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Everything posted by Nemifest

  1. https://i.giphy.com/Uc1tN5mfHah0Y.gif
  2. Question: When will the idea of "fix" get used in Pandawow? Answer: ???
  3. How does it exactly not increase the chance of getting a proc when you've got multiple targets dotted up?
  4. *dabbed* hard aye?
  5. Being the faggy moses, did yer nan teach you how to spread bumcheeks aswell?
  6. Yeah, what's it called? :P
  7. What's it called? The kitten
  8. Literally says on the mechanic form: Stunned. Lol. Maybe that frostbite made you remember it? Hmm? Get it right beforehand, frostbitten phonecracked bestfriend dead nemifest fan travelling using brothers phone cunt :D
  9. Jesus don't love faggots.
  10. Nemifest

    Diffuse Magic

    It's meant to reduce all DIRECT spell dmg. Not Damage over time.
  12. You're shit.
  13. Characters who hasn't logged in at all the past period will get deleten.
  14. Actually..You should've stated in the "staff" rules that taking the current project's ( The one he's working on - Pandawow ) Ideas and fundemental stuff isn't allowed to be shared or given to other source projects. It's your fault that Autsch and his "friends" did it. Tho, you made him single and ready to mingle, let him be a typical german and get some frostbite.
  15. All players aren't QA. Quality Assurance team is those, who tests bugs to be sure it's actually bugged and not something you ( Example - Warlock Rain bug ) stated wasn't a bug, even tho it was. Then they test it again after the developers have made a change. What pandawow did long time ago ( Not sure if it still happens ) They change a mechanic and immediately apply it to public. Now the change mechanic and let QA test it etc etc.
  16. Database affects the server connectivity throughout the local and public "ports" .. Reducing database storages increases speed connectivity.
  17. Do you even know what QA means and what it stands for? Quality Assurance. QA tests stuff, not fixes stuff. Developers fixes stuff, not tests stuff.
  18. Char sold
  20. You're retarded for even believing what you wrote pandawow "might" do.
  21. x100..
  22. 550 on all specs. got 568 Resto pve items around 564 Enha pve items got all tabards from the website shop got all glad mounts ( dont remember if it passes over acc ) both spec tigers kor'kron wolf all icebound mounts yellow and purple hawks both armani bears got all 3 panthers ( not onyx ) worth around 90k gold got purple DragonPlate Battlegear set ( warrior cata pve set ) got vengeful season 3 set and pve one aswell. got shamans firelands set got Ymirjar Lord's Plate set ( warrior wrath pve set ) got deadnaught set ( warrior vanila set ) got many pve achievs aswell, especially end game content got Mogu'shan Palace challenge gold got Scholomance challenge gold got many pvp achievs got shaman, warrior and dk cm aswell have lot more shit that i could list. offer name: Børz
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