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Everything posted by Liquidcityx
I choose number 1 stay gladiator titles for 2S also , but hey you all knew that since I'm a 2s hero Kappa
Milo found proof of that, but that doesn't mean anything as long as we have 2s heroes like you that plays pandawow fotm and the russian community consisting of 99% warriors LUL. I play 2s this season, its an offseason , what does it give me to tryhard 3s all day like you and max do , and then get rekt by real retail players and then crying about there combs like LSD TOOO OP PLS NERF, when before they started to play here there was NOT A SINGLE LSD that played competitevely good. And sorry but what are you doing as a QA Tester , you made a couple of good reports. yes. but you and noneed were just sick of dk and warrior in 3s , thats why you thought , hmm everyone plays it , it´s fotm and then something must be wrong . As you said yourself , i´m a 2s hero and im playing already for years mw warr and mw dk in 2s and thats why i know how this classes should work and what dmg they did before all 3 years and what dmg theyre doing now, in 3s you cant say what the dmg is like from a single dps because you have 2 dps in 3s , you can only see it at the scoreboard which isnt accurate enough. And tbh i can give you screens of farming max his mw, max his sham, funkabizsax and even the retail lsd from queing 3s for an hour in 1 week. so yea idk about that. And im playing with randoms as you would say, and you play 3s with the best people of the server and you still get rekt. Also you and noneed have been trying to fix demo lock because thilan made you mad queing dk demo and farming you( yes i know the story) and still i got randomly oneshotted by a demo in 2s with a 170k soulfire crit, so idk what you QA gods are doing
but some heals are just weird as MW and will also get fixed in the future. There is nothing wrong with any heal spell of mw´s , renewing mist heals for 4k ticks , enveloping mist ticks for around 17-20k , healing sphere is same heal as on retail, soothing mist heals 4k per tick, cocoon absorbs 400k on retail , here its bit less, if you try to break another class you dont like i will apply myself as a QA and will fix MW xuen finally and alsso revert the changes that you did on necrotic strike ( fixed wrong) and warrior mortal strike + slam damage , no joke. But thanks that you forwarded it though
I was the first one to report this bug with eminence already years ago and nothing happened , that's like the only bug left with mistweaver monks apart from ring of peace still not working correctly , would be awesome to finally see a fix for this
Gems enchants doesn't affect and difference a number between 70k crits or bit more with collosus up and 30k like it is now , it is a difference And also in Russian and English section they explained why and how the fix was made wrong
Ye might be you know but you know also that warrior does less dmg then it should ATM
Yup break all the classes at isn't fun now to play
Rofl I played retail prolly more then you kid , just watch s15 warrior vids or even from s14 and a s14 warrior from retail does more damage then the current pandawow s15 warrior , max didn't proof that mw is viable in 3s , he got 600 wins with 2.3 in 3s and I call that TriHard , same as I trihard 2s, I could prolly reach the same rating on mw in 3s with these wins , also you said yourself seasoned soldier maybe bugged for mortal strike and slam but ye that's ur words and now you try explain me something else , Demo lock got fixed from the QA team multiple times after you getting farmed by dk Demo in 3s u started to nerf dk and Demo lock together with Repitchx , dk is not working fine after the fix , necrotic strike dmg and absorb is still bugged and also the pet dmg from unholy , and to Demo locks 167k soulfire doesn't seem fixed to me
To me it feels like the QA Tester team wants to make certain classer better then other classes (or combs rofl) they don't like , warrior dmg is not correct at its current state , it does too low damage , seasoned soldier wasn't fixed correctly and every 3k warrior with EXP says that too , demo locks still broken (screenshot with 167k souldfire from a Demo in 2s) but hey main thing rogues are fixed because QA Tester cares about his class. Just compare warrior constant dmg with Frost mage constant dmg and deep lance damage without proccs or trinket and u will see there's a huge difference at the moment. And in MOP arms warrior and Frost mage damage was almost same , like the constant dmg was the same , and now you crit a resto druid with collosus smash up for 30k that's rip
Вопрос к администрации сервера.
Liquidcityx replied to NeZox's topic in Questions to the administration
Nishto ani ne budut delat , kasirujut bablo a nowi seson usche goda netu , nim srat, ani snajut shto dastatachna Ludei serawno budut donatit , paetamu ani ne taropitsa, ja druga mastera w Web Designe sprasil on skasal takuju xujnu site on bes problem sdelaet sa 2 -3 dnja I ja imeju widu bes bagaw na Site , zeox usche skasal shto Site sdelan a tam serawno isho bagi jest , I eta posle 8 mesezaw raboti, eta xujna polnaja , ani ne taropitsa i wse , Abidna prosto , tak mnoga Ludei igrat na servere, tratjat wrema I dengi a ani dasche shopu dwigat ne mogut , sorry sa Text w nemezkix bukaw u mena netu russkix bukaw -
Solstorm boosting Garrosh Hellscream for free @ X100 & Alliance
Liquidcityx replied to Cogman's topic in Panda WoW x100
Liquidcityx @x100 , i already made few runs with you, your funny guy :D , im 557 itemlevel on my monk , its mw healer , i can heal too , i just need helmet and i will be like 566 itemlevel because helmet is low itemlevel , didnt drop anything for me so far -
Wintrade caught on 06:44 GMT +2
Liquidcityx replied to raou's topic in Report a player or forum user
yea they wintraded , rip rating now , and 30 D lmao :D -
Taming a exotic pet as Marskmanship
Liquidcityx replied to Rizevim's topic in Report a player or forum user
It´s not a exotic Pet i believe, you can get it from the mount vendor, it just hasn´t the ability from bm which is like bloodlust and removes cc when you have as a other specc then beast mastery -
Cheat Engine Transmog bannable now??? Jeger pls
Liquidcityx replied to Liquidcityx's topic in General Discussion
its on russian , idk exactly , did the gm said its bannable there? thats what i understood from, i just need a answer from jegermaister with yes or no pls -
Yo i got one simple question , i heard cheat engine is bannable now , is it true? Jeger pls
yea hurry up pls , its latest time to start new season after .. 2 years? Kappa
Repitchx explain why your only pushing ur comb in forum ?
After new website & arena season release You have any informations to us players about the release of the new season? I don't need the stupid website I liked the old one too , I just want the new season finally to start /cry :(((
I have to disagree with this because i can give you an example, im playing on my mw with lots of good warriors , and i can say after playing years of mw warr i know how a good warrior will play , when he will like for example give his reflect , use his defensive cooldowns and so on. And in this years of experience many of my warrior mates got reported for PQR even tho they didnt use anything. For example Criptonid got banned for auto refresh hamstring when on the video u can clearly see he missed to refresh it in 0,1 sec a few times which is impossible if u play with a bot. All i want to say is that i already saw a couple of good people getting banned for no reason only because the devs or gms dont have ingame experience and know only approximately how it should work. That people get banned and have to pay 3 times more for an unban is kinda unfair to me. If they would have a 100% statistic of clearly banning only hackers and abusers then it would be ok but i saw them banninng people that played fair so idk about your idea. In General i like it too because fuck all those PQR abusers and scripters and hackers but i hope u got my point^^
Nearest month season @zeox
Liquidcityx replied to Liquidcityx's topic in Questions to the administration
Nice russki -
Hey zeox , i wanted to ask you if you can update us players about the start of the new season u said you hope you can update website in this week , and no more Infos so I'm asking you how far is the progress ?
Holy shit dude you have like 20 full geared locks ?