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Everything posted by Nemifest

  1. Thought u were playing on 100x ^_^
  2. Name of the violator: Смаук Realm, where you saw the violation: 10x Description of the violation: He was following me and auto attacking me, pretty much nearly killed me #butthurt Proof: screenshots or video: http://i.imgur.com/8C6G1BE.jpg http://i.imgur.com/dMhmu4H.jpg http://i.imgur.com/QDfme1U.jpg
  3. Wtf u ppl still butthurted about rating..
  4. http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=112947/assurance-of-consequence&bonus=0 http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=112947/assurance-of-consequence&bonus=450 http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=112947/assurance-of-consequence&bonus=449 http://www.db.pandawow.me?item=112947/assurance-of-consequence&bonus=451
  5. Nemifest

    Rallying Cry

    You only lose the increased maximum hp.. not the current hp you're at. Pretty much gives the warrior a little hp 'save' boost..
  6. I bet when they get to r1, they stop doing arena. To not lose rating.
  7. rip frank, russian confirmed.
  8. Im going there for 3's and 5's. To see if it's better than 10x's arena..
  9. Redownload your WTF file. Try that :3
  10. As the title said, Elemental is a must with all the Gems+Reforge for elemental. And alliance, Recommend to be a dwarf, if the character is 500+ bonuses, it'll take abit time so i can buy him. Pm me if you wanna sell smth
  11. Dude, whatever rep says, it's all true. And what he says, must be done. So stop being butthurt and enjoy the punishment 'disconnecting kid'
  12. Just please... PLEASE ban this faggot, look at all those people wanting this scrub to be banned. For abusing powers. Just ban him for god sake.
  13. Would be suupppeeeeerrrrrrrrrr awesome! http://i.imgur.com/DWf5rb5.gif
  14. Mhmmm
  15. Trying it ingame feels better,
  16. Picture not available, though. Try uploading in imgur or smth ._.
  17. Being all naked tmog in arena and bg's makes you feel like you're special, because they pay more attention to low geared player looking.. :D So just tmog to really crappy gear or naked gear. Then feel like you're legend or something like that :D Anyway, i comepletely agree with everyone saying that tmog doesn't change gameplay, like, it's only your Display, not stat or anything else. As long as they think tmog change's gameplay, that's when they're getting trolled or such..
  18. Human Female without Clothes on between legs: http://i.imgur.com/jb9VLLU.jpg http://i.imgur.com/CPHDepm.jpg -Had to do Female on fun because i had no female characters who had the item type to do it on. Some more picture's will be added, if curiousity is op. http://i.imgur.com/iEYTuPc.jpg
  19. Shadow blades give u more combo points, and what do u use your combo points on? Your special abilities= More dmg. Logic??
  20. Had a thought, why Karma is such a fast cd. Only 1.5m WOW! lol
  21. Nope, all the sensitive salt is from you m8
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