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Everything posted by Nemifest

  1. Smell salt agian
  2. Docetonn Fun. Idk the other's .. Prote or smth
  3. YES! i thought i was the only one, was waiting for someone to write it.. so i would know im not the only one.
  4. http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1031197-4-3-Alt-code-characters-no-longer-allowed-in-names It's not allowed in US... It's allowed in EU.
  5. They did implement the gear in 10x for some time, then they removed it. The npc is here, but window doesn't show up.
  6. True.
  7. Blinding Light is the most annoying one, should be fixed asap.
  8. Borats, why do you interfere other's threads then? Im curious. I don't really care if you think that im a GM or Mod, i have free will to comment on your threads. :D You can easily just report me if you want to, i don't mind m8.
  9. Human Male without Clothes on between legs: http://i.imgur.com/QH4CQud.jpg http://i.imgur.com/LqkCalE.jpg Some more picture's will be added, if curiousity is op. http://i.imgur.com/iEYTuPc.jpg
  10. Bugged as hell. Many reports have been made from this. Just wait till fixes as admins say.
  11. LOL, you never heared of Zeepeyes, Snodz, Talbadar and other famous guys??? you're the that lives under a rock. Nearly every high rated or such shaman's know those guys, because people want to see how they get their survivability etc is, and prove that it's better than castsequence macro etc etc like your's, all you're talking about is BG. If i want to survive your burst, ok lets say, im a WW monk against you, most likely if you burst me, i obviously para or karma you, so all your burst and etc is pretty much useless, then i'd kite you. Or let's say im a Rogue. Blind, vanish. Or let's say im a Hunter, SS Ftrap, if you trinket it. Disengage then Det. Or let's say im a Mage, Silence and go for sheep. If unavailable, then block. Or let's say im a Warlock, Shadowfury. Fear, if you totem the fear, silence Or let's say im a Enhancement shaman, jk. You're most likely already dead against him. Every classes burst can be prevented/resisted. Really easily if you time it right. Go and look at some guides about Ele shamans, and see if they use Castsequence on totem or LB etc. All you're showing is that you're good 'strategized' at bg, but not World PvP or 1v1 and obviously arena. I would like to see you 2v2 with the guide of yours, and see how your tactics is, then i can show you, how my tactic is. I want to see if you can prove me and all those people that are using the original ele shaman way, instead of spamming one buttom. The way of your guide is just for REALLY BEGINNER'S or for clickers. You need to use your totem wisely and time it right, if you want to win. ( im talking about 1v1/WorldPvP/Arena) And not spam one buttom. You juke them / force them to pop their trinket, for example. You cap-stunned, they trinket. Then you instant hex, to heal you up or smth like that. You don't use Castsequence for rotation. Such as your 'burst' macro *#showtooltip /castsequence reset=30 Ascendance, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst, Lava Burst* That's one of the most ridiculous macro's i've ever seen, you just can't pop Ascen and then spam lava burst ? instead of that dumb macro. Otherwise your burst will most likely get cc'ed or smth like that, and as i've realized and seen at other ele shamans, you don't have to pop your burst, only in enha. Since ele is 4-5 rotation buttom playstyle- Healing Surge, Lightning bolt, Lava burst, Flame Shock and Earth Shock/Frost, if no totems is useful at the situation. As i said earlier, try to watch some guide's and see if they have castsequence macro such like your's. And prove me, storm,krizp and all other normal non clicker shamans wrong.
  12. Who care how long you've played wow, What matters if that you could ignore him instead of getting to butthurt Situations.
  13. I didn't mention anything about insulting everyone, im just saying that there's a ignore buttom. If you didn't know.
  14. Ignore buttom has been removed from your friend list ?
  15. It's a bug. Admins probably haven't reconized it.
  16. Finally. 2 days!
  17. Character sold
  18. He said Wtb, not WTS. LOL
  19. If you didn't know, admins can check sell/buy char log. And on what account.
  20. Why don't you just stop? You will already get a ban/mute... As long as you keep this up, you will get higher punishment for spam and fake evidence
  21. Same with everyone, people have addons for that.
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