Forest or the entry gates of Stormwind u get unending Wow errors. Dont say Repair Character on Website , because the 15 minute cd of this isnt even enough compared to the amount of errors you actually get. Login - Error. repair char, go elwynn- error : past time : 2 minutes (max) . As I said i am not the only one with this Problem , pls check it. I cant login to ANY of my chars because of this. Pls Fix it. 10/10 Thanks a lot for taking your time !
Please fix this problem. Cant heal with my MONK . !!!!:bo:
Hello Administration and GM´s of Pandawow. The new function to watch other play arenas is great . ( Arena Spectator) But there is 1 bug for Mistweaver Monks that makes it really hard to survive in some situations , specially when dampening kiked in and is on like 50%. Everybody who is watching a arena Match as a Spectator is marked FRIENDLY. that means If I use Orb ( healing sphere ) the spectator eat my orbs. because they are friendly target , and my arena Partner dont get Heal ! Pls fix this , it´s really a important Issue that needs to be fixxed as fast as you can. thanks for taking your time . :rofl_mini:
Hello Administration , I have a Problem with the Login since you transfered your data Center . If i try to Open wow it says. Cannot stream archive data. Please Check your Internet connection. But i have Internet Connection and changing the Wtf. File didnt help me. Pls answer as you read this. Thanks
hey guys, i have a common question to you. If I try to login in my pandawow, last time was like 1 week ago, It doesnt let me login , all it says is :" you need to login with a battlenet account" . I saw that gms are posting that the problem is fixxed but now after 1 week today i tried it again and its still the same thing with the error. Can anybody help me pls. The reason I am writing is that I can see on the Website that people are playing at the moment on fun server that means they could connect to it somehow. pls Help ME! Thanks alot :good:
:O spasibo balschoje !
Na fun serveri sabanili
okei iswini, a kakoi eta соответствующий раздел ??? Na takoja dela
уважаемая администрация, Iswinite schto ja tak pischu, nu ja is germanii i u mena netu ruskich bukw. Siwodna Mina sa bannili na 30 dnei. Dela wtom schto JA ne USJAL ni Kakix bagow wabsche !!!! lol ja tolko afk stajal i ubil world bossa Galleona , eta wsé . Patom ja saxaschu w igru i wischu schto sa bannili sa bug use, KAKOI BAG USE??? paschalusta xut paschlite fotku at mena gde ja usaju bag, Takoi netu patamuschta ja NE usal nikakix bagaw. Name : liquidcityx , Server: Fun : lvl 90 , Monk Paschalusta NAPISCHITE, mne kaschitsa schto tam prosto kakoita predurak hotschet apjat sa banit sa nitschiwo, u mena usche bil 1 ras ban na 30 dnei. Tam ja usjal bag da, moschet on schas prosto wsal odnu i tosche fotku i paslal apjat, i apjat sa banili, Paschalusta ATPISCHITES, i Iswinite schto tolko tak magu pisat !:mad::mad::mad::mad:
Hey Community, today I Killed Galleon the World Boss in Pandaria with some other people, then i did go afk, after I login I see that I got banned !?!?!?!?!?!? I got Banned for Buguse BUT I DIDNT USE BUG !! Fix and unban me, I just Think there is 1 person that wants me to get banned for nothing . I REALLY didnt abuse any BUGS, why i get a 30 day ban????? At LEAST PROOF ME then that i used bug. / U CANT because I didnt use any bug ! REPLY pls Name : Liquidcityx ; lvl 90 Monk , Fun Server