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  1. At least on lolten core spells like Touch of Karma are fixed in weeks after the first new content launch and not after years, or a time yet to be seen... AND you won't ever see a minor glyph fix coming before a row of major bugs just to lengthen the changelog.
  2. And that was Wotlk with stance dance, etc. Imagine now ;) - - - Updated - - - The only spec that has always rap"d wars op a*s and always will!!
  3. Considered how broken is dodge and expertise on here, I can't even blame him for doing that. Smart guy. You are going to see when he will dodge your as*es up to 3k rat.
  4. ahahhah don't worry in retail rogues weren't supposed to oneshot you in an opener, but hey this is PANDAWOWWWW
  5. how many accounts do you have? like Repitchx1000 or something? hahaha
  6. ahahah funniest bug report ever xD. Hw, I got this glyph on my mage, but it works perfectly, are you sure it isn't something else?
  7. The problem isn't damage, but that one can burst through it like nothing. The damage cap (100% of your health) is broken, so if one pops all cds vs your Ww monk your likely going to be destroyed, since if your ToK bugs out (it doesn't happen all the time, but very often), you are left without the only defensive cd you got (panic button) and mobility isn't enough to kite a fk mage popping all its cd, including mirror image. We are a rogue who can't stealth without our main defensive cd, try to guess how squishy we are at the moment, we are somewhat decent thanks to Battle Fatigue bugging out in combat.
  8. Is this referred to the obvious overscaling?
  9. Neither of the two. Scrap those *** classes and roll either a Rpally, an Enha shammy or a Ww monk. All of them scale extremely well with skill, especially the latter, and as a surplus (to me important too) they have spectacular and original animations, not like a warrior whose all abilities look the same, so boring. W hybrids!
  10. Wow it sucks even with the huge buff FoF got? Sad to know the funniest spec to play in pvp is no more viable in doing so.
  11. You're right, nice said. But if you report without screens and proofs, you're 100% sure your thread will be ignored and for tricky spells like Windfury Weapon, even if a dev decided to test it out (a dev/tester will lickely test with low level weapons to lower the time needed to do so) he would be led into thinking it's all alright and thus closing the thread and negating the bug. I want to try to speed up things, because this server has so much potential, what a pity that certain members of the staff aren't exactly up to it.
  12. Seriously I haven't got time to joke about it. Learn to actually test out things before making (bad) irony (and threads), as you're embarassing yourself. If you test out a normalized ability with a dagger you have to apply 1.7 as multiplier in the following formula: normalized_damage = base_weapon_damage + (X * Attack Power / 14), thing that you didn't even bother to do, because you don't even know how to apply it in LL formula. The 2k damage difference derives from that :), not your imaginary Searing Flames stacks giving 16% (loool) more damage instead of 20%. Then again, stop to test things with low level weapons, do it with high level ones, it takes more time, but it's more accurate as it's the "condition" you're at level 90, as AGAIN, you aren't going around with level 5 weps in bgs or arenas. This is not retail, something is wrong with low level weps, I told you 100 times, try to test Windfury and you will see how crazy is Pandawow: with a low level wep swings procced hit for more than white damage (as it should), whereas with a level 90 wep the swings procced hit for less than white ones. Please explain this to me, how is it possible?? Ya put it on grammar mistakes, whereas you're the one who thought Lava Lash was a spell and thus was affected by Unleash Flame in Mop, then, understood the big BS you threw, you smartly corrected the posts on my thread, acting as you actually meant it was only in this server and not in retail. You're actually kind of fun mate, keep it going.:)
  13. Calculations are wrong, how are you supposed to find out that something is really bugged? ur using a dagger as off-hand and you didn't even normalizate
  14. With Lava Lash scaling wrongly with Mastery, the more high ItemLevel equip you get, the more potential damage you lose. That's why maybe with no equip you can't notice Mastery wrong scaling: it's like if you create a yardstick of 0,999 m instead of 1 m. Obviously the error wouldn't be noticeable and won't change anything while measuring small distances, but with larges ones, the error would be more than evident, very noticeable and critical.
  15. I know, but I had a bit more AP than the previous test, so the final average damage increase should of have been around 8-10%, not certainly 3% as the test has shown. Mastery is bugged, at least with LL. Also Lava Lash haven't had any hotfixes, only a big buff in 5.3. Damage modifiers works just fine because I checked them adding one step by step before the final testing.
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