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Everything posted by Spookat

  1. name 灶灶弟弟 realm fun advertising hacks. this is the speed hack ss[ATTACH=CONFIG]47712[/ATTACH]
  2. ofc... you're mastery gemmed. wtf
  3. Spookat

    bug Conversion

    I'm just saying. Nothing more
  4. Spookat

    bug Conversion

    If you're using Mortal Strike glyph the healing on you is increased by 10%.
  5. Инстант 80 реалма им. Но нито играх арени(защото не знаех как;) ), нито постигнах нещо освен 1к килове на БГ-та xD
  6. Ама сега е на дъното. И аз играх първо там, когато започнах WOW.
  7. Ascendance is working with mastery. The damage is lower than it should be. Searing Flames is the biggest problem. It doubles Lava Lash damage so it should be top priority. btw enha isnt that bad. I reached 1k9 rate yesterday with mine xD not a big deal but still...
  8. Като гледам бъг-тракера, не мисля че са фикснали много неща. Но все пак молтен работят повече по ПвЕ и главно куестовете. Поне казват че ще оставят ЛК и Ката и ще се съсредоточат в/у МОП. Аз "тествах" кyестовете в мългоре и репортвах там :D
  9. 3rd report. What are you doing?
  10. Spookat

    Hards days in PvP

    Fuck the class bugs and balance. Fixing that damn banner is #1 priority right now.
  11. Name: 八極拳 Realm: Fun Description: He's abusing the Tol'Barad banner. It gives 34219432423432% increased damage insted of 10%. SS: Check out the damage of his Rain of Fire. He was spaming it all the time. [ATTACH=CONFIG]46803[/ATTACH] Wtf!? [ATTACH=CONFIG]46809[/ATTACH]
  12. name: 輝煌帝 realm: fun description: hes pulling ppl underground. SS:[ATTACH=CONFIG]46719[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]46720[/ATTACH] I hope you can track his IP and perma-ban him.
  13. What addon are you using for these frames?
  14. Мене не ме трепят толкова ;) Дмг ни е доста малък и някои прокове не работят, ама пак си го играя класа :dance: И все пак трябва да го оправят. Бъгав е тука.
  15. said the guy with no binds at all
  16. Im fine
  17. I copied the name from my game chat. Also I posted 3 pics of him while pulling people underground. Character not found. YEAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH the new topic I made is perfect. I hope u do something this time
  18. realm: fun name: something russian(I can't type it) description: He was using fly hack and attacking us from above. SS:[ATTACH=CONFIG]46660[/ATTACH] - - - Updated - - - Can you track his IP and ban his account, because he will most probably delete this char and make another one. Thanks - - - Updated - - - Yeah, Titan, he exist: [ATTACH=CONFIG]46664[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]46665[/ATTACH]
  19. True. Even though Rsham is OP healer, we bursted almost every Rsham(enh/sub) before he can even trink. It's all about skill. It is true that warrs are easier compared to other classes, but i've seen really good ones.
  20. Spookat

    BloodBath! 10/10

    Blood Bath is the usual choice for Bladestorm. Of course it's important.
  21. Дано поне да оправят енх шамана :Х
  22. This scrub was hiding underground or in the walls and pulling ppl under the map. [ATTACH=CONFIG]46463[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]46464[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]46465[/ATTACH] Name: Mekon realm - fun he used a fly hack to go underground and then pulled ppl there.
  23. seduction is a charm. why should they share a dr?
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