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Everything posted by Repitchx
this is nothing but a popularity contest. DK: noneedsuck (sondre) Druid: noneed & zanked (noneed for rmd, zanked for certain comps where you don't need voice). overall they're the 2 best ones. Hunter: wexelence or w/e his name is (i see a russian hunter, i think of him, idk) Mage: pewds & qwanya Paladin: darkness or halta (almost every hpal is the same lmfao) Priest: jack Rogue: me obv wtf lmfao, what kind of question is this? (jk, steper is good tho, although he plays like a bot quite often - rip https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=244491 ) Shaman: zanked (resto), weafy (ele) Warlock: maje(affli), autsch (destro) Warrior: xladerzz Monk: max (mw), ww: __ ____________________ https://gyazo.com/dbe627e7fc967e6531cb2ff574d98c41 This is also why threads like these are useless. Some people just loves to que during the night, some loves to dodge.
fixing huge bugs? jk
Only nagrand.
please do this... i'd love it so much.
What's wrong: Nagrand arena doors Issue: They don't disappear after doors open What should happen: Should disappear Pandawow: Retail: Priority: 1/10
Before I start this report, I will let you guys know that only Zeox seems to be able to fix these type of bugs. I've tried to talk to other devs about this, but they can't they said. ____________________ What's wrong: Stealth / stealth detection Issue: Does not grant you 0.5 sec stealth vision when you see someone in stealth What should happen: When you spot someone in stealth, you should be able to see them for 0.5 sec ^it has the same mechanic as Vanish that was fixed some time ago (https://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=216225) Realm: All Priority: 10/10 Proof: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/48263476?t=0h0m55s (1:15 sec) https://gyazo.com/58b76509ffda342346626f89e0ec3062 The 0.5 sec rule is the only thing that I know that is blizzlike stealth detection, perhaps there were something else as well on retail that I don't know of, but the 0.5 sec for sure. The 0.5 sec rule does not imply that you should only see them for 0.5 sec then they're gone completely. It is actually to make sure they don't just disappear like on Pandawow. You can sometimes even stand still on here and people can't detect you. ___________________ THIS IS WHY THIS IS HUGE AS FUCK LMFAO https://clips.twitch.tv/AmazingSpookyJamAsianGlow https://clips.twitch.tv/AmazingSpookyJamAsianGlow https://clips.twitch.tv/AmazingSpookyJamAsianGlow
i mean, the tooltip says it? https://i.imgur.com/xafllfk.jpg it is the main buff itself as that is the only ability that gives a 20 sec buff - - - Updated - - - 10 sec without taking damage = should expire
the 20 sec buff gets removed if you dont get hit for 10 sec. You will always have the 2nd buff because it doesn’t last as long anyway. Will explain berter when im home
Ability: https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=1856 / https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=115191 Issue: When you vanish and you get out of stealth, stealth cooldown is not displayed What should happen: Should be displayed Realm: all Priority: 7/10 for me at least Doesn't sound like a huge bug, but believe me, it really is. Remember the bug with NS for shaman? Kinda the same. Don't know when you can restealth is game-breaking. https://gyazo.com/2b7c59dd42c4e9386b03aaec281f7606
can some1 fix this? rogues that plays like bots are rewarded lol
Spells: https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=1856 & https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=33786 Issue: When you Vanish and get cloned, you don't get stealth afterwards What should happen: Should get stealth Realm: All Priority: 4/10 "Allows you to vanish from sight, entering STEALTH while in combat. For the first 3 sec after vanishing, damage and harmful effects received will not break STEALTH" aka you're in stealth when you are in vanish.
Spell: https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=2894 Issue: Is immune to fire damage What should happen: Should not be immune Realm: All Priority: 1/10 Proof:
Ability: https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=6544 & https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=45438 Issue: - Damage part ignores LoS - Damage goes through Ice Block (perhaps Divine Shield too?) What should happen: Should be affected by LoS Should not do damage through Ice Block Realm: all Priority: 4/10 https://gyazo.com/868a9734ea4f945ec851b0db5543bf01 https:// https://gyazo.com/664aa52d68059e62e3e1e71cf2f1af0e?token=44bd5fa473e2d7da81af0ef6d1f5f585
This needs a fix asap
bump... please
Abilities/spells: https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=102633 ( [Prideful Gladiator's Badge of Dominance]) + https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=126731 Issue: You can't use Synapse Springs after the cooldown from using your trinket What should happen: Should work. There was a trick on retail to use on use trinket then Alter Time at 3-5 sec when your trinket was about to fade so the shared cooldown of Synapse was gone. You would go back in time BACK so you have trinket proc then pop Synapse as well. Only problem right now is that you can't use it, even after the cooldown is over Know it sounds confusing, I just suck at explaining. https://gyazo.com/80844344190c346d9769d2d15022daac ^you alter time when the cooldown hits 3-5 seconds, then you wait till the cooldown is over then go back in time, then pop synapse. in other words; you extend the duration of your trinket with this (6 sec extra from alter) and cd is 20 sec, hence, 6 sec of synapse + trinket priority: 4/10
old macro i haven't removed because i still dream of the day zeox adds tmorph
Still bugged. https://imgur.com/a/dNtQRcQ Can't speak to the ghost. Edit: You can kill the ghost on here and it drops. Custom made I guess.
Spell: https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=74001 Issue: Doesn't fade after 10 sec if you don't get hit What should happen: If you don't get hit for 10 sec, it should get removed Realm: All Priority: 10/10 Can't kill a rogue for 20 sec lmfao, nice.
Spell: https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=127663 Issue: Works in starting room in arena What should happen: Should not save (by this I mean you should be able to still channel it, but your stacks should instantly disappear) How to reproduce: Enter arena and get to 75% / 100 Lunar. Then when the arena starts you can get 1 tick from Astral Communication and you will have 100/enter Lunar Eclipse. I don't have direct proof other than on pandawow it resets visually (which it should), but every druid on retail uses it soon as gates open https://www.twitch.tv/videos/42910576?filter=highlights&sort=time https://www.twitch.tv/videos/42767602?filter=highlights&sort=time https://www.twitch.tv/videos/47898604?filter=highlights&sort=time If it really worked during starting room, don't you think people would use it then? Priority: 2/10 (only saves time, but you can actually have 3 starfalls this way as well. Starfall into 1 Starsuge/Wrath = 2 starfalls then Celestial Alignment = total of 3. Realm: All/cross
Zeox? Come on, apply these changes. :/
bump 123
But why can't you just simply click the button that existed before? That's dumb... ty tho.
Spell: https://db.pandawow.me/?spell=31224 Issue: Ignores Los What should happen: Should not ignore it Priority: 7/10 in certain situations PS: Can you guys please tell me why I can't post pictures anymore? https://i.imgur.com/5U4af37.jpg (want to display the picture, not just link it)
https://clips.twitch.tv/NastyFastKeyboardVoteYea this is so f-ing dumb, lmfao. lets just make defensive use of cos useless vs warlocks, right? having dark soul dots in cloak is sweet!