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Everything posted by fix

  1. 550 prideful 568 pve human female a few donor mounts alot of titles name: nessper
  2. fix

    [Deadly Throw] bug

    bump.. should kick
  3. fix

    Killing Spree

    ... bump ... rusians only look at their own fixes thats why it takes a year to fix anything
  4. :bo: lolsz
  5. beating a affliction warlock as a mage seems to be very skillful. You should duel chanimal some time
  6. pve on fun server which has no pve content, seems legit
  7. PVP gear is not supposed to give resil. That was back in 5.0. PVE gear should be scaled down in arenas along with tier sets disabled. This does not happen because Justers 2015 famous quote: "wait bugfix write changlog"
  8. fix

    Arena mmr

    yeah, sucks for me @ 3k mmr facing 1400 rated pepole
  9. its not a script, any warlock with a pet can do this. you can CS through walls and pets get 90k energy and spam bite without a CD and can walk through line of sight. it will never be fixed, nevertheless the server itself
  10. can your computer handle pac man?
  11. play on *****
  12. Kappa123
  13. it should be by percentage not by ranks... just like retail
  14. 1) http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=51690/killing-spree 2) Should be immune to all CC, and should work with auto attacks along with Bladefury and/or Shadow blades. 3) Currently: it bugs out and doesnt work sometimes, resulting in no damage 4) 1/25/2015 5) 10/10 main burst spell for combat rogues
  15. pandawow in a nutshell
  16. fix

    Hunter nerf

  17. f a c e p a l m ive farmed everyone on the 2s ladder in 3s, they are all FOTM warrior rdruids that are clueless when it requires skill rather than composition anyways i doubt most of the english members will stay here considering WOD on another server is opening on the 30th, (rather not say the name or i will be banned by putin)
  18. lynx rush damage ticks at 150k -200k resulting in ~800k-1million damage. needs fixing
  19. fix

    Most OP classes.

    ret hunter druid most bugged 3s comp atm
  20. bumph
  21. General Class Bug’s : should have divine purpose 100% proc rate regardless of having the talent as Retribution. (allowing rets to have 2 level 75 talents. Gamebreaking.)
  22. fix


    because duels proves that you are better than other people
  23. if anything is needed here, its a nerf not fixes
  24. Gocho :dk male human Fully geared (you can search it up on site), missing a few items Including PVE items transmogs, and mounts Rizesan : nelf female MW monk (you can search it up aswell (on site), full gear including PVE items transmogs, and mounts
  25. and those full pve rets are stuck at 2500,....
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