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Everything posted by Arevon

  1. I'm starting to get depressed how much tons of pro windwalker monks in WoD quit the game because they refuse to do any else spec as WW :( and as we all know in PvP ww monk in 6.0.3 is pure piece of shit if tightly said --soz for going offtopic--
  2. Well I'd recomend you some really good PvP guilds but :secret: it depends on your rating in any of these 2 brackets - 2v2 3v3 ( not including 5's as its really rarely played)
  3. Yeah recently detected this too , its just an visual bug in stats :) fixed my bug report in international forums ,seems as now its only that 100% increase dissapearance left to take a closer look on .
  4. 1. Name of not working spell- - http://www.wowwiki.com/Guardian_of_Ancient_Kings_%28holy%29 This is for Holy Paladins . 2. Description of the problem. - Updated-- Seems as only visual bug in stats that it doesnt show the 10%+ haste Some examples - 100% Heal increase Works really randomly sometimes it does sometimes not ..sometimes it will work on first 3-5 seconds and then wont , yes it's while buff lasts. As you can see in video it works for 9 seconds and last 6 seconds doesnt.( I'm sorry for the glitchy video but 1st time ever I record a video in-pc :d...though only watching trough youtube its glitchy ( weird) >, 3.How it must work. -The Guardian of Ancient Kings will heal the targets of your heals for an additional 100% of the amount healed and grants you 10% haste for its duration. 4.Date when you tested it. 15.01.2015. 5.Realm (x100/x10/Fun), on which you have found the bug. -x100 6.Priority of the problem. -4/10 Well This spell is our savior and enemy burst destroyer ,kinda important. --Update-- I lowered it because Haste problem seemed as only as visual bug I'll be thankfull if any of you testers would approve this and russian moderators / testers / gm's would translate it to russian and post in russian bug tracker if it isnt yet posted there as we all kinda know russian bugtracker gets bigger attention! I'd likely do this myself but I don't have russian letter keyboard. -Thanks Ghost for posting it in russian bugtracker :) If something is horribly wrong /missing just say so and i'll edit asap. or just say so and lock the thread :pardon:
  5. go to your russian forums straight away. Goodbye. and its like its not a bug report as I can understand you have a missing mount or pet?
  6. Ill explain more detailed Neff , tommorow or somewhen soon m cant promise but ill try to remember. --update-- I'll make somewhen soon ;d. Theres that problem when you're in raid it doesnt work randomly.
  7. Arevon

    Most OP classes.

    Lets not forget that all depends on luck mostly - will that spell crit , will it hit , will my trinket /jade spirit/dancing steel proc etc.
  8. Arevon

    Most OP classes.

    Cant agree mate. windwalker monk against rogue is some fun shit . Tho not in here that much, as monk passive defensive and spell for kite doesnt work and they are really important.buuut maybe those bugs instead , make it even more difficult for monks and they find it as more fun . [ its each personal]. Like as Im playing monk myself , fun is how I force 90%of rogues to be runny bitches like they're supposed to be to not to sit on my ass and rub it with a dagger in 2 seconds , literally.The other 10% make me to go seriously. And I try to use that Parody of spell called "Transcendence" . Im sure devs laugh their ass of with their evil jokes like last changelog and since last changelog till this day! :)
  9. http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=27903/sonic-spear http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=24255 http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=4729 http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=7523/gossamer-shoulderpads
  10. ''as the rules ask..'' Could you read more carefully and now go to read the rules for posting a bugreport? :)
  11. if it's a druid spell why you post it in the warrior's section? O.o + make the post as rules ask.
  12. Arevon

    Forgot the names

    Lose control shows duration of cc , I figured out what was the second one - InterruptBar2 .just need to rememeber first one kinda hard to remember all addons as they're already 19 in my map but it isnt all of them still .-.
  13. in this server there's no big difference from others , it isnt as retail ofcourse in 1:1 , it isnt with x1 rate , it has many bugs ( like all pservers). There's arena spectator and some fun shiz in Pandawow Fun realm ( the name of realm is pretty obvious and explaining - fun). Well there's like 14000 people on all realms counted together in holidays , weekends if im not mistaken :)
  14. Arevon

    Forgot the names

    Hello! I returned just today to play Pandawow once again(ingame) but here's problem , I installed new windows and as pretty obvious all files were deleted ( and I forgot to save some on memory card..), the thing is I forgot name of 2 addons. I found my old screenshot in one of my reports luckily so.. The one in pink circle shows what spells enemy has used and whats cd left( big spells / cc's etc.) The second one in green circle is which shows cc's /silences used too. [ATTACH=CONFIG]69739[/ATTACH] Yeah I know Pro editing skills , Obey it :D. I'll be thankfull if anyone of you could name them :)
  15. Arevon


    Seems as it is fixed. Nevermind this one , we still stand in water like on ground :D
  16. Arevon


    Boom boom boom bump boom boom boom bump boom boom boom..boom boom booom bump
  17. Frostshotz he doesnt get it still XD. And duckdead , anything else to say? You are willing to show that you are way dumber than we already see?
  18. You are truly dumb :D . Sorry but just I couldnt not facepalm. Btw read again - ladies first , so go on and shut your mouth first if you didnt get the idea as you are....special( in bad way). Merry x-mas ? Lol hello , its 7st of January not 24/25/26th of December.
  19. So lets start * cracks knuckles* 1. 1st of all b!tch learn to be sarcastic if you dont know how to be sarcastic then dont write at all 2. Second , look in what section you posted smartass guy/girl. 3. You rage and demand a reason when its shown in your eyes. 4. There may be you didnt know that exploit/bug but that doesnt mean admins and gm's will be like " oh shit that guy is center of the world and he shall be 1st unique one unbanned because he wants to". 5. They ( gms / admins) can easily just not give you answer. They are tired of people like you. Do you think you're only one posting this sh!t + in wrong section? 6. And about this " mouth shut" , Ladies First my dearest forum rager. Have a good day sir.
  20. Arevon

    Touch of Karma

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