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Everything posted by Deathskin

  1. Dude, are u serious? Absolute is a clicker? How the fuck do u know hes a clicker? Do you have a camera in his room or something? I don't fucking get this server, if someone is good and rank one they're somehow abusing..? Why cant you jus accept that they are good players? Monk/dk has equal cc as resto/mage, resto/hunter..? are u fucking retarded? If my friend read this he would probably kill you irl. Stealing a fucking chaos bolt isn't fucking 3k material dude, You can see that shit coming at u from fucking china, stealing a block,bubble or clone is way more impressive. I do spectate all dks I see and they fucking suck seriously. I didn't say holy was bashing players I said he was bashing my class which I didn't like, because he plays a retarded class aswell (warriors)
  2. Dude I was just going around reading all ur bullshit but seriously, have u seen warriors dude? Warriors do almost more sustain and damage than dks do. Last season there were 8 warriors in the top 10 in the list.. What do u have to say about that? And you bashing on absolutezero makes no sense, he's just a legit good dk? what the fuck is your problem? You may say he's abusing something but he's not, I can guarantee that. You may have reached a high rating, but that doesnt mean u have the right to bash others classes and how they play. You think playing dk is easy? I played dk/monk to 2.6k and it wasn't easy no matter what u say. You may think dk/monk is all sustain and put as much dmg as u can, but playing agaisnt druid/hunter or druid/mage.. any druid comps XD.. Is just legit cancer, they have waay more cc than we do and my monk being cced and me having to go defensive instead of putting as much pressure as I can. Absolutezero plays dk/druid which is a good comp if you synergyze well with your druid. Have u spectated a game of them? They are good players dude probably the best dk/druid on this server atm. You should be glad most of the dks on this server suck, I've only seen like 15+ dks actually know what the fuck they're doing. And to be honest I've only seen 2 dks use dark simulacrum effectivly. I can even say their names Omne and absolutzero. Dark simulacrum is a legit good spell, really funny how no1 uses it. I mean for example if u predict a clone from a druid use dark simula on him and steal it. Use it for more cc when needed, unless you're playing with a druid atleast. I think you're a good player no hate agaisnt you but you have to stop bashing other classes because they are strong. I mean dk may be strong but it requires having an actual brain other than warriors. If dk was as easy as warrior you would see alot of them in the list. So if you want to bash a class because it's easy and does stupid damage? Bash warriors, but I guess you wont do that because you probably play one I suppose? Kappa.
  3. ow do u vote in this freaking website? I need 1 more bonuses and I can't even vote here wtf? and I even made an account but it said I already voted when I haven't? And if I did vote where are my bonuses?
  4. [quote name=) Dk: Kanneki (Can actually control runes and his pet like you should He actually plays like you should instead of just focusing on spamming necros) 2.7k s14, 2.6k 2s 2.2k 3s s15 These are all Fun Players...[/quote] Funny thing is. Kanneki bought my dk when it was at 2.6k in s15 he couldn't even push higher. He never reached 2.2k in 3s you fucking liar.
  5. Why did you increase the value of buying stocked characters? Don't you think 770bonuses minimum is a little to much? Even if you sell your character to buy a new one you have to vote for 70 bonuses. I think that is absolutely stupid. Please either put back the old value or decrease the tax, why even have tax in the first place? It's just freaking annoying.
  6. 1. Striling 2.Fun 3.Fly hacking in SW he was fly hacking...... not lag or bug. 4. Better picture http://i.imgur.com/rAIMq3p.jpg
  7. 1. Striling 2. FUN 3. Flyhacking in SW 4. http://i.imgur.com/0mdIDU5.jpg
  8. Name= Anusfists, Toqlforskool Realm=FUN Reason= Monk xuen spell abuse, alot of dmg 1 percent of hp every 0.1 second https://youtu.be/_kgvu2iJfvE
  9. http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/game/char-3-1997122.html sell for 400+tax
  10. Just as the title says. I cant change the language to english, when I change it to english it goes back to russian
  11. ROFL you guys banned repitch wtf? Are you fucking serious.... All he said was that LSD and LSD2 were really f**king retarded comp. I mean if ban someone just because you wanna abuse an overpowered comp something is very wrong with you. I agree with repitch that you should ban LSD and LSD2 and actually go with comps that you need skill in. I mean you can just take a random ele sham and just win every game. And in LSD2 you can just take a random shaman and win every game. Melancholiax just because you play sham and can abuse this shitty comp doesn't mean we have to let it slide. you can play KFC or TSG or something else just because you're a shaman doesn't mean you have to play LSD2. I'm saying banning repitchx for speaking his mind is extremely stupid and I'm really disappointed in the staff banning for personal reasons. (Just because repitch said ''you are russians you have no right to talk'') Banning 30d because of that is extremely childish atleast try to investigate what he meant by that before banning for 30days. I want you guys to ban LSD and LSD2 from this tournament if it happens and I hope you understand the dissapointment many players will have with these overpowered comps just ruining the tournament. Props to juster for (Maybe banning these comps) I'm done and I'm really dissapointed with the staff member who banned repitch for 30days. 1 week would have been fine but 1 month...Really?
  12. 2.3kcr shitload of titles and sick tmogs offer below YEZZIIR http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-2842727.html
  13. http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/armory/char-3-2842727.html I'm selling this sham
  14. Name= Soyhardlol Realm= Fun realm Reason= 1.5mil mana AND proof. If you check and he is 300k again he put it back so he can fool you! http://i.imgur.com/SXs327b.jpg http://i.imgur.com/4v7oRjc.jpg http://i.imgur.com/7vZZMCv.jpg PS: 3 different pictures taken at the same time so you see that I didn't photoshop this.
  15. Bump still buying 543+ sham but doesn't have to be horde
  16. WTB 543+ ELE SHAM Horde (Orc) offering 400+
  17. http://i.imgur.com/qu3VMIB.jpg http://i.imgur.com/hAXsZxj.jpg Players= Blackebola,Hairypussyx,jeckcraft Date= 11/6/2014 Time= 2:01PM PS= Fun Realm. This is why I applied for Chat Mod in the fun realm. I'm always on and this kind of stuff happens and no mod is there to stop it.
  18. Can someone tell me the requirements of being a chat moderator on the Pandawow server?
  19. I got a 523+ rdrud if u wanna buy. - - - Добавлено - - - I got a 523+ rdrud if u wanna buy.
  20. Name= Molochniagd Race= Tauren Gender= Female Features= Is uncapped, tmogs and titles half full boomy gear Selling for lowest price
  21. Selling a 2.1k 522ivl Hunter BM/mm Awsome mog and Tabard of Brute force+++ more stuff plz put ur offer below (doesnt have to be high)
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