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Everything posted by Nemifest

  1. Nope. But you're alike him. He's a tranny, taco, mexican and a boardercrosser. You're a tranny, alien, ragedog and a cheap buttgirl. Just alike!
  2. Your tryhard on different accounts is even more worse than you not using vpnguard.
  3. Toppujo
  4. Oh, hi pujo.
  5. No answer=Low priority, that's it. High priority(Still no answer)= Not sure how to reproduce/fix.
  6. http://i.imgur.com/Xgk5emK.jpg Autschi.
  7. Yeah it is, the whole dungeon works. But last boss, deathwing is bugged technically meaning you'll get free achiev or whatever, Spine works as well. I bet you've never played retail or so.
  8. Don't care what youre talking about, was directed to Repitchx the important stuff.
  9. Could you record it and show an example of ingame? Interested how it is.
  10. Or what about deporting all the pujos? Huh? We all forgot that? No'one is caring because they don't know politics or..? Totems doesn't react as player pets, it if does/would, why doesn't it have a target frame below your character frame? Instead it has a small icon frame right below your mana etc. Dot immune proof: http://wow.gamepedia.com/Shaman_totem "Totems are immune to AoEs and DoTs, and must be specifically attacked to be destroyed." Totems ain't pets for tacopujos: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/2456909089
  12. Dunno, why aren't you called Buttgirl or something instead of Kate?
  13. Cheers, nice thank I cummed pants. Will watch today.
  14. Deadmouse is the new dev, not main. Topical can be meant as repeated or reminder of something which has been as a "Note" or important message - aka repeat. - - - Updated - - - You can just talk to me :D
  15. Link please, too busy to watch stream..
  16. Word. Pujo why are you even trying though?
  17. Legion right there
  18. Don't need prove, test it yourself.
  19. This random hunter: http://forum.pandawow.ru/member.php?u=64162 He's coming with 2nd account to trashtalk, what a pujolique.
  20. Zeox and Justers' Legion server should be announced later this year or next. Pretty sure it'll be this year. ^From Shadrissa.
  21. Copyright claim inc on signature, Puho.
  22. You expect to not get punished for abusing something, see it as you abused some familys' relative and you get caught, you said "I didn't read the rules" Rofl. A pujo is an exception, know that. If you are to abuse, do it privately, not publicly.
  23. The feminism has begun from the inner him. First male.
  24. Not sure if you're copying me, but you're still worthless like Jizzrow.
  25. Do you have a life though?
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