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Everything posted by Repitchx
Horde: They're both great in their own way. I'd take undead over orc though. Will of the Forsaken is an extra trinket against Warlocks & Hunters. Orc is good vs anything, cause everyone has a stun nowadays... the extra attack power is sweet, but I find undead way more useful. Let's not forget about Touch by the Grave (or however you spell it). It's amazing for melees (specially for Rogues & Monks). Since you have Slice and Dice, you hit faster = more procs from TbtG. Alliance: Humans are quite overrated. Yes, it's the best race for a Rogue on the Alliance side. Two trinkets will never fail you. Only reason why night elf isn't the way to go, is because of Faerie Fire. Means you can't use Shadowmeld = the whole reason for going night elf is a waste. I would only take night elf if Faerie Fire wasn't in the game. Considering how dumb and OP druids are in MoP, you'll always find a Druid = you'll always get Faerie Fire'd. Just go human.
Arena frames & swap talents/glyphs in arena (FIX)
Repitchx replied to Repitchx's topic in Panda WoW Fun
I know. They almost fixed it, tried to fix it fully, but it fucked it. Now they just left it. -
why can't you guys fix what's really important? Arena frames For love of God. please just fix this... it's so damn important for arena. i can't peel at all without frames. it's useless to click players, cause you have 20000 pets in there. by the time you get your right target, your partner is already dead cause of it... Change talents & glyphs in arena fix it, please...? tired of having Combat Readiness vs wizard comps... fix stuff that really matters. if i dont suggest anything, it will never get fixed. just look at last season. was bugged throughout the whole patch. it was 90% fixed the start of 5.4.8, but now you managed to bug it again. You can use http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=111771/demonic-gateway in CC (stun/fear etc)... fix that too. can't even swap on targets near a port. Always remember: PvP -> PvE on fun realm. We're talking about a whole PvP realm that you guys don't care about right now. Fix this and we'll be happy.
♥>>>>>>> -Super BaBe- <<<<<<<♥
Repitchx replied to Veronica's topic in Report a player or forum user
what realm does she play on? is it x100 or fun? if its x10, i feel bad for her -
♥>>>>>>> -Super BaBe- <<<<<<<♥
Repitchx replied to Veronica's topic in Report a player or forum user
marry me, veronica. lets have babies. -
Because I have another macro with trinket + Shadow Blades. - - - Updated - - - #showtooltip Shadow Blades /use Shadow Blades /use Prideful Gladiator's Badge of Conquest Is the macro I have if I want to use Shadow Blades + my PvP trinket xD.
Why cheap -> gouge -> blind -> redirect? the problem with your strat is that your kidney will still be on dr, so it'll only be half, means you can't go for the sap, unless he's super dumb xD. Just cheap -> redirect kidney (if you 5 cps) -> blind -> sap etc... you have a partner as well, so let him help you out xD.
Spam Sap vs stealth classes in arenas Sap macro to find them: #showtooltip Sap /cleartarget /targetenemyplayer /cast [stance:1/3, harm, nodead] Sap Play viable arena comps Rogue Mage Rogue Hunter Rogue Priest (Holy) RLS Thug cleave RMP/RMD Dancing with the stars Have two burst macros. One to force cooldowns, and one to finish the target Force cooldowns: #showtooltip shadow dance /cast Shadow Dance /use Grievous Gladiator's Leather Gloves Burst macro where you finish them: #showtooltip shadow dance /cast Shadow Dance /use Shadow Blades /cast Prideful Gladiator's Badge of Conquest As you can see, first macro I use my Engineering glove enchant, which gives me 1.9 k agility, which is great. Only problem is that it shares ICD with your use trinket. That's why I have my trinket in my last macro, where I finish the person. Glove enchant + Shdow Dance = force cooldowns Trinket + Shadow Dance + Blades = finish the target Use http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=8529/noggenfogger-elixir when you're in Arathi Basin & The Battle of Gilneas. It's gonna help you a lot, cause you'll be a lot smaller! :) When you see an enemie is low on health and the healer still has his trinket, try to redirect Kidney with 5 cps, if he trinkets, he'll sit a full Blind into a full Sap, Poly or a Trap = much easier kill target. How to kill MW Monks? A good monk will always prevent it, but the best way to kill a MW Monk is to get [Paralytic Poison] to proc = http://www.wowwiki.com/Dematerialize. This will let you get a full Kidney Shot off, that means you're gonna use your first Shadow Dance macro I gave you to force cooldowns, if he's retarded, use the second one, but keep in mind. A good monk will always prevent this. Some basic tips I just had back in my head.
please fix it, putin. important bugs.
