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Everything posted by Nemifest

  1. Nemifest

    My first pvp movie

    I can give you a premium account to Action! recording program. Dm me.
  2. retard retard
  3. It's 2k17 and you're still not dead, retard.
  4. a cunt like you would always try to have a british accent to act up, tho failing to see England is country roflmao.
  5. You're my news :* http://i.imgur.com/MGjvmrN.jpg
  6. I'm back aswell
  7. Deport inc... Hmm, sounds similar to what actually happened to their lives. Support TrumpTeam.
  8. You could do some PS work for me again.
  9. Wait.. You're retarded in next level too.
  10. Your stat's weapon speed is 2.66, So you can't use normalization formula.
  11. Probably happens cuz the "invisible" npc frame gets killed by the Leap.
  12. Reversed dmg: 253307/2 = 126653 126653/4.5 = 28145 28145 + 2.8 + 51297 / 14 = 31811 398.145-/+% of 31811 = 253307 ( Round it up to 400% ) The percentage is around 400% and not 450%
  13. Lmfaooo why u so serious all the times
  14. http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/208/140/46a.png
  15. Bump for the Real play.
  16. kids...
  17. It's good to realize you're a braindead retard with no self righteous judgement over yourself. But hey! What can you do? You're a retard and you play resto as an excuse to not report bugs. Gtfo now.
  18. wtf voDka voDka voDka voDka voDka voDka voDka you are russian
  19. You play shaman as well? What the fuck are you doing here and not reporting them then? You're technically maining it and judge a german, you're worse cuz u don't have brainpower, only but a small portion of cum powder in that head of yours. Typical Russian.. Deadmouse don't feel offended, cuz you're a dev. Gj.
  20. Word! Noneed, you lost and decided to report the class = Cuz u lost. If you didn't lose, you wouldn't have given a shit about the class nevertheless. Don't come with ur German bullshit, just saying. No gass beef plz.
  21. http://vocaroo.com/i/s0u5w37COamF Lmfao AI AM RUSSIA VERI CEVT AND SEKS
  22. I remember this was already reported.. http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=165187 But hey! Zeox might be a bit Vodka when he said its fixed!
  23. http://img.memecdn.com/russians_o_920057.jpg Imagine Ron pronouncing the picture lmfaooo
  24. Oh guys.. Remember
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