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Everything posted by BlueIceX

  1. support 1v1 is nice idea!
  2. Today I did 10 2v2 games. 9 of the games were full PVE players (they do not deserve name players), and I did screenshot on arena against 1 mil affliction warlock. He was interesting to me because he is first guy I've seen in arena to pass 1 mil hp. And of course he is able to kill targets with 1 switch in 3-4 seconds. Through defensive stance. Big applause to panda-wow for allowing this and for not fixing PvE gear scaling in PvP. http://i.imgur.com/4iwSzHC.jpg
  3. Nick: Redarmy violation: Player somehow abused proc called "Wind lash" ( http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=114089/windlash ) and made it proc 20 times in 5 seconds. This killed me in 4-5 secs in arena in defensive stance. screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/xFv5Qeb.jpg realm: Panda-Fun
  4. lol you are sixteen y old which means you are immature (still a child). Once you grow up you can be mod :)))))))
  5. BlueIceX

    Show your UI

    CANT UPLOAD PIC BUT I CAN EXPLAIN MY BINDS 1.Necro strike 2.Ice chain 3.plague strike 4.Necro strike 5.Necro strike other spell click click: Necro strike Necro strike Necro strike Necro strike Necro strike Necro strike Necro strike Necro strike summon gargoyle Im 3k dk on server name eldkpujo i use pve gear nice dmg
  6. Only you want it, get your facts right. Doing PvE is nonsense to me
  7. So, when are you guys going to fix pve scaling in pvp, I just had ten arenas in row against random oppoments they all were full pve, for instance, pve 900k hp priest who does 7x times more damage than my partner... 57k devouring plague thicks.. Everyday, I see more and more full pve people using full pve and oneshotting you in GCD. This is pvp funserver, so best option would be to completely remove pve gear.
  8. ~~~sold~~~
  9. owned all his chars (including druid) . too easy and he's ofc getting carried
  10. up (all realms not just x10)
  11. yes when I played with my druid and have symbiosis to frost mage I got mirror images (I should get iceblock) and worst of all mirror images did 0 damage they basically don't work at all for symbiosed druid.
  12. elemental and enchacement shamans huge burst, affli locks and all hunters.
  13. frostshotz 1v1 hero
  14. Nick: Admintest Violation: Fly hacking in battle ground plus impersonating a game-master (administrator). Evidence: 1. http://i.imgur.com/ZMHZDQo.jpg 2. http://i.imgur.com/UqAINfi.jpg Realm: Panda-Fun
  15. That is PlateBuffs. It's very nice add-on.
  16. Destro locks are free kills for warrior if war has at least 1% brain usage. ( cancelaura bladestorm, same for pummel and spell reflect when lock puts blood horror buff, etc... )
  17. Books? 404 not found.
  18. oh god what is this.. ?
  19. bug: can't change talents before bg and arena start ( in preparation) tested : today ( 8.11.2014 )
  20. I recommend to watch plz
  21. BlueIceX

    Your Binds/UI

    Everyone else uses it and I see GM declined reports for that so I think it's not banable. You can post big image if you use [/img] on start and on end of your picture link code</p><p> my code is like this (without spacing)</p><p> </p><p> [img] http://i.imgur.com/CzDoGPg.jpg
  22. BlueIceX

    Your Binds/UI

    I started to play with binds after my first month of WoW, I actually never liked clicking, I realized how slow I am when I click spells. Using binds already 5 years. To all clickers who want to start use binds I recomment you to not bind everything you can because your brain wont be able to process all the data and memorize binds that fast. I started with q,w,e,r,t and later f1,f2,f3,f4, Not really true, clickers are also keyboard turners and backpedders (because most of them have S as moving back) which means, if person circle attack them, they fail in most cases, if clicker wants to kite someone they hold "s" key which is basically, wasting time, because you move 50% slower when you walk backwards. Like swifty said: What happens, if someone backs behind you?? What if rogue with Cloak and Dagger spams spells to keep their ass behing your back.. what you do? STOP CLICKING and use your mouse to turn around, which means you can't use your spells for PLENTY of seconds. Or you can keyboard turn, and loose even more time. Props to swifty for explaining :) BTW: YOU don't need razer naga with 17 buttons. You can bind over 70 abilities and macros only with your keyboard, This is my UI: http://i.imgur.com/CzDoGPg.jpg PS: I don't use bugged glyph anymore :D
  23. Fact is that 60% of Horde players use hacks. (fun realm)
  24. No, I was not. He didn't even slow me, he just run and spam Ice lance, if I was in deep freeze I would trinket it.
  25. Nick: Diezzel Violation: Basically, this mage hits me 40k every time with http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=30455/ice-lance He don't use any other spell, he just use living bomb and get range and spam ice lance, he killed me in 2 secs because he is also using gcd hack. ss: http://i.imgur.com/J3NHr4x.jpg
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