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Everything posted by Nemifest

  1. Nemifest


    Also, you're a noob.
  2. No, you erotic fuck. You ironically laugh to act like it's not offending you, though you're deported.
  3. Nemifest

    nasty shiat

    The ability doesn't get removed upon dying, joining bg or anything. Only by logout.
  4. Nemifest

    Team Heroic

  5. Steroid Viagra. Tacxican.
  6. TACO BUG 100000/10
  7. Nemifest

    Team Heroic

    less experience? LOL We were the first horde English guild that did SoO fully. Hahahaha.
  8. Nemifest

    Team Heroic

    I'll carry if u give me my gold. 569Rsham 572Gdruid 568BM
  9. Nemifest

    Team Heroic

    Copy-pasted ingame recruitment? Lol.. Where's my 40k gold? I'll carry if u give me my gold.
  10. No, you're a taco and you inject steroid viagra. Nice.
  11. Don't show me us your harsh boner at your forearm. Ew.
  12. No, I said you're adopted. Not you're spanish. You lil' Tacxican.
  13. Jokes are like something that isn't true somewhat. I'm not joking, you are deported and a tacxican.
  14. Yes, "afortunatelly" Zeox isn't deported, mentally challenged, tacoported etc. Haha.
  15. Nemifest

    nasty shiat

    Good you showed someone abusing it, will report them and get them banned right away!
  16. http://i.imgur.com/tkWo6dJ.png Challenge Repitchx back!
  17. Opposite actually but okay :P
  18. name: random1 profile: http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=72433 rule he broke: 2.12. Flaming and/or trolling against any staff or forum member. proof: link: http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=210863&p=1261554&viewfull=1#post1261554
  19. Your nans also a debuff, but we can't dispell her off us. Unfortunately. It can be interrupted, that's it. We can interrupt for example your relative, maybe mom when she's talking our of her rear like you.
  20. Nemifest

    Stormlash Totem

    I read somewhere it's proc "cd" should be 0.1s or something. Gonna take ages to find it again.
  21. Do you even know me, to say anything about how I supposedly am? Wtf, just toxic... Wasting a long portion of your lifetime insulting people on the forums and logging into the game jsut to ask who from clarity is online, don't you have anything else to do seriously? I honestly think you're actually a clarity fanboy, can't u live without their attention on your bullshitting? Classical Youtube hate kid. Fixed your grammar there for you bud. Maybe next time, your capitals on "I" won't matter as long as your sentence make sense. Clarity pleb.
  22. You're still alike. Clarity is lame, sensitive, childish and adopted. You're incompetent, wombswallowed, buttplugged and deporte
  23. Take your buttplug outta here. http://i.imgur.com/YBPRAEM.jpg
  24. Na, it's not. I know all his accounts, lol. He got 22 accounts in total :D Don't get why the administration don't ip ban him.. I wonder.
  25. Go back to your gurubashi, bulgarian rattaboy. Clarity plebs.
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