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Everything posted by Nemifest

  1. OR you could easily just kill the trash in ToT for faster rep to friendly. with a buddy or two.
  2. He's standing still? He was maybe afk? finishing bg's happens to land like that sometimes. If he was 'flying' the mount would be in Flying position. Mostly recommend recording these moments. Arguements can be made if pictures. Flied *
  3. Not sure if it's fly hacking, doesn't look like. Looks more like a person who were on a flying mount that got out of a DF or a BG while mounted.
  4. You must wait, the admins etc are deciding to trust your thread or not. - - - Updated - - - The first picture: You're able to get there easily, just mount up and jump, nothing else. Below pictures shows that it can be done easily and Warrior's/Druid's/Monk's/Warlocks/Hunter's Can do it with their ability easily. think about it ;) http://i.imgur.com/iCNlRyd.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Zw2rH2L.jpg http://i.imgur.com/NvhGhJc.jpg
  5. Im within you with your second suggestion. Full supporting you on that. Ferals and WW's will probably be topped. As always in MoP 548
  6. On ****** wow it is, Because the player are ''forced'' to play by the environment. most people do it because they've already played the environment in Vanilla/Tbc/Wotlk/Cata etc etc.. they just think it's useless in a private server?
  7. Name of the violator: Dokii and укропчик (Not sure if the russian name is right, Name is in the picture's ) Realm, where you saw the violation: 10x Description of the violation: When the arena gates opened or started, they were behind the closest pillar of our side. They used Trancendance to get through their door and early close start. Proof: screenshots or video http://i.imgur.com/kxrtYqb.jpg http://i.imgur.com/KhEXcSr.jpg
  8. There's people doing it many times a day, i see 3 or 4 people doing it everyday.
  9. Name of not working spell/quest/npc etc: http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=94511/vicious-talisman-of-the-shado-pan-assault Description of the problem: When you upgrade it, the stats change. but the actual ''Buff'' isn't given, it gives 8800 Agility, Example1: http://i.imgur.com/fi16RHU.jpg Here you can see it's already been upgraded to 2/2, it's stat is 9483. http://i.imgur.com/K0ts6Rr.jpg Here you can see it's been activated within the 1st picture. Example2: http://i.imgur.com/kP6Z6wh.jpg Same as picture 1 in Example1 http://i.imgur.com/3jUh4O8.jpg Same as picture 2 in Exmaple1. How it must work: It's supposed to give 9483 agility and not 8800. Date when you tested it: 03-13-15 Realm (x100/x10/Fun): 10x Priority of the problem: 8/10 it's an op passive trinket which give's you an possibility of doing good bleedings with Feral druid with Dream of cenarious-Tiger's Fury-Savage Roar. If the given stat has been fixed or im calculating wrong, remind me please.
  10. Funny, how can the chat say that, when i have no cheats? There is some item glitches where you can open locked doors Etc Etc, http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=87400/sap-jar . I've tested the item out, it only works in Arathin basin as i know. never worked in EotS. -Not defending myself, or finding excuses. Gm's can ban me if it looks reasonable. Off topic. Soraa Insults.
  11. It's bannable, You should blame PandaWoW for this bug/glitch exploit. In 5.4.8 on retail you weren't able to do it, Blame PandaWoW while reporting innocent players.
  12. You're meant to take the portal to Vashj'ir, not fly there.
  13. Not going to waste my time on translate website, looking for those words or that kind.. Obviously the Chat mods/admins are russians or most of them are.
  14. Name of the violator: Aresq Realm, where you saw the violation: 10x Description of the violation: Actually i was testing if my team would do any help by holding the flag without capping it, i did cap it at the last, when they insulted me (him) Proof: screenshots or video: http://i.imgur.com/jKbp43Q.jpg http://i.imgur.com/PjnaxS8.jpg http://i.imgur.com/l6crW0h.jpg WITHIN**** LOL
  15. Nothing illegal. It's legal.
  16. Not sure if this is banable or not, it's not in retail, but idk if you got special rules here. Still reporting little useless things :3 Name of the violator: Hanubys Realm, where you saw the violation: 10x Description of the violation: The warrior used banner or leaped up there.. Which isn't reachable for most classes, only locks and war's as far i know right now. Proof: screenshots or video: http://i.imgur.com/zUDQhu9.jpg http://i.imgur.com/WVllQ9h.jpg http://i.imgur.com/zYWVxmK.jpg As i said at first, I just report this if there's some special rules in pandawow, if not. My bad.
  17. It is? Not in retail. it's not.
  18. Name of the violator: Jaheira/AmberDown Realm, where you saw the violation: 10x Description of the violation: As the arena started the enemy started right infront of our arena door. Proof: screenshots or video: http://i.imgur.com/j1aw6x7.jpg http://i.imgur.com/KqEAqDi.jpg http://i.imgur.com/VqfcjZ2.jpg
  19. Uhh as you can see the title. i was buying Burning seed to make my feral dudu more awesome looking and all that. So i first bought one seed. and then i bought 25, they costs 50 per one. it's 1.250 Bonus. The character is MissMooGirl-Horde 10x. I am pretty sure the Gm's or admins can view my buyings/logs. Any possibility of getting my 20 remaining Burning seed? or my Bonuses. Im not sure if this is the place to report these kind of things. Tell me if it is or not. Would help.
  20. LOL you have a macro to say noob and chiken!? LMAO
  21. Name of the violator: Atsuya Realm, where you saw the violation: 10x Description of the violation: He's using fly hack through the map. Rest is at the video. Proof: screenshots or video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cu1Mh7EI4iA&feature=youtu.be. Sorry for the Graphics. Off topic. Any good video recording/screen recording program? Tell.
  22. Name of the violator: Militia Realm, where you saw the violation: 10x Description of the violation: He asked me if i was tank and i didn't want to to ToT with him since he's spanish and i don't understand spanish so i respectively said no. and he raged up. Proof: screenshots or video: http://i.imgur.com/vjKijhr.jpg http://i.imgur.com/sibHwH6.jpg Another picture after the report.
  23. It's allowed to make those portals since the gm's/admins hasn't made those spots 'line of sight'
  24. Well it is allowed to use the abilities like that. Rogue's are mostly for trolling/wv stealth
  25. Name of the violator: Пепельник Realm, where you saw the violation: 10x Description of the violation: The player asked me to join his guild (army of the horde) and i replied with a respective no. then he be gone rage mode. Proof: screenshots or video: http://i.imgur.com/eldCKBv.jpg
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