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Everything posted by Nemifest

  1. Should get fixed from 4.2 already.. Goddamn annoying.. Just like the Rogue's slow casting poison after using shiv. Increasing Casting speed by 100% like srsly?? http://puu.sh/hmDZS/4245577249.jpg
  2. http://i.imgur.com/bNho5OH.jpg
  3. They told us it's *ok* Just do it, then complain if you get banned. Sue them
  4. Nemifest

    Hex bug

  5. Lmfao 0.04 Rip
  6. It's pretty much shit.. we need a proper Gm in 10x since there's no english one. We need i've been asked to try be one, and gotten no answer's from the Admin.
  7. Pretty much rare to see a HACKER in bg's nowadays in 10x. Gm's can stalk people to see if they're abusing class bugs or something.. because Pandawow doesn't have that many gm's or so. Especially in 10x. And all the Russian Gm's rarely understand us english players most of their work of answering in english is google translate. I agree with the team ladder bugs etc.. me and my buddy are Aff/sham im full pride and he's contender/green and 3 items griev, and i got him to 2k rating. Which sounds very impossible and unbelievable. It is. In total of the buff stacking i have.. 41k spell power without any procs. It should've been ... 37k or even lower. http://i.imgur.com/att9UCe.jpg Even im not happy about getting higher in those combs ... The buff stacking should've been fixed months ago, instead of heading to PvE which 1/4 of the server wants. It's pretty much useless since SoG hasn't been released. Pandawow staff should head more to class fixing and PvP combatic.
  8. The druid used symbiosis on the ele so he got solar beam.
  9. Try to restart your wifi connection. Mostly because of that.
  10. Name of not working spell/quest/npc etc: http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=65815/curse-of-exhaustion#used-by-npc Spell with glyph: 1st http://i.imgur.com/4a50xY8.jpg 2nd http://i.imgur.com/DHj7eUi.jpg Description of the problem: Well.. without the glyph it's duration is 30sec and 30% slow without any CD . And with the glyph it's 10sec duration and 10sec CD 3rd http://i.imgur.com/xegiSmN.jpg 4th http://i.imgur.com/2h8JDrN.jpg As you can see on the 4th picture here, I've just casted the spell while the glyph is activated and it's duration is 10seconds. Which in the Tooltip of the spell it says *Reduces the target's movement speed by 70% for 15sec* How it must work: It's fine and nothing bugged without the glyph. But with it's duration is reduced all to 10seconds which it shouldn't it should've reduced the duration to 15Seconds, even the glyph's tooltip says it *lasts half as long* With, it should've been 15sec. Date when you tested it: 22-04-15 Realm (x100/x5/Fun): 10x/5x Priority of the problem: 7/10 Abit annoying that the duration is same as the CD while you need to spam it against melee's If im wrong or calculated wrongly, Tell lol
  11. All i see on my shaman is instant lava bursts every 2-3 seconds. without 60 lvl talent.
  12. Probably your character that doesn't want to do the quest.
  13. Dispell might've done it.. His partner dispelled first one, Then he disppelled 2nd. Or opposite. Maybe timer on those could've made it more clear.
  14. Shouldnt you Pm him for that or something..?
  15. Eviscerate is meant to do 100k-200k Since he's obviously subtlety and subtlety's Mastery is increases your finisher moves.
  16. It's called 're'reking your troll rofl http://i.imgur.com/F6NuX5b.jpg
  17. Well the word 'Fuck you' is an insult Get more sense in your mind before trying to troll the person. http://da.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=insult http://da.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=fuck
  18. doesn't matter if he's a cry baby or not. It's a Report section which is crossing the rules of ToS Dumbass
  19. True +1
  20. that forum name though
  21. Nemifest


    the spawns is real http://i.imgur.com/YCVch6J.jpg http://i.imgur.com/EhLnH0D.jpg
  22. Felt that many times in arena's getting pulled back of a stun after using it for kite in cat form.
  23. I can only do 60/70/80k haunts now, wtf something fixed without letting us know?
  24. You counted how many hours it's been Roflmao You could also post a picture of your transaction.. or what's it's called..
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