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Everything posted by Deathskin

  1. You can close this thread, my ms is back to it's normal state.
  2. I am going to bump this. I am still having 200+ ms for no reason what so ever, and so are my friends. I have also noticed that some other people are having the same issue. Please try to get to the bottom of this. It's really annoying and has to stop..
  3. http://cp.pandawow.ru/en/game/char-1-2624760.html Just a decent mwmonk for sale for the lowest price possible. Name:Котова Price:700+tax wish I could sell it for lower....
  4. http://i.imgur.com/aqZtd0D.jpg PS, me and chiv decided to alt-f4 and we lost rating aswell, I don't know what this is but.. what the actual fuck? Is it new or is it old? Please discuss below whatever the fuck this is?
  5. No, we tried on x100 aswell the ms was increased there aswell.
  6. Me and most of my friends playing on this server from sweden have gotten an huge MS increase. From 30 to 200 constantly and been like this for 2 days straight. I would like to know what is going on.
  7. Hello, I have a question about this item http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=8190/hanzo-sword I can't seem to find it in the item shop, if it doesnt exist can u make it available? and if it does exist can u guide me to where it is?
  8. So my arena spectator has not been functioning the way it should have been. Everytime I get in and try to go out I will have to alt f4, here is a picture of what is happening http://i.imgur.com/UQYwgrj.jpg The options on the top don't work either, everthing is not functioning the way it should be.
  9. http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/pvp/leaderboards/3v3 XD...........?
  10. Chiv didn't quit, he still plays lol.
  11. Yeah, my bad I forgot about the way u make threads here. I'll make a thread with more info tomorrow.
  12. Mine doesn't work properly, it bugs out. If theres a new version can someone link it? Or is there something wrong with mine?
  13. Dude all I heard was ''bla bla I have never been muted by hioshiru so he's naturally a good mod bla bla'' But guess what? You're not the only one that has never been muted by him. I have never been muted either but that doesnt make me feel special. The guy is litterly muting people that he doesnt like. Shadrissa even said don't mute players for saying you're a bad player for example when people call him a bad druid or a bad player in general he mutes them for 1 hour..? As a mod you're not supposed to be this childish, you're supposed to be cool headed and take things headfront. You can't just end the conversation by using your power to mute the person because you can't say anything back. That is just abusing. Also if this guy was actually a decent mod, he would actually stand up for himself. I have not seen a single post from ''furmetal' yet. So basically what I'm saying is that this guy doesnt have the requierments to be a moderator, he is to childish and doesnt think about the situation before he tends to use his power. I get it when people spamm and CAPS LOCK but saying things like, OH SHIT or DAYUM DUDE shouldn't give me a 60m mute.
  14. This is just freaking hilarious, funny how this guy is still a moderator. He is clearly abusing his powers. He knows that they are doing it on purpose because they know he is going to mute them and he falls for it. Having a moderator like this is completely outrageous. He should be fired, he can't handle having this much power.. My friends I say he must be banished... Kappa P.S srsly though fire this guy dafuq?
  15. WTB 550 DK on FUN realm (Alliance Human) Doesnt need mogs or anything just full prideful is enough
  16. The thing is though, I don't have it shared on FUN either?
  17. Mounts bought on the FUN realm will not be available for your other caracters on other realms, like x10 or x100. On the contrary, if you buy a mount on x10 or x100, you will be able to use it on FUN as well. That doesn't add up to what u said furmetal, could u explain?
  18. Yes I play on the FUN server and they are not on my other chars aswell
  19. I bought a http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=33225 a while ago, and after a few days I sold that character off. I didn't bother making a thread because I thought I wouldn't get it back. I would like to ask if it's possible for me to get it back even after selling the char that I bought it on. Or are the mounts only for a single character? I don't remember MoP being like that... Unless you made specific changes that I don't remember. PS: Thank you, if it's possible.
  20. 2s:Hunter/dru warrior/dru rsham/lock hunter/pala 3s: LSD LSD2 WLS Classes:Hunter,Paladin,Druid, and warrior
  21. Warrior=Neik,Zhalifa,Mesx..Many good warriors out there but these are those that shine for me Shamans=Dionysys(a.k.a)Bloodcagexd,flyback, some russian shaman, samuelito Rouges=Repitchx,claimi,sokween,some chinese guy in x100 Monks=Spherebot,chiv,havi(XD JK) Mingxo, Kiwii Mage= Baaz,magetrainer,Abuxo Warlocks= Waaz Druids= Minpojke(you can deny it all u want the guy is fucking good) Benhistory, Laserpewpew, same here many druids out there that are good Paladins=Dartfuckingmeganz(This guy farms me) T.T.... Hunter=Hitfuckingdown(This guy farms me with meganz) T.T.... Priest= Shurkdabang(Shadow),Shelby,shweeps(holy) Death knights= Necrobot (myself) aka Cunnii now..jkjk(I'm still kinda good though I think :S) Ok real talk, Omne,absolutezero Just a personal list of people that I think are really good at their class.
  22. Do you have any proof? Like a forum post or anything? You keep talking about it but you're not giving any proof. You obviously didn't understand what I mean by stealing a chaos bolt but ok, and reporting me to a forum moderator go ahead lol. I don't spend my day on this forum like you do. I only posted here in the first place because this guy was bashing my class. A dk getting a kill with 2 buttons..? Any exprienced player can destroy a bad dk its just sad. PS if stealing a chaos bolt is 3k material then I guess reflecting one with spell reflection is 4k material AYE?
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