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Everything posted by Nemifest

  1. Must be underrated ^ Nothing breaks it, Pandawow gave it superman powers.
  2. And i wonder. Why is ppl complaining about EB's dmg.
  3. Nothing wrong with it. Pandawow's incorrect work i guess. P.s: Necrotic strike's has no limit, it can go up to 800k+ I will post a pic, and show how many Necrotic absorb i got up to.
  4. The way other server is with 5.4.8 is nearly the same, ***Mane is on 5.4 or something, ***Freakz is at nearly the same point as pandawow, just a bit further. *****shan just got "upgraded" to firestorm and not so long ago, it's patch got to 5.4.8 If you know anything about dev's etc etc. Then show pandawow instead of QQ'ing.
  5. Probably because of the cross realm.
  6. Dw, i only read the first sentence.
  7. Farm the crystal? That'll do it.
  8. You forgot kappa.
  9. Yeah, i'd say Cross realm for 10x/100x only.
  10. Try go Blood dk and prot war.
  11. Yup, i did 2's. Managed to get 3 or 4 games of 1v2. Did a testing on my monk. Tried to do a CC chain, lasted 34 seconds. Im trying to give "Hints" So the staff members can notice and so on.
  12. Because none knows the CC bug, Kaqqa.
  13. I'd say meh.
  14. Really op. Dampening isn't touching my heals.
  15. Just be patient, and wait the days out.
  16. Can't google translate what u wrote, sorry.
  17. There is a possibility of procs proccing twice, but that's only if you have flame shocks on more than 1 target. Since it can cause procs in between the procced procs-Having higher chance getting procs. But Lava surge can't have procs that are proccing twice if u only have flame shock on 1 target. Tested it many times.
  18. Offtopic: Those Keybindings though, roflmao.
  19. Gonna go soloQ 1v2 with Arcane mage now.
  20. Need to agree with Noneed here, since ES is doing high dmg than it should. It procs for my hunt too. Additionally, it has 20% to proc, by that means, is that it can/(NOT) Proc from the ticks. And, i don't see any "proof" ... Try to demonstrate in a video. Try to take a look in the comment's here http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/13020742251
  21. Nemifest

    BM monk CC

    It's ridiculous. Get the glyph on your BM, and spam the ability. 3-4s Disorient every use...
  22. As the title says, i have a little issue transmogging my Conquerer set for warrior [ Golden king ] Whenever i open the window of the transmog i put the items on the same slot, but when i click apply. Nothing happens, character name Roheryn on 100x. if you can help or doesn't understand, pm me your skype and i'll show you. Nvm, close the thread.
  23. Spamming broken lava? Lol, and what about yourself? You call everyone a hater whenever they comment something which you think that's "Insult/Butthurt" Even though, you're the one that's too butthurted and Sensitive to think twice :D Felxprod, i'd like to add a very sensitive 60cm Butt-plug for the reward;
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