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Everything posted by Nemifest

  1. She's horde-Shrekincoming. She's currently on BM spec. 600/Engi/Mining http://i.imgur.com/6U3Zrf0.jpg http://i.imgur.com/67tzTaj.jpg She has Conqueror set http://i.imgur.com/EcFZkKy.jpg With an extremely good bow which suits the Conqueror set http://i.imgur.com/IPrvT46.jpg An pirate'ish Rp 'tmog' http://i.imgur.com/4evD9wm.jpg Wisp Misc Item http://i.imgur.com/hfEMuMi.jpg http://i.imgur.com/nQTA3VC.jpg Pm me in forum for further information.
  2. Offtopic^: Dfabel, are you saving / voting to get any item? Lel.
  3. Lol rofl, sometimes u get dc'ed when you're in major cities with alot of players. Or just delete your WTF or Cache file, Download WTF from the 'how to start play' section
  4. something is up with the server.
  5. Np. Even look at the Server popurlarity.
  6. Something is wrong with the server. Can't login.
  7. It's the server, not you. Happened to me too, got new client. Deleted my cache,wtf,interface,SS
  8. if u wanna play for real. Retail is there. This is a private server, what do u expect. All private servers have bugg abusers, glitchers and hackers.. If u want to play without those people, battle.net is there for you buddy. Stop crying and go to report section
  9. Sort* http://www.db.pandawow.me?spell=108503/grimoire-of-sacrifice
  10. The report is pretty much useless, since you tried to show him some common L2p. He probably got provoke by that, and doesn't wanna admit he's buthurted baddie. same as the link i posted. The reporter showed off to the player / Provoked.
  11. ^It's still an insult because http://forum.pandawow.ru/showthread.php?t=138914
  12. U lvl a char all to lvl 90 while knowing that the spell were bugged? Your own mistake.
  13. That's harsh Rep
  14. Well you missed that 1% chance LMAO http://i.imgur.com/ITqg3lX.jpg
  15. http://i.imgur.com/1EaJJ8Q.jpg
  16. It's still an insult, since you're saying Stfu,stupid,idiot is an insult.
  17. That sentence. Is more worse than what the player said to you.
  18. Well..Retard mode is more worse than idiot,stupid,stfu.
  19. How are Pandaren race bugged?
  20. Would be good to see some more english community staff. To watch and reply faster to english section etc etc. I've asked for the same. No answer yet.
  21. Cd of it resets everytime they 'forfeit' the duel? lol
  22. How are they exactly abusing the bug again? Curiousity
  23. ^ Tapped that
  24. How will u make your Para be used when your RJW breaks it? UNLESS the enemy is retarded enough to run away from his paralysised partner..
  25. Ofc. Who uses RJW in arena ? Wouldn't make sense. Your para will be useless..
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