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Everything posted by Veronica

  1. WooooooW mai traiesti? Pffff am de gand sa ma intorc in pandawow am incercat alte servere da nu prea mior placut.. Cmf? Inca mai lucrezi in Pandawow ca tecnic? :o
  2. Realm: Fun Player name: Tatø Reason: 1.11 Insult to friends or relatives, 1.13 Insults nations / religious / racism groups in all its manifestations. >Insult to my mother, my father, my and finally to my current country. *The problem is that it's all in Spanish, but trust me, I will translate the offending parties, specifying their situation, and linqueandoles the google translate to observe. Evidence: 1.[ATTACH=CONFIG]64765[/ATTACH] - Spain Version: Tatø - España? Las ratas? Los que roban oro en paises pobres? dile a tu **** madre que deje ya la prostitucion y que te compre una vida con el poco dinero que le queda - - Translate English Version: Tatø - Spain? Rat? Those who steal gold in poor countries? tell your fucking mother to leave prostitucion and buy you a life whith some money she has - Google Translate: https://translate.google.com/?hl=es#es/en/Espa%C3%B1a%3F%20Las%20ratas%3F%20Los%20que%20roban%20oro%20en%20paises%20pobres%3F%20dile%20a%20tu%20puta%20madre%20que%20deje%20ya%20la%20prostitucion%20y%20que%20te%20compre%20una%20vida%20con%20el%20poco%20dinero%20que%20le%20queda 2.[ATTACH=CONFIG]64766[/ATTACH] - Spain Version: Tatø - Tipico de los españoles, todos muy incultos y exageradamente retrasados. **** pais asi esta en la ruina, ya se paso de payasa - Translate English Version: Tatø - Normal in spanish people all of then are uneducated and exaggeratedly retard. Fucking country like this its in to ruin, to mucho joker Google Traslate: https://translate.google.com/?hl=es#es/en/Tipico%20de%20los%20espa%C3%B1oles%2C%20todos%20muy%20incultos%20y%20exageradamente%20retrasados.%20Puto%20pais%20asi%20esta%20en%20la%20ruina%2C%20ya%20se%20paso%20de%20payasa PO: They can verify that both translations are clearly very offensive and deserve punishment. ♥ Veronica PM ♥
  3. Evidentemente las fotos lo dicen todo pero al parecer ni dios contesta al raporte •-•" Comentare asi lo pongo en primera fila igual estan ciegos o algo xD
  4. Realm: Fun Player name: Piruabr Reason: Speed Hack & Fly Hack Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]64648[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]64644[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]64646[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]64647[/ATTACH] I caught him cheating the first time when the punctuation was 1/1 and see I'm against the wall and the objective is to achieve an impossible speed. Look at the blue flame behind him by the flag (you can clearly see that going too fast, otherwise the blue flame would not be so long) +In addition there may not be much, but I can also say that just came and got the third flag smoothly, while I and hunter at its base ... As you can see curiously recovery 2 flags and also give our two sullas. In short, it is obviously hacker. ♥ Veronica PM ♥
  5. Vendeta, dudo que contesten al raporte si esta en español. Pero suerte :D
  6. To copy the name of a character, follow these instructions: 1. You open the registration of the Arena or BG 2. An open damper, hit enter to open the chat. 3. With the open chat, you hold the SHIFT key and pressing the record name, right mouse click. 4. Since finishing this, You keep pressing CTRL and A (this is to select the name written in chat) 5. You keep You press CTRL and C (to copy) And with that, you have the name of Chinese, Russian, Japanese, German ... etc. .................................................................................................................................................. And its true, my english is very bad, but i'm learning
  7. Mmm I have also captured the players: Prest (Teleport Hack) Zokor (Fly Hack) If not they ban in your raport, i'll upload my proof :P
  8. More information or your document will be denied... The image is valid, but you must include the name, the server (fun, x10, x100) and cause ... Example: Player name: ....... Realm: Fun Reason: Fly Hack Proof: (Here you put your img)
  9. Puahahahaha pro gamers yea •-•" PO: Se escribe: Vienen no Bienen, Si escribes asi el traductor no traducira por ti ;)
  10. 1. It is not my account. It is the account of my brother. 2. Do not use neither blind nor macro because even this learning a bit about the characters. 3. I'll tell you the same thing to other jokers who get where they are called. Get in your affairs. ♥ Veronica PM ♥
  11. Realm: Fun Player name: Flyingkick Reason: Fly Hack Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]64232[/ATTACH] Realm: Fun Player name: Rxlxmxrzr Reason: Fly Hack Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]64233[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]64234[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]64236[/ATTACH] Realm: Fun Player name: Apokalipx Reason: Fly Hack Proof:[ATTACH=CONFIG]64246[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]64245[/ATTACH] Realm: Fun Player name: Xubluu Reason: Fly Hack Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]64249[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]64250[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]64247[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]64248[/ATTACH] ♥ Veronica PM ♥
  12. - - - Updated - - - Lektz se puede saber cual es tu problema? Es decir te duele algo? Dime que igual encuentro medicacion o kien sabe a lo mejr te mando a la putta mierdda y asi te relajas.. A quien coño llamas tu ratrasada? Eh ?! Y con ke motivo? Que pasa que tu si ke puedes meterte en todos los raportes de todo el putisimo mundo y yo no puedo hechar una mano x culpa de 4 subnormales ke les parece incorrecto ke contete yo a los raportes.. Anda chico mira marcha a fregar un rato y metete en tu putta vida y si tienes un problema te lo callas porque a mi me importa lo mas minimo.. Asco de frikis enserio.
  13. You won my ignorance. keep talking, but this time alone. ^^ .i.
  14. If you earn money by writing, serious rich, but as just wanting my laugh, you're nothing but a child lost in the world who does not know what to do with his life: *
  15. Cry? Me? Hahaha rather, I laugh at you, of sentence that gives your life, you prefer to provoke me and bothering me before playing :)
  16. I dont care what you do? I'm here to help people, not to argue with people like you. If you have anything to say about raporte, shut up.
  17. CLOWN! and you said I am Romanian !! romania no russia ... not really, your dumber and not born. I look if I comment on the raportes is to help people, not like you you do to annoy.. - - - Updated - - - I will not speak ill mannered. I'm going to ignore you and problem solved. Bye ;)
  18. Anyway, you should consult a doctor, if you'll have a head injury or something ..
  19. Possibly forgot you get all the gold of character, gold prices rise character, if you do not take out the gold, those points are lost and you are left with only a few
  20. sorry, but you're wrong, I'm not Spanish, I'm Romanian clown are the typical rat child has no other office to which they devote more hesitation to others... - - - Updated - - - Buy a life men buy a life ...
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