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Everything posted by Señorpujo

  1. Señorpujo

    Crazy for Cats

    wasting ur time looking for a cat's achiev :x
  2. Noneedholy http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=52012 2.2. It is forbidden to use obscene speech or rude expressions. 2.3. It is forbidden to use obscene, rude expressions and insults of any sort http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=207721&page=2&p=1245151&viewfull=1#post1245151 (he said fuck) (banned for saying fuck example: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=198359&highlight=pujo+fuck) http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=208382&page=2&p=1247010&viewfull=1#post1247010 http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=207721&page=2&p=1242783&viewfull=1#post1242783 http://i.imgur.com/qGAy03Q.png comment: will u start applying your own rules? everyone is flaming/insulting in forum
  3. Nope. The teleport you say was made with a WPE filter, you where changing the location where the player appears when u control mind
  4. hey, do you know the scripts they exactly use? if you* can send the scripts to juster or heisenberg, i think they can block them, like with WPE filters no?
  5. The mind control was used with WPE or with EWT. WPE was a filter that was changing the XYZ location of the controled player EWT was using .suicide command during control mind, so you kill the controled played instead of yourself (i think it was that)
  6. wasn't script/codes, idk a shit about that Just google'd "mind control hack" and after 1 hour more or less i found how was done I tryed to get some info about this new hunter shot spam, but didn't found anything, i'll try later again
  7. what would u have done? is the only way you can help them for fix hacks, knowing how its provocated no?
  8. green sets are always cool - - - Updated - - - ye i expected that answer, :c
  9. SOLUTION: help dev's to find how to do this hack, PM heisenberg or juster or someone saying how to make the hack once u find how it works, wait for fix. Is what i did when control mind hacks appeared, i learned how the hack was working, i tryed to reproduce it, then i pm'd a guide of the hack to juster for fixing it, seemed to work.
  10. Señorpujo

    Crazy for Cats

    that explains how is your life xd
  11. just wait, sometimes appear a new hack during some weeks. then they fix it
  12. http://i.imgur.com/DJKAG5x.png http://www.db.pandawow.me?npc=32720/violetta
  13. viva el foro español xd
  14. uops.
  15. 7/10 shh
  16. find valid arguments, then call me
  17. Señorpujo


    he don't lie, he is just spastic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-j9wJqgrgM
  18. That explains why i lost :') The few times i que arena is with weird comps BTW: Xd
  19. RoF is RoF, i didn't saw anywhere saying destro having less spell power benefit. The spell says 25% spell power + x points, which is not how its on pwow atm (at least for destro, didn't tested with afli)
  20. thats why i report, the afli rain dmg may be correct, but idk. The destro dmg is way less dmg atm. In the formula its like 3k less than retail with tyra set, but full gear its way less. About the duration, is because your haste %
  21. you are spastic, we have proffs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-j9wJqgrgM
  22. http://i.imgur.com/3uNYxJV.png http://i.imgur.com/XegzoS4.png - - - Updated - - - You are spastic, look at your mouse movements lol This could be you and nemifest: Xdd
  23. i don't see anywhere saying that destro rain should be less than other specs rain, even more, afli rain of fire burns also 75k mana atm, is useles. And demo lock don't even have this spell, its replaced by another one.
  24. destro spec http://i.imgur.com/TFoqFMB.png its 25%
  25. 1) Name: Trhsrthtr 2) Server: fun realm 3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKh6Zaf8Bkw
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