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Everything posted by Crookers

  1. 1. Fizx 2. Fun realm 3. Synapse + trinket at the same time 4. http://i.imgur.com/NVDgWW1.jpg Looks like these kids don't have enough damage especially with the trinkets giving a lot more stats than they should, they have to exploit stupid bugs to win arenas and then brag about being high rated playing a warrior, lol'd.
  2. 1. Bankaqtka 2. Fun Realm 3. Uses synapse springs + trinket at the same time 4. http://i.imgur.com/LoTngIj.jpg
  3. Then please explain why the hell am I missing every ****** spell with 6.20% hit, and no i'm not hitting night elves
  4. Are you guys going to do something about hit caps? Got 6% hit on my mage and keep missing every ******** spell on everyone, this is so stupid missing cc and losing arenas or something else because the hit cap doesn't work, it's basically crap. Can't be that hard to just fix a hit chance seriously. Found a topic that says it's been fixed : http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=65827 it isn't fixed whatsoever
  5. Crookers

    Soul Swap

    Also soul swap doesn't hold the dots to their original stats (snapshot) as it should. For example if you full dot someone in full procs and keep soul swapping those dots over and over (forever) the dots should keep their procced damage as long as you don't refresh them and keep soul swapping them. Basically soul swaps (inhale) takes in the dots as they are on the target and if they are put on full procs soul swap (exhale) should keep them that way forever as long as you don't refresh them or get dispelled, but here, after your procs are gone so is the dmg from your dots. To put it in other words the snapshot doesn't work properly, at least with soul swap. Not sure if I made myself clear enough but you can watch this video, you'll probably understand better than my crap here.
  6. 1. Illillillii 2. Fun Realm 3. He somehow got himself under Dalaran Arena using Transcendence and was LoS-ing us from the beginning we could not cc him whatsoever or do anything to him but he could heal his ally, we managed to kill his partner. After that he wouldn't give up and he would keep wasting time under the arena being childish and not giving up. 4. http://imgur.com/a/eIPbd
  7. Not sure if this is the right section to post this sort of bug in to, if it isn't I apologize please move it to the right section. 1. 2 set of PvP gear (can't link doesn't exit anymore) It is supposed to reduce the cooldown of Counterspell if it successfully interrupts a cast. 2. If cast is interrupted the cooldown is not reduced. 3. Cooldown should be reduced by 4 seconds if cast is interruped. 4. 24.12.2012 5. Fun realm 6. 6/10
  8. Crookers

    Incanter's Ward

    1. Incanter's Ward - No link 'cause it doesn't exist anymore in WoD. it's the level 90 talent for mages 2. Sometimes it doesn't give 15% spell damage after absorb being fully broken. I think it happens if it's broken by dots and not by direct damage, that's what I noticed.. might be something else but not sure 3. If the absorb is broken you should received an increase of 15% dmg or depending on how much is absorbed 4. 24/12/2014 5. Fun realm 6. 7/10
  9. Immediately after you finish casting the ring everyone that's on it or steps in it should get frozen, instead after you finish casting it you have to wait for it to charge itself that cast time again
  10. Crookers

    Cold snap

    You should be able to use it in Ice Block too, this doesn't work
  11. Crookers


    I think I have an idea how this bug occurs ( not sure just assuming). If you have icicles up and you shoot them at someone and that player dies before icicles are fired, next frost bolt you cast will fire all of the remaining icicles. It's just a thought of how it would bug
  12. +1, also this should be for combustion too. If you cast inferno strike and wait for gcd then combust + inferno strike immediately you should receive a hot streak
  13. 1. Glyph of Deep Freeze http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=45740 2. It doesn't work 100%. It does not put your spells on a gcd after use but while you have gcd from other spell you can't use it. 3. You should be able to use it while you have gcd from other spells. For example if I cast deep freeze i can instantly cast something else without waiting for gcd but if I cast, say ice lance, I'll have to wait the gcd in order to cast deep freeze, this is wrong. 4. 23.12.2014 5. Realm the problem was found - Fun Realm 6. Priority - 8/10 not exactly that big of a deal but it makes one of the main glyphs kinda useless
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