Cool. :) 1: Awesome. Thanks! :) 2: Thanks. I appreciate it! :) 3: I gave you a priority list, fix that before you fix anything else. If I keep reporting it like everyone else, what's the chance of them getting fixed? Here you have a clear list of important game-breaking bugs. 4: Thanks amigo. 5: Trust me, you'll get so much more out of it. How many do you think will buy items from the store? No one. Why? Cause it's too expensive. 450 points for one piece? You can buy a new char that's geared = 250 points. 250 points for full Prideful vs 1 piece that cost more! 6: Alright. It's a good feature though. 7: Just do it. People will love it! :) 8: Try it, make an account, I'll give you admin access and you'll see how much easier it is than this site xD. And of course better.
Spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=81206 Issue: If you stand in the Holy circle, Surge of Light will start proccing insanely much What should happen. Shouldn't give so many procs at all. Realm: Fun Priority: 10/10
Spell: Item - Priest T16 Shadow 4P Bonus / Empowered Shadows Issue: Once you use an offensive spell, you get a buff which increases your Mind Blast, Mind Spike, & Shadow Word: Death damage by 50%. What should happen: Each Shadow Orb consumed for Devouring Plague increases the damage of your next Mind Blast, Shadow Word: Death, or Mind Spike cast within 12 sec by 20%. Realm: All of my reports are based on Fun Realm, nothing else. Priority: 10/10 I'm tired of seeing people do 100k's + with Mind Blast cause of this bug...
Spell: Pets running through LoS Issue: All pets are running through LoS, also, with Asendence up as Enhancement, you can hit through walls. What should happen: Shouldn't run through LoS. If you need me to link all the pets, I can do that. Asendence shouldn't hit people through walls at all, same with Shaman totems. Frost Nova also ignores LoS You also have some spells you can use through LoS too & some spells ignores LoS like Starfall.
Was moving to AT, but the server is so unstable now imo. Guess I'll play here till it's fixed, but besides, the staff on here are working much better now than they did for 3 months ago. - - - Updated - - - Dude, don't worry. I don't care about W/L rate lmfao. When I bought Repitchx (Wakkee back then) in 5.4.2, that character had 218 - 198, like, you can't get worse stats than that xD.
Any admins on?
Lol guys xD. On-topic: I'll take your Rogue for 550. :)
Guess it's fixed then, cause the first day they said Dampening was fixed, it didn't affect Monks.
@Starcaller: I just made a priority list. I normally do report all the bugs there, but here's just a list they should start fixing ASAP.
Dampening is working, but it doesn't affect some classes (like Monks).
Thanks guys, love feedback. :) @klinstonas: I can't stream at home. I can only stream at my friend's house, but maybe in December I can stream at home, cause I'll be able to get fiber net by then! ;)
1: Teleporting NPC Amazing work on it, but there's a problem and it's really annoying. If you teleport to any location, you can't teleport back because there isn't a teleporter there. I highly suggest adding an NPC for every place (tested Nagrand for this). 2: Arena seasons with/without money prizes? Oh yeah, you heard me. Who doesn't want this? The server isn't finished, still many bugs left, but this could be a really nice project for the future. Arena seasons is specifically made for 3v3, 3s only! If you want money to be the reward, I'd suggest having 300$ for 3rd place (100$ for everyone in the team), 600$ for 2nd, & 900$ for 1st place. Of course, a lot of money, but as I said, it can be a project and it's all based on the donations you guys get. I don't really care too much about the money, but would be nice to see arena seasons where you could obtain titles too. :) Something else that would be really cool would be to give Prideful items to the winners (3rd 2nd 1st). Example: 6 items for 3rd place / 12 items for 2nd / 16 items for 1st place (16 items = full Prideful). If you have the gear already, you could just give it to another character instead. 3: Priority list with bug fixes I've seen a lot of useless fixes (don't take this personal). You guys do a great job, but there's only the thing where you guys fix something that really doesn't matter (for instance a minor glyph). ________________________________________________ Spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=31224/cloak-of-shadows Issue: If you pop Cloak of Shadows with an offensive cooldown like Shadow Blades, your trinket, or Shadow Dance, you start healing your opponent while you attack him What should happen: Shouldn't heal him at all Realm: X100 / X10 / Fun Time discovered: 14.10.14 Priority: 10/10. Against Mages, Hunters, & Shamans, you sometimes have to cloak burst so you won't get nova'd / trapped / thunderstorm'd away. _______________________________________________ Spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=76577/smoke-bomb Issue: Has a 1 second delay when you use it[/html] What should happen: Shouldn't be any delay at all. Once you pop it, the effect should be right there. _________________________________________________ Spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=57934/tricks-of-the-trade Issue: Doesn't work. Your target doesn't get Tricks of the Trade buff = doesn't get 15% more damage for 6 seconds. What should happen: Should give my target a buff where he gets 15% more damage for 6 seconds. _________________________________________________ Spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=15286/vampiric-embrace Issue: The healing doesn't split up between party members. Also, scaling TOTALLY WRONG! It heals so much more than it should. What should happen: The healing should split up. For instance: If I crit 100k and I have another party member, I should heal myself for 50k & 50k for my partner (if i have the glyph). ________________________________________________ Spell: Pets running through LoS Issue: All pets are running through LoS, also, with Asendence up as Enhancement, you can hit through walls. What should happen: Shouldn't run through LoS. If you need me to link all the pets, I can do that. Asendence shouldn't hit people through walls at all, same with Shaman totems. http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=122/frost-nova also ignores LoS You also have some spells you can use through LoS too & some spells ignores LoS like Starfall. _______________________________________________ Spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=145179 / http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=145180 Issue: Once you use an offensive spell, you get a buff which increases your Mind Blast, Mind Spike, & Shadow Word: Death damage by 50%. What should happen: Each Shadow Orb consumed for Devouring Plague increases the damage of your next Mind Blast, Shadow Word: Death, or Mind Spike cast within 12 sec by 20%. ______________________________________________ Spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=81206 Issue: If you stand in the Holy circle, http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=109186/surge-of-light will start proccing insanely much What should happen. Shouldn't give so many procs at all. _____________________________________________ Spell: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=121818/stampede Issue: All your pets are using an attack (basic attack like Claw / Bite / Smack) What should happen: Stampede pets shouldn't use any abilities, only auto attack. #4: Transmog vendor(s) So when you're full Prideful geared, what are you gonna use your honor for? Nothing... So I was thinking, why not just make vendors so you can buy amazing old PvP & PvE sets for around 350 honor per piece? Would be really nice. #5: Reduce the price of all the donation tools. It's too expensive. Everytime I buy a character from the shop, they always pick a fucked up face & the wrong gender. So I have to pay 100 extra to change that? That's too much imo. I'd reduce it to at least 50. Reduce the cost of Prideful items. Oh God, I can't express my feelings for how much it cost. 450 per piece? Are you out of your mind XD? I can just buy a character from the shop and have it everything finished. Reduce it to 50 per piece at least. Cost less = more donations (cause there's a reason to donate now) = more happy players = more profit. I say the same for buying transmog items. 50 per item? Meh. 20 would be more than enough! #6: NPC that gives you instant professions Already suggested by Dotgirl, but gonna retell it differently. This is a realm called "Fun". It means everything should be fun. Professions aren't hard to obtain, it's just annoying and frustrating cause it's not hard to make an NPC that could give you this. I know what some of you guys think "But if you spawn with everything, what is there to work for?" Well, if you prefer doing it the "hard" way, why not just have all the reagents there for people that like to work "hard"? Coming from a PvP community, I know very well how annoying and stupid it is to run back and forth with reagents. Like there's no challange, it's just annoying to do. I hope you guys can at least think about this, from our point of view. #7: Spawn with useful items & instant glyphs Spawn with http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=81923/cobo-cola http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=79249/tome-of-the-clear-mind http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=72986/heavy-windwool-bandage #8: Change to IP.Board I have one up running that I don't use as much as I guessed. It was meant for my guild, but didn't turn out as I thought, so what I can do is I can give it to the staff. Everything can be changed. I can give full access to the staff, much smoother & more user friendly. http://surfburken.comxa.com/ (is the website) That's what I got for now. Hope you guys like my suggestions. Also, amazing work, PandaWoW staff with all the amazing bug fixes lately, truly amazing! :) Best Regards; Vidar / Repitchx - - - Updated - - - Juster told me to make this topic, so hope it won't get locked. - - - Updated - - - If anyone could perhaps translate this into Russian, I'd highly appreciate that!
thank you repitchx for suggesting the fix just kidding. :P
I can bring many more suggestions, but question is: Will you guys read them?