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Everything posted by Illusie

  1. How can i know if on those Addons there is the function i need? lol...
  2. we talk about panda-wow or about retail? In panda-wow i can speak about it in prespective of Ele shaman. well Everything is situational. And MoP seems in generally balanced to me. There skilled and there less skilled. But i'll name here few classes that really hard for me to play against (as Ele shaman) Rogue: I see rogues opener / burst and it's incredible. in 2s with some classes and good communication with partner it's just insane. I went sometimes as Rshaman and i couldn't even pop something and i died or my partner. Balance druids: are nice in 1s too duo strong heals and combat bugs of Panda-wow, which make you heal 300k in middle of fight just because you 'Leave Combat' Almost every class in 1s with 'Leave combat' bug is great. you back to fight with 100% hp just after 1 casted heal. I never saw Balance druid in arena. so I don't know how they are. I tired Ele/Balance but i rekted so hard from DPS/Healer and my Druid couldn't keep me up. Mages: Well for me they are really OP. They have high damage Frost&Fire for Arena, Arcane mostly in BG. They can block your burst with Ice block, or just use Alter Time. Silence you or things like this. in BGs they always top damage. and in 2s they incredible. with good CC. Warriors: I saw many warriors at 2s. they just train you so hard, slow you cc you, kick you etc etc.. and reflecting your strongest spells which sometimes is death to get your 100k+ damage back in your face. And most of them go with Rdudu that cyclone your healer, Fae silence him, Bash him, Root him. If he able to cast a heal its huge luck xD. In 1s they are strong too, if you know to play them. I saw many times failed warriors but skilled ones are just insane. Destruction Warlock: They aren't so OP in my opinion. I just mention them because Chaos Bolt+Shadowburn. And because you spoke about them. But infact Chaos bolt is predictable and you can't Instant cast it like Pyroblast / Starsurge or many other spells from different classes. The true thing is they can 200k-250k CB followed by Shadowburn and it's just too insane. If you cc'd healer and the player who gonna get CB+SB combo can't stop the cast. it's death sentence. They are really strong at 1s too. But i ain't saw many of them In 2s. I saw only few Affliction which are really great when Dampining start ticking. People mentioned Hunters here. In my opinion they are not OP except one player that wreck everything in His way (Cawpunchx [i spell it wrong]) Dks I been never faced and fought them in Arena. So i can't say anything. Mistweaver Monk: Really great healer with instant heals (spheres) when things fucked-up. Almost impossible to kick them and they have good mobility & pillar hugging. really crazy class for healing. Have good CCs vs everyclass. Restoration Druid: OP healer, can do great CC chain. the Heals they do just great. Mobility. everything. Most underrated classes. Ele shamans: Yes the class I play. That true in Battlegrounds Ele shamans are really crazy in damage, but that because most of time we can Flame Shock 3+ players at once so our Lava Surge start procing, yet i saw many many players (mostly Healers) who tank my Ascandance lava burst with some procs like nothing. In 1s we almost have no chance vs most of classes. in 2s the damage is just not enough to kill. I even checked few times if i can kill Restoration Druid or MW in 1s. I Just can't the Lifebloom+Rejuv is enough vs my 'filter' spell (lighthing bolt) and they just sit on 100% hp. and Lava Burst drop them to 70-80% which is easy to heal with just 1 Swiftmend. Shadow Priest: Idk, about two months ago they were really OP with the PvE bonus, Mind Spike and Mind Blast hitted like 120-150k easy. And could melt people down very fast. but Now I didn't see many of them. and Most of time the damage is not that incredible. the DP is really nice. but the damage without it just not enough. Retribution Paladin: In retail at MoP there was only one Ret at 2500+ rate. it was Mystic. and in Panda-wow they are not strong too. in this Expansion Ret aren't so strong. There only few Ret that really Amaze me. Enchancement Shaman: The burst is really insane if skilled shaman do it right. but the sustain damage is not that good. lacking of many things (heals, root escapes, gap closer) I didn't saw many of them and if i compare them to Warrior as melee. They are not that good. (Maybe i'm wrong i just don't saw many of them) Discipline Priest: Well i faced one time a Discpline Priest+Hunter and I lost vs them. But they are not strong healers, fast OOM and they are not strong healers in Retail aswell. Rshamans: Not that strong In arena in my opinion. (Compared to MW and Rdudu) I don't know what to say about Holy Paladin I saw them few times in Arena and I just lose to them as Elemental (Even Tremor didn't helped me). Turn Evil vs Humaniods is insane in my opinion. and few times i saw Paladinsteel healing insane. Holy Priest: Idk there few really good and few really sucks that get oom after few mins, the damage reduction is insane in my opinion like 20-30% less damage from all sources. If i compare them to MW or Rdudu yet I didn't saw high rated Holy Priest.
