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Everything posted by Deathskin

  1. You have to ask your community for stuff aswell you can't just implement something without consulting the people that are going to use it. You should make polls for both the russian community and the international one. One problem alot of people on this server hate at the moment is the 7 days played to sell a char. Maybe that was good when it was summer but people can't play 24/7 now. Like me for example, I'm in the stage where I have to study alot, which gives me about 2-3 hours of gameplay after coming back from school. You have to notice that your players have lives and jobs/schoolwork. That was one of my examples and my way of making this server a better gaming experience. Thanks chiv for making this thread it was needed and I hope the staff pay attention and listens. Cheers, Deathskin
  2. Pm we what u want only 1 item for 40 bonuses per person AKA 3 first people to PM me PM the ID for the item and the char u want it on. My present for this aids community 2 more
  3. Deathskin


    Says the guy playing survival http://i.imgur.com/QkTWSnQ.jpg
  4. Deathskin


    This bug has been here for 2-3 years don't expect them to fix it now lol.
  5. This is actually quite true. I killed a shaman from 50% while he was hexed..
  6. Thanks, I know that but I was just wondering if it would matter if I didn't log on for a while I'm in school atm. Probably won't be back for atleast 2-3 hours. Does that matter?
  7. If you buy something from the website and don't log in for a while after you buy it, and you don't know if ur bags are full. If you don't get the items u bought are there logs of everything that I've bought? So I can get the items I bought.
  8. Deathskin


    I fucking loled.... you're bassarey?.... Jesus christ... RIP
  9. The one....and only...... Paint.
  10. You insulting my art ;( I cry. I think I draw really nice :(. (real talk tho, if you've experienced intervening a hunter trap in pw then you will understand this.
  11. http://i.imgur.com/tD807df.png I drew this on a laptop without a mouse. XD #truestory
  12. Yeah keep talking, if what zeox said is what u meant. Then you could have said it in a way a human would understand.
  13. XD Mb I went full retard sorry, Zeox thanks for giving an actual explanation.
  14. Ok, can someone explain what he just said in brighter english. How do you lose bonuses? It's like we are actually talking about ''real money'' here. Tiggar you're still wrong don't celebrate yet, the fact that you're even celebrating is because you didn't even fully believe your own words.
  15. I don't see the point of ur argument, they get payed with pixels for supporting the server and you're talking about actual customers that buy bonuses ''OF THEIR OWN FREEWILL''. What are you trying to state?
  16. YOU DO KNOW THAT they don't pay for the bonuses they give to staff members right :I?
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