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Everything posted by Nemifest

  1. Knowledge. You're a cunt Harry.
  2. Need brain. IQ level on russian level.
  3. Oh well, nvm then.
  4. What's exactly wrong with warriors and I'll find it.
  5. Millenniums.
  6. The new website, can you take a screenshot of a sneak peak so that we know that this "new" website actually exists and isn't an imagination. We don't believe in imaginary stuff. It's ok that Russians lives in imaginationland http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/southpark/images/3/35/Imaginationland10.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100305052847
  7. I heard he was gay... HMMMM
  8. One of your addons. They try to "scan" the player info and it can't, so it refreshes over and over causing u to lag like hell, it happened to me too. Had a mute addon fucked me over lots mate.
  9. This 2min shit is main for Ele in pve and Enha in pve, but okay. Mind shutting the fuck up now and send me a nude :*
  10. Maybe me and you should have a talk through skype or discord, you up? Dm me.
  11. name: Hexdatdruid realm: xfun proof: http://i.imgur.com/67z2TYS.jpg
  12. It was. Just that these bugs shouldn't be on the pet or anything if it's out of instance
  13. This is an adsense link too, to my Youtube channel: https://goo.gl/icrlR1 Jk, don't click on it. Perfect example. Mach dm me on Skype I need you.
  14. Then you'll need WoD/MoP Or Cata Game client in full download. This is all the Wow's I got http://i.imgur.com/aQbUvOA.png Dm me on skype, I'll help you :D
  15. You called him idiot and you're bragging about cancer? Go and do charity events then.
  16. Can yall fuck off with this ddos thing? Yeah, basically.. @DragonBruu Use the fully version of the legion. @Machmollox You might wanna get a faster redirection link on your IpLog link in your signature "Click HERE to go to myTwitch TV Channel" There might not be many that will realize it's a Iplogger link, but bad try, Amateur. https://goo.gl/MywLtB Don't click on it. Too slow.. Instead of trying to get all the forum players ( Noneedholy, repitchx djfr, etc and whoever more you try to log ) Just dm me I'll give u a link.
  17. Lol, that's nothing http://imgur.com/N7rqxuW
  18. You need to have the version WoW for the WMV if you didn't know that lol.
  19. Why aren't you using WMV or WMT ?
  20. There will be another give-away once I come back from Canada. Other options: [spoiler=Signature Activity]Signatures is still being done so far, not by me currently(1-2 months). There will be give-aways every few months due to special events in the project etc, however there's another process of surpassing the give-away patience and getting one immediately. My activity lead: Mail: MLVKIKY@gmail.com Discord: Nemifest™#4589 Skype: live:mlvkiky
  21. Your characters seems to be missing some "Hd" models. Fx: with Vezir, the worgen eyes and souken eyes. What are you using to import the characters?
  22. When someone posts a topic and that guy that just says something off-topic Topic: When's diablo gonna die? Comment: Has anyone seen my mom?
  23. Bump .
  24. Uhh no, okay. Just no mate.
  25. I remember its a glyph and the raid dies one time.
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