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Everything posted by Repitchx

  1. :)))))))))
  2. I dont care
  3. Any1 alive?
  4. Afk 3 months now. Working on bfa. OMEGALUL
  5. I’ll donate 30$ to the server i this gets fixed. Let’s wait and see, I’ll give zeox 3 years, maybe 4.
  6. Zeox bby, why did you leave already? :=)
  7. and then he was gone :)
  8. also make wargame cross. i want to host tournaments
  9. also make tmorph a thing? its kinda cool
  10. ok thx - - - Updated - - - https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=199096 is updated
  11. ok. while you're here, can you please remove httpS ? please, it ruins the forum experience. also i have a friend that is going to improve your arena spectator addon, interested? he will make the one i told you about https://imgur.com/a/WSOYsFH - https://wow.curseforge.com/projects/vadraks-arenalive - - - Updated - - - any plans on getting the new season started after the servers are back up?
  12. https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=79845&page=11&p=1445617&viewfull=1#post1445617 what does this mean? what will actually change in-game lol?
  13. start the fucking season already what is happening? been off season for 1 month now. will there be a season when the servers are back up???
  14. yes he is creating a bfa server. it screams $$$ for a 2nd world country :)))))
  15. Zeox is working on this amazing thing called bfa :) It’s easy money tbh, thats why he doesnt care about mop for the next 6 months.
  16. sry, zeox cant come to the phone he is busy working on a dumbass bfa project
  17. What's wrong: Disorients Issue: When you have someone targeted while being in a disorient, your character starts to turn towards your target, makes your camera angle all messed up What should happen: Should not turn towards your target Realm: All Priority: 8/10
  18. Spell: https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=1742 Issue: Does not slow your pet by 50% What should happen: Should should for 6 sec Realm: All Priority: 2/10
  19. What's wrong: Arena frames Issue: They are displayed in battlegrounds What should happen: Should not be displayed Realm: all Priority: 1/10 (just super cancer and shit like this makes the server look awfully bad)
  20. https://www.twitch.tv/repitchx/clip/MoralSucculentDadMVGame?filter=clips&range=all&sort=time want more? ye? i'll make a new post everyday till this gets fixed, mark my words.
  21. bfa is a fucking dying project already lmfao. wodempire is a great example. wow pvp died after mop and if you bring up the pve excuses, look at wod, pve was good, still died omega
  22. I'll upload this tomorrow most likely (hope I won't forget)
  23. zeox working on bfa OMEGA
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