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Everything posted by Infinitas Umbra
Hello guys, just sharing my newest song i have released right today, for those who like Progressive House. I Hope you like it and please don't forget to share. :) Regards. https://soundcloud.com/officialnightrider/in-my-dreams-instrumental
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I really hope this gets fixed soon, to be honest i'm getting sick of the Destruction spec, and i already started to play Affli. I have to use the grimoire of sacrifice even when its bugged.
[ATTACH=CONFIG]89892[/ATTACH] check this out http://wow.gamepedia.com/Grimoire_of_Sacrifice
1. Name of not working spell: Grimoire of Sacrifice 2. Description of the problem: Nothing much to show, just that the Grimoire of Sacrifice works only for the Destruction spec, when it should work for Affliction too. 3.How it must work: Should work for Affliction too, just check this: Grimoire of Sacrifice 4.Date when you tested it: August 19, 2015, 10:16 a.m. UTC -05:00 (Colombia) 5.Realm (x100/x5/Fun): x100, But i guess it's present on the rest of the realms. 6.Priority of the problem: 10. I don't think i need screenshots cause some people have already seen this. Regards. PD: Move this to the Warlock section, sorry.
Latest recipes from some professions don't work
Infinitas Umbra replied to carbonell1994's topic in Fixed
Bump We need this fixed as soon as possible. -
Latest recipes from some professions don't work
Infinitas Umbra replied to carbonell1994's topic in Fixed
These first recipes would make malevolent crafted set... um.... craftable, obviously, if malevolent crafted sets existed on this server, the greeners, noobs and lows on bg would just disappear. -
[ATTACH=CONFIG]77682[/ATTACH] Sup, watching an arena video on YT i noticed this. I wanted to know if this, the thing in the red square, that CC pop up, is an addon or a default game feature, and how can i enable or get it. I hope someone answer me. Regards.
It always says "Invalid Guild Name."
Already tried that. Doesn't work.
Ummmmmmm..... Just buy it again from an innkeeper............................ *facepalm*
Hello, i'm just facing this problem with my monk Aeonaxx, i'm not in any guild atm, and when someone tries to invite me to a guild it says i'm already in one. this only happens on Aeonaxx, so i'm kind of.... bugged. I hope my char gets repaired asap. Regards.
Had 40 bonuses before voting. Voted in all 5 sites and it went well for http://www.openwow.com/ http://www.xtremetop100.com/ http://www.top100arena.com/ and http://www.gtop100.com/ But i didn't recieved my two bonuses from http://wow.mmovote.ru/en/vote/444 and worst of all it appears like i already voted. Proof: [ATTACH=CONFIG]75412[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]75413[/ATTACH] I need those bonuses.
1. Name of not working feature: BG Exceptions. 2. Description of the problem Even if you put two bgs in exceptions, for example Isle Of Conquest and Temple Of Kotmogu, when you que for bg you still can enter to those bgs. 3.How it must work When you put two bgs in exceptions these shouldn't list when you queue for bg. 4.Date when you tested it 01/03/2015 5.Realm on all the realms = x100, FUN, x10 6.Priority of the problem 7/10, Some of us don't like bgs like IoC or ToK.
OFF: That's exactly what happens in the Report A Player section. Player using hack: Declined Player insta winning bg: Declined Player using an exploit: Declined BUT OH, WAIT Player insulting towards staff: Banned. Logic of PandaWoW Staff, my friend. ON: You can google the achievement. Regards.
1. Name: Misshealing, Toopp 2. Realm: x100 3. Description: Afking in Eye Of The Storm to make horde lose. 4. Screenshot: [ATTACH=CONFIG]74395[/ATTACH] This will be declined, i know. :)
That's exactly what happens to me. When i play with Ormagödden (full griev-pridef dk) i always win. When i play with one of my alt chars i'm gearing atm = lose. So this is how battlegrounds work....
Believe me when i tell you that i already tried in both ways, Focus on killing, and focus on objectives = Lose in both ways. No teamwork= lose. and the opposite faction will always, ALWAYS, ALWAYS 6v1. I'm starting to think i have a curse.
Then you have very good luck.
Alright, this is my situation. This started to happen to me around 2 weeks ago, after fullying my DK Ormagödden. After that, every BG i play means an insta lose. If i play when ally has bg advantage= lose the bg and lose the advantage If i play when horde has bg advantage= lose the bg and lose the advantage Everytime i play= lose Playing solo= lose Playing alliance= lose Playing horde= lose When my friends play without me= they win If i play with them= lose If i just click the god damn [Go to the Battle] button= INSTA LOSE WTF Don't tell me i'm a noob, or i'm unskilled cause i absolutely know i am not. I don't even focus on killing at bgs, i ALWAYS focus on objectives (Flag/Bases/Conquering/etc) But guess what... that's not the only problem.... i got another one... and it can be defined with only two words... GREENERS EVERYWHERE. I could barely count the amount of times i had to leave bgs and wait the Deserter buff, i guess i had to leave bgs almost 45 times in last two weeks cause of this. Noobs with 180k hp, not even wasteland or contender set. And there's not only one per bg, you can find almost 5 greeners per bg, talking about a 10vs10 battleground, now imagine how much non-equipped players should be in an Alterac Valley or an Isle of Conquest... (40vs40) I don't really want replies QQing about this post just because i'm complaining about my "bad luck" in battlegrounds, no fucking trolls allowed, right? Take it as a thread to discuss about greeners and faction advantages in bg at some times (server time) My best regards.
That's not the entire problem, mate. The last and most important part of this issue is, that most of all greeners who enter bg don't even know what the fuck to do in bgs, they just focus on killing, not on objectives... In short: Objectives = Win Killing = Lose League Of Legends logic, my friend, that game is like this too.
A menos claro está que descargue independiente y manualmente el MPQ en español castellano o latino.
Hay varios sets y partes que se pueden conseguir mediante repu y quests tambien, es una lástima que... no den pvp power xD
-[Offtopic para la comunidad española/latina]-
Infinitas Umbra replied to Infinitas Umbra's topic in Español
Te puedes creer que yo antes odiaba a muerte a los rogues? xD Recién hace una semana me creé uno, lo fullié y me enamoré de los picaros asesinato... son rompe pelotas como ellos solos, y hacen un daño brutal xD Mi clase favorita es el caballero de la muerte. Por qué? Atracción letal = Blitzcrank Asolar Purgatorio = Tryndamere Y aparte de eso me gusta lo bien que tanquean en pvp (sangre), el daño que hacen también en frost es gigantesco cuando se está armado. Aquellos que jueguen lol sabrán a que me refiero con lo otro. xD -
Next step: How can the staff improve themselfs
Infinitas Umbra replied to StarCaller's topic in General Discussion
The best decision a player could take tbh.