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Infinitas Umbra

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Everything posted by Infinitas Umbra

  1. Guess what, x100 is down again. EDIT: OH HEY!!! THIS IS EPICALLY AWESOME! ALL REALMS ARE DOWN! YAY! EDIT2: Nevermind, they're back again or my net was failing me...
  2. Oh, you're back lol. ON: I have to agree with you, even with the Syrio part. ON2: The main part = Bugfixing, that's a complete priority. There are little bugs in game that... ummm are not exactly important, but at the same time these bugs start to get annoying to some players like me. Examples: 1°- Friendlist bug 2°- Party invitation bug 3°- Some class abilities bugs and etc... The not-main part (lol) = Behavior and management of power of the Staff Members. I don't exactly have to say more about this. I've had some bad experiences already with staff members, i won't say which ones or how did these happened. Just putting my opinion. Regards.
  3. At that point i have to admit you're right, lol.
  4. Veo que nadie se ha dignado a ayudarte con tus preguntas, nena, así que yo procederé a ayudarte lo más que pueda, si es que aún no has empezado. Mi máxima sugerencia es que juegues en el x100. Si lo que deseas es llegar rápido a 90 y empezar a raidear y hacer mazmorras a lo hardcore. No todas las raids/mazmorras funcionan, es más, podría decirte que el pve no cabe en este servidor, debido a la cantidad tan gigantesca de raids/mazmorras que están bug. A pesar de que seas Maga te recomiendo que te hagas Herrera/Minera, o tal vez Herborista/Alquimista, esas profesiones son las que más oro dan. Si con AH te refieres a Auction House (Casa de subastas) Sí, si funciona. Y no te preocupes, en 5 horas subes tu personaje a nivel 90 en el reino x100. Debí leer este Thread desde antes, así te hubiese puesto como una de mis altos miembros en la hermandad que quise crear (Sword Of Destiny) pero debido a que nadie se animó a entrar, borré los estatuos. Un saludo desde Antioquia, Colombia. ~Mauricio
  5. Equipo de profesión. Pongamos por ejemplo que eres un monje, por ende debes buscar un peletero que este FULL, si lo pongo en mayúsculas es por que me refiero a que tenga peletería TOTALMENTE COMPLETA hasta el parche final, por lo cual debe tener set de dps o intelecto épico y de mucho más ilvl y atributos que el set de contendiente. Para ser sincero puse el ejemplo de peletería por que es la única profesión de la cual conozco que tiene un set mucho mejor que el de contendiente, el cual se aprende con magnificencia de cuero (Creo), No estoy del todo seguro si el resto de las profesiones como herrería y sastrería los tengan también.
  6. Buenas, he posteado esto con el propósito de armar un hilo para discutir sobre cualquier cosa, tenga que ver con el WoW o no. Espero no sea ni cerrado ni borrado este topic, puesto que lo he posteado con el mero objetivo del entretenimiento para la comunidad española/latina. Quien quiera poner tema, adelante. ^^
  7. Abre la carpeta del wow, y luego abre la carpeta WTF. Abre el archivo config.wtf con el bloc de notas, y cambia estos valores: SET locale SET installLocale ...Lo que está en comillas (Osea el idioma, esES, ruRU, enGB y etc) por tu idioma, esES o esMX dependiendo de tu preferencia. Cordial Saludo.
  8. He's a troll. And looks like you don't know the first and only rule about this. NEVER FEED TROLLS. Anyways, i agree with you, i never got muted in this server, but i see it's kinda ridiculous muting or warning just for talking in caps. But... looks like no one cares. Not even the staff members, so... #Vote4close.
  9. A role restriction or count limit should be useful. But at the same time it wouldn't be. Cause healers will just enter BG selecting another role just like tank or dps and voila, tons of healers in the alliance. :D At this point i guess there's nothing we could do against this.
  10. [ATTACH=CONFIG]73108[/ATTACH] Hi. [Old image, when i wasn't full grievous/prideful lol] EDIT: I only got binds on my mous wheel [cause middle button is f*cked up]. Rest of my binds are F keys from 1 to 7, Normal numbers from 1 to ' and upper ones with alt. I only have to use some little abilities by clicking. Oh, i forgot, i use G for Kidney Shot, F for Stealth and caps lock to target an enemy, just that, lol.
  11. Exactly. It's not that easy, but if it were finally possible it'd be a great solution for us. It must not be a strict ilvl restriction, it could be like... bg's were classified by ilvl cap, just like the level cap bgs. For example= BG's at ilvl 380 - 400 / BG's at ilvl 420 - 480 / And then, the bgs where we belong= BG's at ilvl 520 - 600 or more, idk
  12. Welp this starts to get annoying.
  13. Put an iLvl restriction for bgs. I'm kinda sick of seeing scrubs with less than 200k in every bg i play. At least a 450 level restriction (contender set ilvl) It's kinda ridiculous, guys. I already saw some noobs who enter BG... umm.... EVEN WITHOUT WASTELAND SET, WHAT THE HELL IS THIS, i already saw some warrs/rogues with a fruit salad by set, gear from lv 50 to lv 88. This is... just pathethic, worst of all, THESE APPEAR ONLY IN HORDE.
  14. God dammit... Google translate is the worst translator ever... Pero ya fuera de charlas, nisiquiera yo he he podido entender.
  15. Got the same problem. I can't even research on northend or outland, only kalimdor and eastern kingdoms.
  17. This is true. The zones where you can get the Grand Armored Wyvern and the Grand Armored Gryphon are inexistent in this server, but the mounts are available on the item shop. To be honest, i think devs made this on purpose, Making unable to get those mounts via rep, but making them only available by PAYING for them. That's dirty tbh.
  18. 1. Name of not working spell/quest/npc= Fatigue bug in Vashj'ir 2. Description of the problem= Cannot travel in Vashj'ir due to fatigue, it appears everywhere, and it's not supposed to appear there. 3.How it must work= No fatigue. 4.Date when you tested it= 27/01/15 5.Realm= x100 6.Priority of the problem= 8 7. Screenshots= http://i1137.photobucket.com/albums/n509/Kronoxxz/WoWScrnShot_012715_111733_zps6tinmxzq.jpg
  19. ... [ATTACH=CONFIG]65352[/ATTACH]
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