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Everything posted by Fizxxzif

  1. Its funny how this server seems to be someone's life out there.
  2. LOOOL dat resolution xD,are those screenshots taken with a potato?
  3. Children in proof could've eaten that africa
  4. Fizxxzif


    Erase WLS!
  5. WTB rshamy 550 ilvl Dwarf
  6. Kappa.With wintrade xD
  7. Lol,9 sec? that's bug.I have seen NS clone 13 sec kappa...
  8. mine is :
  9. How the fuck the "Motherfucker" insult is Insult towards your mom? LOL please Explain this to the dear rank 1 lord DK Funk,who says she is a female...Jk get farmed
  10. Hahahahah do YOU even English bro?
  11. I said proof.Don't say bullshit words,and yeah GMS can check my accounts ;)
  12. That's not me,any proof that's me? So you are flaming me and lying that this character is me? It's same i take a screenshot from someone insulting me and I say: That's funk.Lol,Funk please don't switch the blame on other people.
  13. You have to follow the rules
  14. That's not me.Check IP
  15. I have no idea why he misstypes the Title "Relative Insult" just to get me banned because he is mad of losing in arena :).I insulted him not his family hehe.The screenshots are old though 10/11 September.And on the Before last screenshot you can see that's in 23 September,an old screenshot you can see that because he is in Brewfest dungeon queue because in 23 september Brewfest event was still on
  16. Where is the Relative insult here? I insulted you,RELATIVE MEANS i insulted someone from your FAMILY.I don't see any relative insult here.You are mad cuz I'm owning you and shitting on you every time ;) Bad player is bad.Peace
  17. I squished out laughing reading this post LOOOOOOOOOOL.
  18. nicee!
  19. welcome back ;)
  20. Are you going to giveaway mounts this x-mas? Lol
  21. Rip x5 rip x10
  22. Everyone is leaving lol,wtf...Riperino Pandawow
  23. Plus fear doesn't break after 2-3 seconds of damage
  24. He/She is just a troll.I''ve seen him/her 2400+rate in 2's
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