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Everything posted by Fizxxzif

  1. Neik deserves a ban...He abused from PVE to Alt+f4 in arenas...Comn,we all know that he should've been 2.9k and not 3050.
  2. Write name and realm
  3. This is abuse.Two level 90 talent abusing LOL...
  4. Also,hes god damn troll in the english channel...
  5. Nemifest I fucking love you :D.Ban Neik pandawow though. XD - - - Updated - - - He abused everything...From powers to alt+f4
  6. I have seen Đionysus too calling every player a "fucking nigger" this guy has serious problems.Ban him.
  7. Neik deserves a ban,I have seen him too, closing wow on 3k mmr to prevent losing any rating.
  8. Imrollex are you down syndromed? or just trolling? I have 3 pictures of you insulting me,my familly,GM's.Gonna post them now 30 days ban inc for you ;)
  9. Name: Monjjabr Realm: PandaWoW-Fun Description: This guy uses arena doors just to find me from stealth. Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]85037[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]85038[/ATTACH]
  10. 30 days ban inc lol
  11. I think this LoS should be bugged as zikos chickens u know what i mean? nedeljkovic doesn't want this to happen very often because he won't sing any songs that pisses me off...and btw this bug is going to be fixed you know why? because shterjo is a cunt thank you :D
  12. Fizxxzif

    Polymorph bug

    well if you want for this bug to be fixed just apply at Doctor Nedeljkovic.He will fix these bugs...if you want how he fixes bugs check this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3z6eqlIMcyI 43:37. He even chilled Melanija a.k.a rajko :D glad if this helped !
  13. u ambasadoro,ask the french guy for the petelo ;) everything will be ok :D no bugs no nothing,they will just blind u irl u cunt jk ziko bless u aka sterjo serko tri cetri
  14. @Borats.You are right,i'm tired of this guy too lol he thinks hes funny or hes the best troll..But nah xD take a life Nemefist instead of sitting in forum for 24/7
  15. Zhalifa dude.Fizx here...Ik your feel.I got banned too cause of insulting Doomcyer.This server is literally the shittest i've ever been...30 days ban for 1 insult? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?!? WELL FUCK THIS SERVER FUCK JUSTER FUCK THE RULES while people who stream and advertise this server got banned cause sayin' 1 insult and those hackers who don't do shit and just get rate by abusing with wpe don't get banned or stuff...Well this server is dying.Russians are taking it.Fuck it.Pce out russtards!
  16. I dont get it whats with this server and the dumb reasons for banning???? banning for relative insult THROUGHT THE FUCKING INTERNET.... are you serious this is more f'kin retarded than kindergarten you need to get your shit straight and accept that these ppl couldnt care less if they have insulted someone and that ban will make things better.......how about you change that shit to mute instead....cause of one raging because of loss or the ppl playing against are absuing something will say smth nice....yesterday i got the same reason got banned for insult toward players relatives and its not the first time
  17. I have a huge problem and disagreement with the prices you put up for buying/selling characters.The taxes were ok and all..but when you increased the price to FUCKING 400????? now i cant even sell my characters....at least give everyone a income of 50 a week or smth...or return to old price or even remove the tax...i know this is not category for my problem but cant find it and i really dont give a damn i just want to sell my boomkin and buy other char.....
  18. lol epic
  19. Thats not bulgarian you retarded piece of shit
  20. Spell: Soul of the Forest (60 druid talent) -When u cast swiftmend it should give you 100% haste...But it isn't working.I saw many people complaining about this talent that does not work...Please fix it :).Thanks!
  21. Anyways,you are getting banned when GM's are going to see this. 3 days ban INC.And do not insult me in-game because If I report you,you gonna eat mute too.Don't make me do it.
  22. Realm:PandaWoW-Fun Name:Zmijuga Reason: Synapse+Trinket=Abuse This guy uses Synapse+Trinket ...I hope you will ban him. Proof [ATTACH=CONFIG]69682[/ATTACH]
  23. Crookers is mad cause he lost to a 2760 CR warrior ROFL...I laughed so hard,cause pressing a burst button and having a +175 Strength Enchant makes me rofl for real!
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