  3. Hi guys. I wanna ask you something. And maybe someone of you will know. I'm kinda lost my hope because everyone i asked. Don't know what i am talking about. Well, what i am searching is Addon that "filtering" the nameplates of totems (Specailly totems) Addon that will remove the 'nameplates' of fake totems (the trash totems cause by Glyph) and it will show only the Real totems. If you don't understand what i am talking about. Look at the screenshot that i took from a Stream of someone from retail. Screenshot: http://imgur.com/PGwTd8o [ATTACH=CONFIG]70633[/ATTACH] In the screenshot you can see clearly in red circle the group of totems. but only the real one have nameplate the one in blue circle. the fake ones in the yellow circles haven't nameplates at all. Without Addon that 'filtering' nameplates. You will see the trash totems too. just like in the screenshot I took from Panda-Wow. Screenshot: http://imgur.com/3PRcNHc [ATTACH=CONFIG]70634[/ATTACH]
  4. Bump also i put pet on Passive and he still Agressive. ....
  5. It does not working. I have 26.83% Mastery which means: "Increase the bonus damage from Eclipse by 26%" Infact, when i enter Eclipse the buff (Eclipse:Lunar/Solar): "Damage done by your Arcane spells increased by 15%..." The damage that Balance druid lose each time they enter to Ecplise is H-U-G-E Fix it asap. + The calculation of Ecplise scale is wrong and bugged aswell.
  6. Yeah lolz it work like we are cataclysm. jk
  7. glyph don't work Wild Mushroom should give Efflorescence(effect) instead Swiftment.
  8. Up! That true. Sometimes the starsurge don't work properly with the Eclipse system. for example if im at Solar and i cast Wrath to dump it back to 0 then Wrath to 100 for Lunar. and while that i use Starsurge instead of help my eclipse system to get Lunar it increase my Solar again. (20->40 instead of 0 same happen with Astral Communion you click it and it don't move to the opposite side(Lunar->Solar, Lunar what it does is (LunarSolar)
  9. Up! Same happen in the Fun server. they don't root and don't deal damage. I can summon them but they just walking around me. Edit: Already reported here:http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=53681 here: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=49388
  10. Well i'm kinda new at PandaWow, and MoP in general. As i understand by reading the information of the spell http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=137384/combo-breaker Combo Breaker: Requires Monk (Windwalker) Requires level 15 You have a 12% chance when you Jab to cause your next Tiger Palm or Blackout Kick to cost no Chi within 15 sec. Well yeah. when it proc on Tiger Palm All is fine and don't take Chi but when Blackout Kick proc. the proc instantly get somehow removed and when you click the skill it take Chi. Tested on dummy. Date 5.17.2014 priority: well i guess its not big issue to fix it, but it's still about monk rotation and 2 chi used instead of 0 [when it proc] ruin the monk rotation. so i'll say 5/10. Server: Fun If i'm wrong. say why, And close this theard.
  11. Same in Fun server. While you use Lava burst on flame shock players (100% crit chance) The first Lava Burst get crit. the second Lava Burst (by Mastery: Elemental Overload) Dont crit Question to the opener of the theard does the Lava burst formula is ok? and the Lava burst deal 50% additional damage?
  12. Illusie

    Shooting Stars

    Same happen to me. It show me that it procced "Shotting Stars" but i can't press it beacuse it on CD like when you normal casting it. What I do is cancel the proc manually with mouse right click. And waiting to the next proc. then the CD get restart and I can instant cast Starsurge. I lose alot of DPS because of that. Specially when you get 4-5 procs in few seconds. And sadly only one Starsurge work. then it stuck by CD even if it procing xD... server: Fun
  13. It does not work in Fun server too. You put One or Two or Three Mushroom then press Wild Mushroom: Detonate. And It doesn't create Fungal Growth and don't make area of 8 yards with the Slow effect. creating a Fungal Growth in each mushroom's wake covering an area within 8 yards, slowing all enemy targets by 50%, and Edit: Already reported here:http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=53652 here: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=49545
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