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Everything posted by Spookat

  1. Maybe they dont use only English alphabet. It is possible to replace some words with similar words from a different alphabet.
  2. Same here
  3. Damn that damage xD addons arent that useful. you can do well with only gladius for arenas. its your choice after all.
  4. Slam is better than HS IMO. Anyway if Rend is back this means one more GCD, which will slightly reduce their burst. But as far as I know, there are many removed spells in WoD. It will be even easier than MOP :'(
  6. What do you thing about destro and ele? Epic crits with ascendance+Lava burst and conflagrate+chaos bolt xD
  7. Their mastery isn't working too.
  8. How about this? #showtooltip Shield Wall /cast Defensive Stance /cast Shield Wall /cast Commanding Shout
  9. RothUI and Gladius :P It's easy to heal and dispel party members with these.
  10. #showtooltip /cast [stance:1] Defensive Stance /cast [stance:2] Battle Stance Casts def stance if u're in battle and battle when in def.
  11. Yea me too. The dummies are waiting for me xD btw I critted ~80k on the opener with stormstrike in arena :P
  12. Dunno :/ btw I just did some good BG scores with enh :P Imagine what can we do if they fix it >:D
  13. ENHANCEMENT SHAMAN!!! Best spec ever. Too bad it's bugged, but come on its still fun xD
  14. The whole talents is bugged. Not only the Windfury part.
  15. Will any dev/admin answer to this?
  16. over 2M HP :O
  17. If its missing from ur list, type it.
  18. Yea with 200 players online. PandaSh4n and pandawow are the most popular ones. The others are shit
  19. [ATTACH=CONFIG]44578[/ATTACH] shitty but still EPIC!(or maybe not)
  20. 200k+ crit followed by a 60k non-crit normal attack lmao
  21. The "most" fixed? You mean the "more" fixed. Because there're only 2 MOP servers out there.
  22. Dude everything's bugged here. THis server sucks so badly. Ele/enh shamans are bugged too. Same goes for DKs and hunters. Warriors and sub rogues are fking OP right now. A warrior with full CDs is equal to a ret paladin with bubble and 50% increased(instead of descreased) dmg. Even with the new patch I belive there will be more bugs than fixes.
  23. Spookat


    btw they aren't working in the fun realm. Or at least some of them.
  24. Да бе прав си. И без това не ти трябва умение за повечето класове... Аз играя и в х100 и във фъна. В х100 имам фрост маг(undead) ама не го играя от доста време(защото не мога xD) във фъна съм с енх шаман алианс.
  25. Well it's easy to make such score with griev gear while the others are still using malevolent. And if you wanna get better, play arenas and duels, not BGs.
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