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Everything posted by Spookat

  1. I would get warrior's intimiditating shout on my enh because I lack a stun.
  2. I'm even full geared and cant deal 160k with any spell lol
  3. Diablous did 300k with griev gear. I did 120k. It has nothing to do with skill or rating. It's bugged and you "testers" are the worst testers I've ever seen. Why dont u test warriors? Or they're "fine" as well?
  4. No shit.
  5. It's obvious.
  6. Is there something wrong with that?
  7. where? i dont see them on the rankngs. I bet he didnt even played ret or enh. Just switched specs or got carried by a bugged warr/rogue/druid/mw monk/necro dk - - - Updated - - - the pal is2.7k and the sham is 2.3k. This is far away from 2.8k. Read again pls
  8. Hey, did anybody noticed that there arent any paladins, WW monks, Enh shamans over 2.8k? You know why? Because they have nothing to abuse ;)
  9. why should I check my skill? My rating is same as yours.
  10. Dude, Rhymezz, I'm full geared enh shaman. Who are you talking to wtf
  11. I just wanna see a skilled player to reach 2,2k without bugs. Is it possible lol?
  12. @Dhurakan it's bugged. Stop posting shits here. I can't compare my dmg to a malevolent warr... He outdmg me dude wtf?!
  13. You dont see the haste bonus in your stats, but its working. Check the cast time of ur spells.
  14. They just spam inc. Have u seen a destro lock/resto druid in arena? Cyclone, Cyclone, Cyclone Incinerate, Incinerate, Incinerate Abused shadowflame GG
  15. I'm 2k rated enh sham 522 iLvl and I can agree that it's almost impossible on the high rated arenas. There are malevolent warrs doing higher crits than us. My Malevolent MM hunter does 40-60k chimera shot/aimed shot crits and my enh does the same amount...
  16. Spookat

    BloodBath! 10/10

    So it's still working, but bugged?
  17. В х100 имам frost mage tyrannical хорд, а във фъна имам енх шаман full griev ally. Само кажете къде :D
  18. Only 40% use it :/ http://www.worldofwargraphs.com/stats-talents-9-3-0-0-0-0-2-0.html
  19. Nicerino posterino
  20. So I tried rogue and couldn't kill anything. (whatever u dont care anyway xD) But those rogues and warrs are OP as hell. A rogue killing you with the opener isn't balanced. Imagine if you play agains a burst comp like Bm hunter and sub rogue. You CAN'T survive. Their dmg is so fking bugged. The only way to beat a rogue is to play Awarr. Because he can't burst you under 35%. There are many bugs, but not that game breaking like these. Just search for Sensus'one-shot macro and GG.
  21. Ops my bad.. Retards play only them* xD
  22. Spookat

    BloodBath! 10/10

    How can you Shockwave if you picked Bladestorm from the 4th tier?
  23. Healthstone glyph isnt used by many ppl
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